Utilization Summary Overview

Utilization summary records are related records on the utilization calculation record. Utilization summary records are created on the Utilization Summary object when your administrator has configured PSA to calculate capacity by resource role.

Utilization Summary records are based on a resource role and a utilization calculation type. For example, a Trainer and Last Week. Utilization Summary records are created for each resource role where data for the role is included in the utilization calculation. Resource roles are retrieved from the Contact [Resource] object with the exception of unheld resource requests when there is not a resource. In this exception, resource roles are retrieved from the Resource Request object.

Utilization summary records are not created for selected resource roles. However, these roles are still included when generating details for normal utilization metrics.

From a utilization calculation record's Utilization Summary related list, or the Utilization Summary page, you can click a utilization summary record to view its details. The details include various actual, held, unheld, and assigned hours. For more information about the fields available in a utilization summary record, see Utilization Summary fields. The names of utilization summary records are automatically generated for utilization summary records.