Sending Expenses and Expense Reports from Concur to PSA

If you are using multiple currencies, you must ensure that your Concur user has the same currency as the PSA resource you select when creating expenses and expense reports.

Exchange rates in Concur are used to calculate the reimbursement amount on expenses and expense reports that are sent to PSA. If your PSA project has a different currency assigned, then the exchange rates configured in your org are used to calculate the total billing and non-billing amounts for the project.

You can add a mapping on the expense report to synchronize the currency of expenses between Concur and PSA. For example, if expenses in Euros are added to a US Dollar expense report in Concur, use the Expense Report Currency Code and Posted Amount mappings in the Concur to PSA field mappings to convert the currency to US Dollars and match the expense report currency in Concur when synchronized to PSA.

Depending on how you set up the Concur Filter By Billable Expenses Field and the Approval Status fields in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings tab, the eligible expenses, and expense reports are automatically sent from Concur to PSA. By default, all expense reports that are in "Approved" status and have expenses with a PSA project, resource, and assignment (where applicable) selected are sent to PSA. For more information on customizing this, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Custom Settings.


For expense reports to be created in PSA, the Automated Process user and resource who authenticates to the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector must have the Expense Entry and Expense Ops Edit permissions for the projects and resources the expense reports are created against. This must be granted via permission controls. For more information on permission controls, see Permission Controls.

When a Concur expense report is synced to PSA, it is created in PSA with the status defined in the Expense Report Status Mapping field. If expense reports are created in the "Submitted" status, they have the Submitted field selected in PSA. Expense reports created in the "Approved" status have both the Submitted and Approved fields selected. In this case, expense reports also have the Include In Financials field selected in PSA. Underlying expenses in PSA inherit the values of the Status, Submitted, Approved, and Include In Financials fields from the parent expense report.


If the expense reports are already in "Approved," "Submitted," or "Include in Financials" statuses, then the expense reports cannot be edited in Concur and synchronized. It will be skipped in this case when it is synchronized from Concur.

Expense reports have the Billable field selected in PSA if the linked assignment or project has their Billable field selected. When an expense is created in Concur with the Is Billable? field set to a specific value, for example, "Yes" or "Billable", the expense is created in PSA with the following:

  • Billable field is selected.
  • Billable Amount field is populated with the value from Concur.

However, if there are any non-billable expenses from Concur that already exist in PSA and have been synchronized before selecting the Billable Expenses Only checkbox, then these non-billable expenses in PSA will not be updated, even if the corresponding expenses are modified in Concur.

If an expense has the Personal Expense (do not reimburse) field selected in Concur, the expense is created in PSA with the following:

  • Reimbursement Amount is set to 0.
  • Non-Reimbursable field is selected.
  • If an error occurs when synchronizing expense reports with expenses from Concur to PSA, an error email notification is sent to the system default email address. Foundations messages are also created with the publisher name PSA Direct for Concur Expense/Hierarchy. For more information, see Viewing PSA Direct for Concur Expense Error Messages.
  • An email notification is also sent if an expense report containing errors is submitted for approval in Concur (if it is moved to the "Submitted & Pending Approval" status). That way, you can alert the submitter to correct the errors before the expense report is approved and eligible for sending to PSA.

Managing Expense Reports and Expenses within Expense Line Mode

If the Generate Reports from Expense Lines checkbox is enabled in the Certinia Help custom setting, then you can edit the PSA project, resource, or assignment (if applicable) on expense lines in Concur to generate a new associated PSA expense report to which Concur expense lines are assigned.

If you create a single expense report in Concur with multiple expenses associated with different resources, assignments, or projects, then PSA automatically creates a separate expense report for each resource, project, and assignment group. Any updates or changes made to resources, assignments, or projects will be reflected in the expense report.

The generated expense reports will be automatically deleted from PSA if the last related expense line is deleted from the expense report within Concur or an amendment is made to the last expense line with the specific PSA project, resource, or assignment (if applicable). For more information, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Custom Settings.

Note: Multiple expense reports with the same name are numbered to differentiate between them in multi-report mode.