Using the Related Lists Component

Related Lists is one of the components available from the palette on a related content pane. This component enables you to inquire on related lists held on the Salesforce platform.

When you configure this component:

  1. Enter a Label name.
  2. Select a related list from the picklist. Available fields are shown.
  3. Select fields to display.
  4. Select a sort field from the list.
  5. Select sort direction, either "Ascending" or "Descending".
  6. Click Apply to keep your edits.
  7. [Optional] In the fields, to enable you to access the Salesforce view, you can add a link to lookup data, such as Name or CreatedByID.
  8. [Optional] To display standard Salesforce buttons and custom buttons, make sure that they appear on your page layout. For example, you can enable Edit, Delete, and Clone options in the Action column of a list.
  9. [Optional] In your list view, click New to take you to a new invoice line item. If you click Clone, the parent information is given because the clone is assumed to be a child.