Deprecated Elements

Here you can find a summary of the elements deprecated in Accounting and its extensions packages over time.

Unless these elements contain data that your org relies on, we recommend that you do the following:

  • In the case of deprecated elements, remove them from your layouts or restrict their access.
  • In the case of removed elements, remove them from your org.

Any custom code or programs still referencing or using the deprecated elements will continue to work until they have been fully removed from the applicable Certinia packages.

If you have not already investigated alternative solutions, contact Certinia Customer Support .



Objects Deprecated in Accounting
Object Name Deprecated Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Business Activity Statement


Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Business Activity Statement ffvat__BusinessActivityStatement__c New Features and Enhancements in Tax Reporting Winter 2024


Fields Deprecated in Accounting
Field Label Deprecated Field API Name Related Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Billing Document c2g__AutoCreateSalesInvoiceOrCreditNote__c fferpcore__BillingDocument__c Summer 2023   c2g__AutoCreateSalesDocument__c N/A  
Large Journal c2g__LargeTransaction__c c2g__codaJournal__c Fall 2021   You can now process large journals without selecting the Large Journal checkbox. N/A  

Custom Settings

Custom Settings Deprecated in Accounting
Custom Setting Label Deprecated Custom Setting API Name Deprecated Object Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Large Document Custom Settings c2g__LargeDocumentProcessingSettings__c LargeDocumentProcessingSettings Fall 2021   N/A   Large Document Custom Settings

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Deprecated in Accounting
Field Label Deprecated Field API Name Related Custom Setting Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Allow Large Journals c2g__AllowLargeJournals__c Large Document Custom Settings Fall 2021   N/A N/A Large Document Custom Settings
Synchronous Journal Line Limit c2g__MaximumSynchronousJournalLines__c Large Document Custom Settings Fall 2021   N/A N/A Large Document Custom Settings


Tabs Deprecated in Accounting
Tab Label Deprecated Tab API Name Page Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Tab API Name Further Information
Cash Matching Lightning c2g.CashMatchingLightning Cash Matching Lightning Page Winter 2023 Spring 2024 or later Cash Matching c2g.CashMatching Cash Matching Home

Visualforce Actions

Visualforce Actions Deprecated in Accounting
Action Name Object Label Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By Further Information
Calculate Tax Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Calculate Tax Payable Invoice Fields
Place on Hold Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Place on Hold Payable Invoice Fields
Post Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Post Payable Invoice Fields
Background Post Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Run Background Post Payable Invoice Fields
Release for Payment Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Release for Payment Payable Invoice Fields
Background Post Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Run Background Post Sales Credit Note Fields
Calculate Tax Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Calculate Tax Sales Credit Note Fields
Post Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Post Sales Credit Note Fields
Place on Hold Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Place on Hold Sales Invoice Fields
Post Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Post Sales Invoice Fields
Background Post Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Run Background Post Sales Invoice Fields
Calculate Tax Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Calculate Tax Sales Invoice Fields
Release for Collection Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Release for Collection Sales Invoice Fields
Create Payable Invoice Scanned Payable Document Winter 2024 Winter 2024 or later N/A Scanned Payable Document Fields

Visualforce Pages

Visualforce Pages Deprecated in Accounting
Page Name Object Label Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By Further Information
Background Post Payable Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Credit Note Fields
Calculate Tax Payable Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Credit Note Fields
Post Payable Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Credit Note Fields
Calculate Tax Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Invoice Fields
Cash Matching   Winter 2023   Cash Matching (Lightning Page)  
Post Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Invoice Fields
Background Post Payable Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Payable Invoice Fields
Background Post Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Credit Note Fields
Calculate Tax Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Credit Note Fields
Post Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Credit Note Fields
Post Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Invoice Fields
Background Post Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Invoice Fields
Calculate Tax Sales Invoice Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later   Sales Invoice Fields
Scanned Payable Document Scanned Payable Document Winter 2024 Winter 2024 or later N/A Scanned Payable Document Fields


Buttons Deprecated in Accounting
Button Name Deprecated Button API Name Related Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Cancel Large Journal   c2g__codaJournal__c Summer 2022   Cancel Journal quick action    
Discard Large Journal   c2g__codaJournal__c Summer 2022   Discard quick action    
Reverse Large Journal   c2g__codaJournal__c Summer 2022   Reverse quick action    

Cash Entry Extension

Deprecated UI Extensions
Extensions Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By Further Information
Cash Entry Extension Winter 2024 Summer 2024 or later The related fields from the Certinia Cash Entry Extension package have been moved to the Accounting package.

Setting up Cash Entry Extension

Fields Deprecated in Cash Entry Extension
Field Label Deprecated Field API Name Related Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Derive Account Dimensions ffcash__DeriveAccountDimensions__c c2g__codaCashEntryLineItem__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Bank Account ffcash__DeriveBankAccount__c c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Bank Account Dimensions ffcash__DeriveBankAccountDimensions__c c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Bank Charges Analysis ffcash__DeriveBankChargesAnalysis__c c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Currency ffcash__DeriveCurrency__c c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Line Number ffcash__DeriveLineNumber__c c2g__codaCashEntryLineItem__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Payment Method ffcash__DerivePaymentMethod__c c2g__codaCashEntryLineItem__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension.You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Derive Period ffcash__DerivePeriod__c c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024   Installed by the Cash Entry Extension. You can start using the corresponding field in Accounting. N/A Cash Entry Fields
Page Layouts Deprecated in Cash Entry Extension
Page Layout Label Deprecated Field API Name Related Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information

Cash Entry Layout (ffcash) default

  c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024        
Cash Entry Layout (ffcash)   c2g__codaCashEntry__c Winter 2024        
Cash Entry Line Item Layout (ffcash)   c2g__codaCashEntryLineItem__c Winter 2024        
Cash Entry Line Item Layout (ffcash) default   c2g__codaCashEntryLineItem__c Winter 2024        

Asperato Connector

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Deprecated in Asperato Connector
Field Label Deprecated Field API Name Related Custom Setting Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Prevent Partial Payment   Asperato Settings Summer 2022   We recommend using the Enable partial payments setting of the Asperato ONE settings custom setting when making partial payments.