Protecting Contract Line Fields from Edits When a Contract Is Active

Billing Central maintains an internal list of contract line fields that are locked on active contracts to prevent them from being edited. If you need to edit any of these fields on an active contract line, you must raise a change request.

The fields in this list are:

  • Align For Billing
  • Billing Term
  • Billing Type
  • Canceled
  • Charge Term
  • Discount
  • End Date
  • First Bill Date
  • Pricing Structure
  • Product or Service
  • Quantity
  • Recurring Bill Date
  • Start Date
  • Unit Price

If you have upgraded to this version of Billing Central, some of these fields might be included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set. You can remove them from this field set because the fields are now protected by Billing Central's internal locking.


You can ignore this internal locking by selecting the Ignore Field Locks on Active Contacts field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. If you do this, you must ensure that the fields listed above are included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set to ensure data integrity. Failure to do this might compromise your billing data because users will be able to edit active contracts without going through a change request. If you allow users to do this you must manually rectify any billing schedules, billing documents, and any transactions in your accounting system that are impacted by their edits.

For more information about the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set, see Billing Contract Field Sets.

Fields Locked on Billed Contract Lines

Once a contract line has been billed, Billing Central locks the following fields on change requests to prevent them from being edited. There are no options to ignore or customize this field locking.

  • Bill in Arrears
  • Billing Term
  • Billing Type
  • Charge Term
  • Description
  • Discount
  • First Bill Date
  • Plan Name
  • Pricing Structure
  • Product or Service
  • Quantity
  • Start Date
  • Unit of Measure
  • Unit Price