Using Success Tracker

Success Tracker provides a view of all of a success plan's related objectives, and their associated playbooks and playbook tasks. Enabling you to view information about the progress, status, and relevant resources of the records at a glance. Records are displayed in a scheduler view providing you with a holistic overview of your success plan's related records and their dates.

We recommend that your administrator adds Success Tracker to the account record page. When the tracker is added to the account record page, the success plans associated with the account are at the top of the hierarchy and provide information about the success plans. For more information, see Customer Success Cloud Lightning Components and Success Tracker Lightning Component Fields.


You can right-click a date column header to zoom, specify date ranges, and show current timeline.

You can right-click a grid column header to sort and hide columns.

You can hover over the progress bar to view information about a task's completeness.

You can hover over an objective, playbook, or task in the calendar section to display its dates.

Using Success Tracker

You can change the scheduler view by selecting one of the following: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. To return to today's date, click Today.

To refresh the data displayed in Success Tracker, click Refresh.

To collapse or expand all of the records displayed, click Collapse All or Expand All respectively.

To view information about the records displayed, select the record then click Record Details to open the Record Details panel.

You can use the search bar to search for a specific record. The returned result displays within the context of the hierarchy in Success Tracker.

The Progress column displays a visual of the progress and a percentage. It is determined differently for objectives, playbooks, and playbook tasks. For more information, see Success Tracker Lightning Component Fields.


Your last specified scheduler view is retained using local storage and displays when accessing the component using the same browser, on the same computer.

When viewing an objective or playbook, the Resource cell displays the objective or playbook owner. When viewing a playbook task, the cell displays all resources assigned to the task.

Records with no start and end date display in the list, but don’t display within the scheduler.

For records that have a start date but no end date, the end date defaults to one day after the start date and displays in Success Tracker. Similarly, if the record has an end date but no start date, the start date defaults to one day before the end date and displays in Success Tracker.

When using Success Tracker on a record page and the record you're viewing is directly associated with a success plan, parent and child tasks that are associated with the record display in Success Tracker.

When using Success Tracker on an account page, the success plans associated with the account you are viewing display in addition to their objectives, playbooks, and playbook tasks. Any playbooks and playbook tasks directly associated with the account display in the tracker.

When using Success Tracker on an account page, the success plan's end date in the scheduler is determined by the latest date of any of its child records.

When a success plan is directly associated with a playbook or a playbook task, the record displays directly below the success plan in the hierarchy.

Viewing and Editing Records

Record Details Panel

The Record Details panel enables you to view relevant information to your selected record, such as:

  • Any relevant record details, which differs depending on the record you are viewing. For example, you can view the account and next business review date associated with a success plan.
  • The relevant description or summary associated with the record.
  • A list of all associated records, such as playbooks and playbook tasks.
  • The number of completed tasks across all related records in a progress bar.
  • Notes on the task.

The record details panel enables you to edit some information on your selected record, such as:

  • Mark tasks associated with records as complete from the objective, playbook, and playbook task level.
  • Add notes to a task.

To mark tasks as complete, select a record and click Record Details. Then, select the tasks you want to mark as complete.

To enter notes on a task, select a task and click Record Details. Then, enter your notes in the Notes field.


Notes automatically save when you navigate away from the field.