Upgrading to Financial Analytics Winter 2024

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Winter 2024.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Winter 2024, see New Features and Enhancements in Financial Analytics Winter 2024.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your Financial Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

More Custom Fields for Financial Analytics Apps and New Fields for Financial Analytics Datasets

Financial Analytics Configuration Wizard

Upgrade Steps


When you upgrade your app, the custom fields selected for questions 4a and 4b prior to the upgrade are not displayed. However, they are retrieved in the background. Adding any custom fields that you had selected before the upgrade does not have any impact as the fields are already taken into account. If you reconfigure your app after upgrading, all the custom fields, added before or during the upgrade process, are displayed.

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

[Optional] While upgrading your app, enter any additional fields that you want to add in questions 4a and 4b.

See the Salesforce Help.

Financial Analytics Datasets

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024. The new features are automatically available when you upgrade your Financial Analytics app.

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Field Added to the Financial Accounts Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Dimensions Parent Account Name ParentAccountName The name of the parent account.
Fields Added to the Financial Balances Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Dimensions Account Owner Name AccountOwnerName The name of the user assigned as the owner of an account.
Parent Account ID ParentAccountID The ID of the parent account record.
Parent Account Name ParentAccountName The name of the parent account.
Fields Added to the Financial Transactions Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Measure Days between Period Close and Transaction Date DaysBetweenPeriodCloseTransactionDate The number of days between the period end date and the transaction date.
Period Close Group Number PeriodCloseGroupNumber

The number of the group the transaction belongs to. Calculated from the resulting value of Days between Period Close and Transaction Date as follows:

  • If the value is 5 or less, the value is 0.
  • If the value is 32 or more, the value is 32.
  • If the value is between 6 and 31 (both included), this value is directly displayed.

Days between Period Close and Transaction Date = 17

Period Close Group Name = 17

Dimensions Account Owner Name AccountOwnerName The name of the user assigned as the owner of an account.
Parent Account ID ParentAccountID The identification number of the parent account record.
Parent Account Name ParentAccountName The name of the parent account.
Period Close Group Name PeriodCloseGroupName

The name of the group the transaction belongs to. Calculated from the resulting value of Days between Period Close and Transaction Date as follows:

  • If the value is 5 or less, the value is 05 Days or Less.
  • If the value is 32 or more, the value is 32 Days or More.
  • If the value is between 6 and 31 (both inclusive), the value is XX Days.

Days between Period Close and Transaction Date = 7

Period Close Group Name = 07 Days

Certinia Help Is Now Available from help.certinia.com

No additional steps are required to upgrade this feature. The Help links in dashboards are automatically updated when you upgrade your Financial Analytics app.

For more information, see Certinia Help URL.