Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Winter 2024.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Winter 2024, see New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your PS Cloud Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

For ease of navigation, the upgrade procedures are presented separately for PS Cloud Core Analytics and PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics

To upgrade to the new features for PS Cloud Core Analytics, see the below topics.

Enhancements to Services Performance Analytics Data and Dashboards

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Filter View Options
Filter View Options Added to the PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard in Winter 2024
Element Name Filter View Options Further Information
Revenue Variance Bar Chart Project Top 5 Ascending, Top 5 Descending, Top 10 Absolute PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard
Details List Zero Value Records Shown, Hidden (default)
Configuration Pages
Configuration Pages Added to the PSA Project Burnup Dashboard in Winter 2024
Page Name Description Further Information
PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Configuration Page Choose whether the current month is displayed as actuals or scheduled data in the Project Trend Prediction chart. Using the PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Configuration Page
Fields Added to the Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields in Winter 2024

Field Name


Further Information

Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate

Project Reporting

Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields

Assignment Created Date

Days To Staff

Project Margin (%)

Project Owner ID

Project Owner Name

Resource Request Created Date

Utilization Analytics (Embedded) Improvements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

Permission sets
Permission Sets added in Winter 2024
Permission Set Description Further Information

PS Cloud AnalyticsIntegration User Read Access

Added Read permission for the following new fields on the Utilization Run object:

  • Utilization Run object permission
  • Threshold Value 1
  • Threshold Value 2  
  • Threshold Value 3  
  • Threshold Value 4  
  • Threshold Value 5  
  • Threshold Value 6

Added Read permission for the following new fields on the Utilization Results object:

  • Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 1  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 1  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 2  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 2  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 3  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 3  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 4  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 4  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 5 
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 5 
  • Hours at Threshold Value 6 
  •  Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 6
  • Last Updated Run

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Upgrading to PS Cloud Advanced Analytics

To upgrade to the new features for PS Cloud Advanced Analytics, see the below topics.

Enhancements to Services Performance Analytics Dashboards

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Update your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app

Updating your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics App

Included in this Feature

Filter View Options
Filter View Options Added to the PSA Revenue Forecast Summary Dashboard in Winter 2024
Element Name Filter View Options Further Information
Revenue Variance Bar Chart Project Top 5 Ascending, Top 5 Descending, Top 10 Absolute PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard
Details List Zero Value Records Shown, Hidden (default)
Configuration Pages
Configuration Pages Added to the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard in Winter 2024
Page Name Description Further Information
PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Configuration Page Choose whether the current month is displayed as actuals or scheduled data in the Project Trend Prediction chart. Using the PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Configuration Page
PSA Project Burnup Plus (Embedded) Configuration Page PSA Project Burnup Plus (Embedded) Dashboard

Einstein Discovery Prediction Models for Project Managers

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Update your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app

Updating your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics App

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Datasets added in Winter 2024
Dataset Further Information
Project Margin Project Margin Dataset PS Cloud AI Analytics Input Fields
Days to Staff Days to Staff Dataset PS Cloud AI Analytics Input Fields
Models added in Winter 2024
Model Description Further Information
Project Margin % Predictor (beta)

Enables you to predict the Project Margin (%) field based on historical performance and determines which factors are influential in maximizing a project's margin.

Training Project Margin % Predictor (beta) Models
Days to Staff Predictor (beta)

Enables you to minimize the Days to Staff field from the Days to Staff dataset. Days to staff is the number of days it takes to staff resource requests on projects based on historical data in your org. The Days to Staff Predictor (beta) model analyzes the different data related to this metric in your Days to Staff dataset and highlights the factors that influence it.

Training Days to Staff Predictor (beta) Models
Assets added in Winter 2024
Asset Description Further Information
PSA Staffing Risk Predictor (beta)dashboard Provides visualization of the difference in days between the scheduled work start date of a resource request and the date on which it's predicted that the resource request will be staffed to make project managers aware of any resource requests that are unlikely to be staffed before the date that work is scheduled to start. PSA Staffing Risk Predictor (beta) Dashboard
PSA Project Margin % Predictor (beta) dashboard Provides visualization of the predicted final margin percentage on projects to make project managers aware of any potential risk to planned project margin percentage based on historical performance. PSA Project Margin % Predictor (beta) Dashboard

Certinia Help Is Now Available from help.certinia.com

No additional steps are required to upgrade this feature. The Help links in dashboards are automatically updated when you upgrade your PS Cloud Analytics app.

For more information, see Certinia Help URL.