New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024

The following new features have been introduced in the Winter 2024 release of PS Cloud Analytics.

For ease of navigation, new features and enhancements are presented separately for PS Cloud Core Analytics and PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics

The following new features have been introduced in the Winter 2024 release of PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Enhancements to Services Performance Analytics Data and Dashboards

We have added usability improvements to the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard and PSA Project Burnup dashboard as follows:

PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard Enhancements

We have added new options to the filters in the revenue variance bar chart, which enable you to view the top 5 ascending, top 5 descending, or top 10 absolute variances in revenue by project, opportunity, milestone, or account.

We also added a new filter to the Details view, which enables you to show or hide any projects, opportunities, or milestones in the Details list that have zero values in the forecast version and forecast version to compare.

For more information, see PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard.

PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Enhancements

We have added a configuration page that enables you to choose whether the current month is displayed as scheduled or actual data in the Project Trend Prediction chart. For more information, see Using the PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Configuration Page.

Dataset Enhancements

We have added new fields to the Project Reporting dataset, including a field that enables you to view days to staff calculations. For more information, see Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Utilization Analytics Improvements

We have improved Utilization Analytics by including few Utilization Results fields to the Utilization Results dataset. This will enable you to get a more customized Utilization Analytics analysis using these fields in the Utilization Analytics dashboard.

Dataset Enhancements

In this release, we have made several enhancements to the following:

Utilization Results Dataset

The following fields have been added to the Utilization Results Output Dataset:

Measures Type Fields

  • Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours
  • Hours at Threshold Value 1
  • Hours at Threshold Value 2
  • Hours at Threshold Value 3
  • Hours at Threshold Value 4
  • Hours at Threshold Value 5
  • Hours at Threshold Value 6
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 1
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 2
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 3
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 4
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 5
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 6

Dimension Type Field

Last Updated Run

Enhancements in PS Cloud Advanced Analytics

The following new features have been introduced in the Winter 2024 release of PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

Enhancements to Services Performance Analytics Data and Dashboards

We have added usability improvements to the PSA Revenue Forecast Summary dashboard and PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard as follows:

PSA Revenue Forecast Summary Dashboard Enhancements

We have added new options to the filters in the revenue variance bar chart, which enable you to view the top 5 ascending, top 5 descending, or top 10 absolute variances in revenue by project, opportunity, milestone, or account.

We also added a new filter to the Details view, which enables you to show or hide any projects, opportunities, milestones, or accounts in the Details list that have zero values in the forecast version and forecast version to compare.

For more information, see PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard.

PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Enhancements

We have added a configuration page that enables you to choose whether the current month is displayed as scheduled or actual data in the Project Trend Prediction chart. For more information, see Using the PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Configuration Page.

Einstein Discovery Prediction Models for Project Managers

Project Margin % Predictor (beta) Model and Days to Staff Predictor (beta) Model

We have added two new Einstein Discovery models to PS Cloud Advanced Analytics. Each model has its own supporting dataset as follows:

  • Project Margin % Predictor (beta) model, which alerts project managers to potential risk to planned margin % based on historical performance. This model is supported by the Project Margin dataset.
  • Days to Staff Predictor (beta) model, which alerts project managers and resource managers to resource requests that are unlikely to be staffed in time for the planned assignment start date. This model is supported by the Days to Staff dataset.

For more information on PS Cloud AI Analytics, see PS Cloud AI Analytics OverviewProject Margin Dataset PS Cloud AI Analytics Input Fields

PSA Project Margin % Predictor (beta) Dashboard

We have introduced the PSA Project Margin % Predictor (beta) dashboard, which provides visualization of the predicted final margin percentage on projects. The dashboard is designed to make project managers aware of any potential risk to planned project margin percentage based on historical performance and shows actionable insights into mitigating risk and optimizing margin percentage value.

For more information, see PSA Project Margin % Predictor (beta) Dashboard.

PSA Staffing Risk Predictor (beta) Dashboard

We have introduced the PSA Staffing Risk Predictor (beta) dashboard, which provides visualization of the difference in days between the scheduled work start date of a resource request and the date on which it's predicted that the resource request will be staffed. The dashboard is designed to make project managers aware of any resource requests that are unlikely to be staffed before the date that work is scheduled to start so that they can prioritize the staffing of these resource requests or change the project plan to accommodate more realistic predicted lead times for staffing.

For more information, see PSA Staffing Risk Predictor (beta) Dashboard.

Certinia Help Is Now Available from

You can now access the Certinia Help and Technical Reference from

We have updated all the Help links included in PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024. For more information, see Certinia Help URL.