Requisition Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Requisition object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only Cl – Classic Edition only; L – Lightning Experience only

For more information on customizing fields that appear in the requisition line grid, see Requisition Line Item Field Sets.

Field Name   Description
Approval Status R Indicates the approval state of the requisition. This can be New, Submitted for Approval, Approved, Rejected or Recalled. Your administrator might have created an approval process for requisitions on your organization.
Buyer   Lookup to the Salesforce user who is to be the buyer for the items on the requisition. You can also enter a buyer on each requisition line item. See Buyer.
Drop ShipClosed A retail supply chain management technique where the seller does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer.   Indicates whether the items on the requisition are to be drop shipped.
Drop Ship Name   Name of the person to which the items are to be drop shipped.
Drop Ship Line 1   Address to which items are to be drop shipped.
Drop Ship Line 2  
Drop Ship City  
Drop Ship Country  
Drop Ship State / Province  
Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code  
Follow with Chatter   Indicates whether you receive process updates from ChatterClosed Salesforce Chatter. See the Salesforce Help for further information.
Instructions to Supplier   Contains instructions to be given to the supplier when the items are procured.
Lines Cancelled   Number of production order lines on the requisition that have been cancelled.
Lines Closed   Number of lines that have been approved or rejected and are now closed.
Number of Lines   Number of lines on the requisition.
Override Ship to Address   Lookup to the address associated with the sales order if there is one. If the requisition is for items to be drop shipped and has a sales order associated with it, the address is taken from that sales order, otherwise the address is taken from the customer record.
Ownership   Lookup to the ownership code record to be associated with this requisition.
Procured for   Lookup to the account for which the items on the requisition are being procured.
Requestor Department   Department requesting the items on the requisition.
Requestor Notes to Buyer   Notes from the person requesting the items to the person who is to buy the items.
Requisition Name   Optional name for the requisition.
Ship to Warehouse   Warehouse to which goods are to be shipped.
Status   Indicates the status of the requisition. If the requisition is yet to be approved or rejected its status is Open, otherwise its status is Closed.
Supplier Site   Lookup to the site from which the items are to be supplied.

Requisition Line Item Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the requisition line item object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only Cl – Classic Edition only; L – Lightning Experience only.

For more information on customizing fields that appear in the requisition line grid, see Requisition Line Item Field Sets.

Field Name   Description
Production Order Line   Production order line that this requisition line was generated from.
Budget   Budget available to the person responsible for buying the item when it becomes a purchase order line.
Buyer Cl, L

Lookup to the Salesforce user who is to be the buyer for the item.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page. When you create a record, this field is populated with a default value if available in the Header. This field must have a value if you want to create a purchase order line from the requisition line item.

Category *

The category of the goods or services being requested. This field is used for category requisition line items. The category corresponds to a product group that has been set as a category. This field is mandatory for requisition lines of type Category.

Charge Number   Authorized charge number to be used for this purchase.
Condition   Condition of the item. This is a lookup to the condition code of the item to be purchased.
Description Cl, L

Description of the item to be acquired. This field is available for capital equipment, description, and contractor line items.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.

DPASClosed Defense Priorities and Allocations System Rating   Defense Priorities and Allocations System Rating for government contract .
Drop ShipClosed A retail supply chain management technique where the seller does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer.   Indicates whether the item is to be drop shipped.
Drop Ship Line 1   Address to which the item is to be drop shipped.
Drop Ship Line 2  
Drop Ship City  
Drop Ship Country  
Drop Ship State / Province  
Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code  
Government Contract Number   Government contract number to which this requisition relates.
Item Description   Description of the item in the item master record.
Item Description - New   Description of the item to be procured. You can enter the description of the item in this field if there is no item master for the item.
Item Master Cl, L

Lookup to the item master record to which this requisition line item applies.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.

Item Number - New   Name of the item to be procured. You can enter the name of the item in this field if there is no item master for the item to be procured.
Line Status Cl, L Status of the requisition line item. This can be:
  • Open
  • Submitted for Approval
  • Approved
  • Revised
  • Place on a Sourcing Request Line
  • Placed on a Purchase Order
  • Placed on a Purchase Agreement
  • Cancelled
  • Disapproved.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.

Line Type/Record Type Cl, L Type of requisition line. This is the type that was selected when the requisition line item was created. This can be one of the following:
  • Blanket Order
  • Capital Equipment
  • Category
  • Contractor
  • Description
  • Item
  • Logistics
  • Miscellaneous Charge
  • On-Site Service
  • Service

For more information about requisition line types, see Requisitions

This field is available as Record Type on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.

Providing Supplier   Contains the supplier that was awarded the purchase order.
Purchase Agreement Line   The purchase agreement line that relates to the requisition line item.
Quantity Cl, L

Number of units to be procured.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.

Requested Date   Date on which the item is to be delivered.
Requisition   Parent requisition to which this requisition line item relates.
Sales Order Association   Lookup to the sales order associated with this requisition line item if there is one.
Service Being Requested   Description of the service to be procured.
Ship to Warehouse Cl, L

Warehouse to which the item is to be delivered. This overrides the Ship to Warehouse field on the parent requisition.

This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page. When you create a record, this field is populated with a default value if available in the Header.

Sourcing Request Line   Lookup to the sourcing request line record that contains the details to be sent to the supplier for the item.
Status Change Date Cl, L Last date on which the status of this requisition line item changed. This field is also available on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.
Suggested Supplier   Optional field where you can enter a suggested supplier for the item to be procured.
Supplier Catalogue Item   Lookup to a supplier catalogue item. You can select a specific item from a supplier catalogue if required.
Supplier Promise Date   Date on which the supplier has promised to provide the item.
Taxable?   Indicates whether taxes are applicable to this requisition.


Here is a description of the buttons available on the Requisition Lightning Experience page.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

Button   Description
Edit   Prepares the "In Progress" document for editing.
Create Purchase Order  

Creates a purchase order based on the requisition. This button is available only if the OIM - Initiate Acquisitions permission set and the Process_Purchase_Orders_and_Lines custom permission are assigned to your User group.

For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Note: You cannot create a purchased order for a requisition that is Cancelled or Closed.

When creating a Purchase order from requisition lines, if there are unsaved changes, an Unsaved Changes dialog box appears. You can click one of the following:

  • Continue Editing. Allows you to continue editing.
  • Discard and Create. Discards the line changes and creates a new purchase order.
  • Save and Create. Saves the line changes and creates a purchase order.
Cancel Requisition  

Cancels the requisition.

Note: You cannot cancel a requisition with closed line items.
Clone   Clones a requisition and creates a new requisition.
Create Purchase Agreement L Creates a purchase agreement from the requisition. For more information, see Creating a Purchase Agreement from a Requisition.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

Button   Description
Search the grid L Enter a few letters or words to search in the grid records. The search option is available only on the Requisition Line Items Lightning Experience page.
L Clones the selected line.
L Deletes the selected line.
Save L Saves the lines.
Cancel L When you click Cancel you will be prompted to either continue editing or discard changes. Click Discard to cancel the unsaved changes.