Setting up Assignments
In PSA you can change the resources that are listed when assigning resources to a project. To do this, you must override the default assignment settings for the user or group of users that you want to change the settings for:
- From Setup, click Develop | Custom Settings | Assignment Settings.
- Click Manage.
- Click New.
- In the Location field, enter a profile or user to apply the change to.
- Select the AssigRes Is Resource Lookup Filter checkbox.
- If you want the list of resources to exclude inactive resources, select the AssigRes IsResource Active Lookup Filter checkbox.
- If you want to change the columns that appear on the resource lookup, edit the Assign Resource Custom Lookup Columns field. This must be a comma separated list of the field API names.
- If you want to customize the behavior of the Milestone lookup, edit these custom fields:
- Assign Resource Milestone Lookup
- Assign Resource Milestone Required
- Assign Resource Milestone Lookup Columns
- Click Save.