Revenue Forecast Preview Fields

This topic describes the buttons and fields for the Revenue Forecast Preview Lightning action on the PSA Administration page.


Revenue Forecast Preview Buttons
Button Description
Reload button Reloads the Revenue Forecast Preview. This is useful if records are added or changed after you loaded the preview, or if you have made a change on a different tab.


The following field is displayed above the Preview grid.

Field Displayed Above Preview Grid
Field Description
Project The project whose revenue forecast data you want to preview.

The following fields are displayed in the Preview grid.

Preview Grid Fields
Field Description
Currency The currency set on the record. This is usually the project currency.
Object The object that is associated with this record, for example Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment.
Recognition Method The recognition method set on this record for Revenue Forecasting.
Record Name The name of the record that will be included in the revenue forecast. To view the contents of a record, click the record name.