Revenue Forecast Batch Status Fields

The Revenue Forecast Batch Status object includes the following fields

Revenue Forecast Batch Status Fields
Field Description
Opportunity Lookup to the opportunity this batch status record relates to.
Record ID Salesforce record ID of the record this batch status record relates to.
Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending Indicates when the related record is queued ready for revenue forecast processing. This is a system controlled field.
Revenue Forecast Last Updated Date and time when this revenue forecast was last updated.
Revenue Forecast Processing Status The processing status of this revenue forecast: "Pending", "Processing", "Error" or "Complete". Refresh your browser to ensure the processing status is up to date. If the process completes with errors, an error log is available from the Revenue Forecast Batch Logs related list.

In some circumstances, a revenue forecast batch job can fail to complete successfully and not report the error. This might happen if, for example, you abort a batch job that is in progress. If this happens and you want to run the job again, you must first check that the process has definitely failed. If it has, delete the relevant revenue forecast batch lock record before running the job again.