Resource Request Lightning Page and Component Permissions

These permissions are for the Resource Request Lightning page and its components.

Ensure that Apex class access, tab access, object, and field permissions are assigned to the relevant users to enable them to access the Resource Request Lightning page and the following components:

  • PSA Contact Card component
  • PSA Resourcing component
  • PSA Resourcing Filter component

For the Resource Schedule and Project Team Schedule, see Using the Resource Schedule. and Using the Project Team Schedule.


Apex Class Access

The following Apex class permissions are required.

Type Apex Class Name Description Access Mandatory
Apex Class Access CustomSettingController Used to determine which scheduling strategies to display. Enabled Yes

Used to retrieve:

  • Custom fields on the Resource Filter
  • Custom columns for Resourcing

Used on some of our lookups, including:

  • RPG
  • Skills
  • Skill Set
  • Custom fields
ResourceSelectionListController Used when retrieving the list of resources in Resourcing.
ResourceSkillController Used when retrieving the skills in the Resource Details window.

Used when defaulting the skills in the:

  • Resource Filter
  • Manage Skills window
ResourcingAssignmentSchedController Used when holding or assigning a resource.

Used when adding a skill set to the list of skills in the:

  • Resource Filter
  • Manage Skills window

For information about Apex class access, search for "Apex Class Access" in the Salesforce Help.

Tab Access

The following tab permission is required.

Type Tab Name Access Mandatory
Tab Access Resource Request Available Yes

Object Permissions

The following object permissions are required.

Type Object Name

Create Access

Read Access Edit Access

Delete Access

Mandatory Dependency
Object Permission Assignment   Yes     Yes  
Group   Yes     No  
Holiday   Yes     Yes  
Practice   Yes     No  
Project   Yes     No  
Region   Yes     No  
Resource Request   Yes Yes   Yes  
Resource Skill Request   Yes     Yes  
Schedule Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Skill Certification Rating   Yes     No The Skill Certification Rating object is dependent on the Skill object
Skill   Yes     No
Utilization Engine   Yes     No  
Work Calendar   Yes     Yes  
Skill Set   Yes     No  
Skill Set Skill   Yes     No  

Field Permissions

The following field permissions are required on the objects shown.

Type Object Name Field Name Read Access Edit Access Mandatory
Field Permission Assignment Schedule Yes   Yes
Resource Yes   Yes
Contact Is Resource Yes   Yes
Is Resource Active Yes   Yes
Region Yes   No
Practice Yes   No
Group Yes   No
Resource Role Yes   No
Default Cost Rate Yes   No
External Resource Yes   No
Work Calendar Yes   Yes
Holiday Work Calendar Yes   Yes
Resource Request Assignment Yes   Yes
AccountId Yes   No
End Date Yes Yes Yes
Region Yes   No
Practice Yes   No
Group Yes   No
Project Yes   No
Resource Yes   Yes
Resource Role Yes   No
Opportunity Yes   No
Requested Hours Yes   Yes
Notes Yes   Yes
Resource Held Yes   Yes
Start Date Yes   Yes
Suggested Resource Yes   Yes
Resource Skill Request Resource Request Yes   Yes
Minimum Rating Yes   Yes
Skill Certification Rating Aspiration Yes   No
Certified Yes   No
Rating Yes   No
Work Calendar Monday Hours Yes   Yes
Tuesday Hours Yes   Yes
Wednesday Hours Yes   Yes
Thursday Hours Yes   Yes
Friday Hours Yes   Yes
Saturday Hours Yes   Yes
Sunday Hours Yes   Yes