Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources
The PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component is available on the Services Delivery workspace. Your administrator can also place the component on Lightning app pages and Lightning home pages.
The component contains the following:
- The Manage button, to access the Manage Skills and Certifications window. This window enables you to view and manage your own skill, certification, and experience records and, if you have the required permissions, records belonging to other resources.
- The Last Evaluated date is displayed above the tabs, to show when the resources last updated their skills.
- The following tabs:
- My Skills: a list of the five most recently updated skill or certification rating records that relate to skills.
- My Certifications: a list of the five most recently updated skill or certification rating records that relate to certifications.
- My Aspirations: a list of the five most recently updated skill or certification rating records that have the Aspiration checkbox selected. This enables you to see at a glance the skills you want to learn or improve and the certifications you want to update or acquire.
For administrator information on configuring the component and assigning the permissions required, see Setting up the Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning Component.
Managing the Columns Displayed
To view a sub-menu with options to sort, hide, and group columns, right-click a column heading in the grid.
To change the default columns that are displayed to suit your own working practices, right-click any column heading and select the columns you want and deselect the columns you don't want in the Columns sub-menu.
Your selections are retained whenever you use the same browser on the same computer.
Filtering Data
To filter data:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- On any tab, click
to open and close the Filters.
- Select the filters to filter the skills, certifications and experience and click Apply.
- Click Clear to remove the filters.
- Click Save.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.
Skills and Certifications

To view details of skills or certifications:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- Select the Skills tab or the Certifications tab as required. Details of your own skills or certifications are displayed by default.
- [Optional] Select "Other" and search for the resource in the lookup, whose records you want to view. To view records for someone else, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications View or Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
If a listed skill or certification has a related experience record, this is indicated in the Experience column.
To view the hierarchy path for a skill or certification, hover over in the Hierarchy Path column. Details of the hierarchy path are displayed in the form of a tooltip. If the Hierarchy Path column is not displayed, right-click a column heading and select it from the Columns sub-menu. For more information on skills hierarchies, see Creating Categories, Skills, and Certifications.

To manage files attached to a certification:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- Select the Certifications tab. Details of your own certifications are displayed by default.
- [Optional] Select "Other" and search for the resource in the lookup. To attach files to someone else's records, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
- Click
in the Attachments column for the relevant certification record.
- [Optional] Click Upload Files or drag and drop files you want to attach. The image formats supported are JPEG, PNG, and PDF.
- [Optional] Click
next to an attachment to see a preview.
- [Optional] Click
next to an attachment to delete it.
- Click Close.
The Manage Attachments window is displayed. Files that are already attached are listed.

To add skills or certifications:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace. Details of your own skills are displayed by default.
- [Optional] Select "Other", then search for and select a resource in the lookup. To add records for someone else, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
- Click Add | Skill or Certification. The Add to Profile window opens.
- In the Skills section, select the relevant skills for your profile using the following views from the drop-down:
- Add from Hierarchy: Select skills, certifications, or categories. Your selections are added to the Selected Skills and Certifications grid.
- Add from Skill Set: Select the skill sets or individual skill set skills from the skill set view. The selected skill sets and skills set skills are added to the grid in the Selected Skills and Certifications section.
- Add from Filters: Select the skills and certifications using the filters view. Click
to identify and select the right skills for your profile. Select the filters to filter the skills, certifications, and categories and click Apply. Click Clear to remove the applied filters.
- In the Selected Skills and Certifications section:
- In the Rating column, click
and select a desired rating for the skill.
- In the Expiration Date column, click
and select an expiration date.
- In the Evaluation Date column, click
and select an evaluation date.
- In the Rating column, click
- [Optional] To update the expiration date for multiple skills, select the skills and click
in the Expiration Date column. A popup opens. Select the date and the Update (0) selected items checkbox, where (0) represents the number of skills to be updated. Click Apply.
- [Optional] To update the evaluation date for multiple skills, select the skills and click
in the Evaluation Date column. A popup opens. Select the date and the Update (0) selected items checkbox, where (0) represents the number of skills to be updated. Click Apply.
- [Optional] Select the skills and click
to remove multiple skills from the Selected Skills and Certifications section. These skills are also deselected from the skills hierarchy.
- To remove individual skills, click
|Remove. The skill is also deselected from the skills hierarchy.
- [Optional] To view the skills and certifications in the hierarchy, click
| View in Hierarchy.
- Click Add.
Skill or Certification, Record Type, and Rating fields are always displayed in the Selected Skills and Certifications grid. You can add additional fields that you would like to display while adding skills to your profile using the default Additional Fields field set on the Skill or Certification Rating object. By default, Expiration Date and Evaluation Date are present in the field set. For help, contact your administrator.
You can create your own field set using the Skills Management > Additional Add Skills Fields custom setting options.

You can search for the skills, certifications, and categories relevant to your profile using the Search field in the Skills section:
- If you search for a skill, the skill and the direct path to that skill are displayed which helps define where the skill sits, its level, and similar skills within the hierarchy.
- Skills that are in the same category as the skill in the search field are also displayed.
- You can search for certifications by entering the relevant search term in the search field.
- You can also search for categories as defined in your org, and expand a category to see any child skills and certifications. When you select a category, the category and the skills under the selected category are added to the Selected Skills and Certifications grid.
- If the search term matches multiple skills, categories, and certifications, all of the matches are displayed.
- Your selections are retained when you have cleared the search field.
- If you search skills and then switch views, the search is cleared and the skills in the grid are reset.

To rate yourself or someone else against one of the skills, categories, or certifications in your organization:
- Do one of the following depending on the way in which your administrator has set up your organization:
- Click the Contacts tab, select the resource that you are adding the rating for and then click New Skill or Certification Rating in the Skill and Certification Ratings related list.
- Click the Skills and Certifications tab, select the skill or certification that you want to provide a rating for, then click New Skill or Certification Rating in the Resource Ratings related list.
- Complete the fields on the New Skill or Certification Rating dialog as described in Skill or Certification Rating Fields.
- Click Save.

To delete skills or certifications:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace. Details of your own skills are displayed by default.
- [Optional] Select "Other", then search for and select the resource in the lookup. To delete someone else's records, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
- Select the Skills tab or the Certifications tab as required.
- Select one or more records.
- Click

To edit a skill or certification:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace. Details of your own skills are displayed by default.
- [Optional] Select "Other", then search for and select the resource in the lookup, whose records you want to edit. To edit someone else's skills and certifications, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
- Select the Skills tab or the Certifications tab as required.
- Double-click a cell to edit it.
- Click Save.

You can submit your own records for approval depending on your approval process. A message is displayed when records are successfully submitted for approval.
When records are submitted for approval, their status is displayed in the Approval Status column. Values in Approval Status are “Submitted”, “Saved”, “Accepted”, and “Rejected”.
The Approval Status field and Submit for Approval button are displayed when an approval process is active. You cannot edit or resubmit records in the approval process with the Approval Status of "Submitted".
To submit skills and certifications for approval:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- On the Skills or Certifications tab, select the records you want to submit for approval.
- Click Submit for Approval. The records are submitted to an approver.

To evaluate skills and certifications:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the Services Delivery workspace or on the relevant Lightning page.
- On the Skills or Certifications tab, select the records that you want to evaluate.
- Click Evaluate Skills. The Last Evaluated date is updated.

To view details of your own or another resource's experience:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- Select the Experience tab. Your own experience records are displayed by default. Any of your closed assignments with an associated resource request that has related resource skill requests are also displayed.
- [Optional] Select "Other" and search for the resource in the lookup, whose records you want to view. To view records for someone else, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications View or Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
If information you want to view is not visible, right-click any column heading and check the Columns sub-menu to see if the information you want is in a hidden column. You can then select it from the Columns sub-menu to show the column.
To view the assignment or project task assignment that is related to an experience entry, click the link in the Related Record column.
You can check the Experience column on the Skills and Certifications tabs to find out whether a resource has experience recorded against a skill or certification that is listed.
When viewing the details of a selected resource on the Resource Requests Lightning page, you can click View Experience in the Skills section of the Resource Details tab to view details of the resource's experience. The Resource Details tab is available on the PSA Contact Card Lightning component. For more information, see Using the PSA Contact Card.

To manually add details of your own or another resource's experience in using a skill or certification:
- Click Skills and Certifications | Manage on the relevant Lightning page or on the Services Delivery workspace.
- [Optional] Select "Other", then search for and select a resource from the lookup to add experience details. To add details for someone else, you must have a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Add | Experience. The Add to Profile window opens.
- Navigate to the relevant row on the Skills or Certifications tab, click the arrow in the Actions column, and click Add Experience. The Add to Profile window opens. If you can't see the Actions column, see Managing the Columns Displayed.
- Select either the assignment or the project task assignment (PTA) on which the experience was gained from the lookups. Only assignments and PTAs with a status of Closed are displayed. If an assignment has an associated resource request containing resource skill requests, relevant skills or certifications are displayed in the Add Skills Used section.
- [Optional] Search and select a skill or certification from the Skills or Certification lookup field in the Add Skills Used section to add any skills and certifications used during the experience that are not already listed.
- [Optional] Click Add More to add more rows to the Add Skills Used section.
- [Optional] Click
to delete a row from the Add Skills Used section.
- Click Add. The experience record is displayed on the Experience tab of the Manage Skills and Certifications window. You can only create one experience record per assignment for a resource.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.