Skill or Certification Rating Fields

The skill or certification rating record includes the following fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field     Description
Approval Status    

Indicates the approval status of the skill or certification rating:

  • Saved
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Rejected
Aspiration     When selected, indicates that the resource wants to learn this skill or acquire additional knowledge in it.
Certification     The certification to which the rating applies.
Certified     When selected, indicates that the resource's skills certification record is accredited and active. When deselected, indicates that the skill certification is inactive.
Date Achieved     Date when the rating was achieved.
Evaluation Date     Date on which the rating was or is to be evaluated.
Expiration Date     Date on which the skill or certification rating expires.
Last Used Date     Date when the resource last used the skill.
Notes     Information about the skill or certification rating.
Rating     Level of exposure or ability that the resource has for the skill or certification.
Resource *   The resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. to which the rating applies.
Skill *   The skill to which the rating applies.
Years of Experience     The number of years' experience a resource has in a skill.