Setting up Guided Scoping

Complete the following setup tasks to configure guided scoping.


To access the objects required to configure guided scoping, you must have the SCPQ - Manage Scoping Requirement Sets permission set. You must also assign the SCPQ - Manage Scoping Sessions permission set to users who will be using scoping sessions. For more information about assigning permission sets, see the Salesforce Help.


You must add the Scoping Session related list to the Opportunity page layout, and the Scoping Requirement Set related list to the Estimate Product page layout. For more information about editing page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

Flow Identifier

You can configure the flows that display when creating a scoping action to make it easier to identify the one you need.

By default, only active, autolaunched flows that contain the string Guided Scoping in their description are displayed. To customize the flows displayed, you can update the string value in the Guided Scoping Flow Identifier field in the Services CPQ Settings custom setting.

For more information, see Guided Scoping Flow Identifier and Creating a Scoping Action.

Configuring Guided Scoping

You're now ready to configure guided scoping. The following diagram displays the sequential configuration flow. Click a box on the diagram to display the corresponding topic.


You can use Datastream to quickly and easily create or update requirement sets, requirements, and requirement responses for guided scoping by importing data from a spreadsheet.

For more information, see Datastream Overview.