Using the Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence Dashboard

The Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence dashboard provides you with a detailed forecast of how cash is predicted to move in and out of your companies over a given quarter or period. Using a variety of charts, this information is divided across four tabs:

  • Summary
  • Collections
  • Payments
  • Einstein Recommendations

The Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence dashboard displays data from the Financial Transactions - Intelligence dataset, which includes data from the Transaction and Transaction Line objects in Accounting.

The dashboard uses the following options to display transaction data:

  • Quarter. Identifies all transaction line items with a due date or predicted date a quarter before or a quarter after the current quarter.
  • Period. Identifies all transaction line items with a due date or predicted date five months before or three months after the current period. This option is set by default.

This dashboard enables you to:

  • View the predicted total cash flow in and out separated into:

    • Collections - cash in
    • Payments - cash out
    • Summary difference between cash in and out
  • View your predicted collections and payments data using the filters provided.
  • Compare your predicted collections and payments by quarter or period.
  • View your data according to the due date or the predicted payment date.
  • View your bank reconciliation opening balance and estimated closing balance for the current period or quarter.
  • View the improvements suggested by Einstein Discovery to improve predicted outcomes.
  • View billing schedules as part of your overdue and forecast collections.

When you open the dashboard all available data is shown. However if you prefer, you can add custom filtering which is automatically applied whenever you open the dashboard. For more information, see Setting up Cash Flow Forecast Dashboard.

Due Date and Predicted Date

You can select whether to display your data according to the due date or the predicted payment date with the options located above the Filters section:

  • Click Due Date to display your data using the due date of the transactions.
  • Click Predicted Date to display your data using the predicted payment date for the transactions. The predicted payment date is retrieved from the Predicted Payment Date field calculated in the Intelligence Analytics recipe.

Your selection applies to all the charts of the dashboard.

Bank Reconciliations

The dashboard displays the following data from your bank reconciliations for the current period or quarter:

  • Opening balance
  • Estimated closing balance

Billing Schedules

The dashboard includes billing schedules that have not been billed yet. Those are billing schedules for an active contract that are not linked to a billing document line item. This data is displayed in the Collections tab, as part of your overdue and forecast collections.

Billing schedules with a billing date earlier than today's date are considered overdue. Billing schedules with a billing date equal to or later than today's date are considered forecast.

The dashboard also displays data from the billing contracts that relate to your billing schedules.


Billing Central data is not available in the following scenarios:

  • You don't have Billing Central installed.
  • You use the Predicted Date option.

Managing Filters

By default, the filters panel is displayed in this dashboard. You can toggle between hiding and displaying the filters panel by clicking . To change a filter selection, ensure the filter panel is displayed in the dashboard.

Your filter selections determine the data displayed on the dashboard. To set or change your filters, use the following drop-down options:

  • Frequency: specify whether you want to see Quarter or Period.
  • Bank Account: select the bank account you want to see data for. You can select only one.
  • Currency: select the currency you want to see data for. You can select "Home" or "Dual".
  • Currency Code: select the currency ISO code you want to see data for. This selection affects the companies available in the following Company filter. For example, if in the previous drop-down you select "Home" and here you select "GBP", only companies with a GBP home currency are available for selection in the following Company filter.
  • Company: select the companies you want to see data for. You can also select "All" if you want to see data for all companies in your org.
  • Special Period 100: include or exclude Special Period 100 for the current year. Period 100 is added to period 12.
  • Account: specify an operator and a value to select the accounts you want to display data for. You can also select "All" to view data from all accounts.
  • Dimension 1: specify an operator and a value to select the Dimension 1 values you want to display data for. You can also select "All" to see data from all Dimension 1 values.
  • Dimension 2: specify an operator and a value to select the Dimension 2 values you want to display data for. You can also select "All" to see data from all Dimension 2 values.

If you want to edit the global filters which appear on this filter panel, click Edit to enter edit mode and click the global filters displayed under Filters. Click Manage Global Filters | Add Global Filter to add or remove fields from the Financial Transactions dataset. You can also add custom fields to your global filters.


If your calendar is configured to contain more or less than 12 periods in a year, your dashboard data will be incorrect. With the exception of special periods, Analytics dashboards only support years with 12 periods. Also, you cannot compare data for companies with differing financial years.

Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence Dashboard Charts

The Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence dashboard contains the following charts:

Summary Tab

The Summary tab provides you with an overview of collections and payments for the selected accounts at a high level.

Collections This Period/Quarter KPI

Sum of the following total values:

  • Total Collected - includes all receivable cash entry types for receipts and refunds.
  • Total Overdue - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Total Forecast - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

You can hover over the KPI value to view each total value.

Payments This Period/Quarter KPI

Sum of the following total values:

  • Total Paid - includes all payable cash entry types for payments and payment refunds.
  • Total Overdue - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Total Forecast - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

You can hover over the KPI value to view each total value.

Opening Balance KPI

View the opening balance for the current period. This is the Closing Balance value of the last bank reconciliation record with a status of "Complete" from the previous period or quarter.

A percentage variation and an arrow are displayed on the right side of the KPI value depending on the following scenarios:

  • If the current value is higher than the opening balance value of the last bank reconciliation of the antepenultimate period, an arrow pointing up is displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.
  • If the current value is lower than the opening balance value of the last bank reconciliation of the antepenultimate period, an arrow pointing down is displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.
  • If the current value is the same as the opening balance value of the last bank reconciliation of the antepenultimate period, two arrows pointing to the sides are displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.

Depending on the number of bank reconciliations in the previous period, the current value is compared as follows:

  • If there is more than one bank reconciliation for the antepenultimate period, the current value is compared to the opening balance of the last bank reconciliation of that antepenultimate period.
  • If there is only one bank reconciliation for the antepenultimate period, the current value is compared to the opening balance of that bank reconciliation.
  • Even if a bank reconciliation record doesn't exist yet for the current period, the dashboard displays the value that would correspond to the new record according to the closing balance of the last bank reconciliation from the previous period.
  • When the value is higher than 0.5 but less than 1, the numeric value is 0 and an arrow pointing up is displayed. You can hover the numeric value to view the exact value.

Estimated Closing Balance KPI

Estimate the closing balance for the current period or quarter. The Closing Balance value is calculated by the dashboard as Collections - Payments + Opening Balance.

An arrow is displayed on the right side of the KPI value depending on the following scenarios:

  • If the current value is higher than the Opening Balance KPI value, an arrow pointing up is displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.
  • If the current value is lower than the Opening Balance KPI value, an arrow pointing down is displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.
  • If the current value is the same as the Opening Balance KPI value, two arrows pointing to the sides are displayed. The numeric value shows the percentage variation between both.
  • The value is not stored in any dataset.
  • Even if a bank reconciliation record doesn't exist yet for the current period, the dashboard estimates the value that would correspond to the new record according to the Opening Balance, Payments, and Collections values.
  • When the value is higher than 0.5 but less than 1, the numeric value is 0 and an arrow pointing up is displayed. You can hover the numeric value to view the exact value.

Collections and Payments Analysis Timeline Chart

View the progression of collections and payments over time.

The time range displayed on the x-axis of the chart depends on how you set the Frequency global filter:

  • If you set the filter to "Period", the last five periods, the current period, and the three upcoming periods are displayed.
  • If you set the filter to "Quarter", the last quarter, the current quarter, and the two upcoming quarters are displayed.

The chart shows the following total values for payments for each quarter or period:

  • Total Paid - includes all payable cash entry types for payments and payment refunds.
  • Total Overdue - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Total Forecast - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

The chart shows the following total values for collections for each quarter or period:

  • Total Collected - includes all receivable cash entry types for receipts and refunds.
  • Total Overdue - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Total Forecast - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

If there is no data for any of the collection and payment total values for a given period, it is not displayed on the x-axis.

Collections Tab

The Collections tab provides you with detailed information about collections for the selected accounts.

Collections Outstanding

This stacked column chart displays the total overdue, total forecast, and current collections as of today. It includes sales invoices, credit notes, and eligible billing schedules.

Click any column to drill for more detailed information. The Outstanding By treemap and Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days) report update accordingly.

Outstanding By

This treemap chart displays multiple values according to your selection in the drop-down lists. For example, you might choose to select "Account Name" and "Top 10". You then see the top 10 accounts, and their corresponding total values for the selected range.

Click any part of the treemap and the Collections Outstanding stacked column and Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days) report update accordingly.

Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days)

This table displays the information about collections. This includes the following sales invoices, sales credit notes, and billing schedules:

  • Overdue - shown in the corresponding day range.
  • Due today - shown in the Current column.
  • Not yet due - shown in the Total Forecast column.

The Total Overdue column is the sum of all the day range columns.

The Total Outstanding column is the sum of the Current, Total Forecast, and Total Overdue columns.


Billing schedule data is only included in the Total Overdue, Total Forecast, Total Outstanding, and day range columns.

This table displays a list of transaction totals according to the filters that you select. Transactions are grouped by account and listed alphabetically.

For a detailed view of the accounts, click Drill All Accounts >. Individual transactions and billing schedules are shown. To return to the previous view click < Collections.

Transaction Details

This table displays the transaction information grouped by account.

This table contains the following columns:

  • Account Name
  • Transaction Document Number
  • Transaction Line Name
  • Transaction Date
  • Payment Date - this column shows the due date or the predicted payment date depending on whether you select "Due Date" or "Predicted Date".
  • Age in Days
  • As of Document Value
  • Line Value
  • As of Value

This table is not visible when you expand the Billing Schedule Details table using the Show More button.

Billing Schedule Details

This table displays the billing schedule information grouped by account.

This table contains the following columns:

  • Account Name
  • Billing Contract Name
  • Billing Contract Number
  • Billing Contract Line Item Number
  • Billing Schedule Name
  • Billing Date
  • Billing Schedule Value

This table is not visible when you expand the Transaction Details table using the Show More button.

Payments Tab

The Payments tab provides you with detailed information about payments for the selected accounts.

Payments Outstanding

This stacked column chart displays the total overdue, total forecast and current payments as of today (includes all payable invoices - Payable Invoices and Payable Credit Notes).

Click any column to drill for more detailed information. The Outstanding By treemap and Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days) report update accordingly.

Outstanding By

This treemap chart displays multiple values according to your selection in the drop-down. For example, you might choose to select "Account Name" and "Top 10". You then see the top 10 accounts, and their corresponding total values for the selected range.

Click any part of the treemap and the Outstanding Balances stacked column and Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days) report update accordingly.

Forecast and Aged Analysis (Days)

This table displays the information about payments. This includes the following payable invoices and payable credit notes:

  • Overdue - shown in the corresponding day range.
  • Due today - shown in the Current column.
  • Not yet due - shown in the Total Forecast column.

The Total Outstanding column is the sum of the Current, Total Forecast, and Total Overdue columns.

Transactions are grouped by account and listed alphabetically.

For a detailed view of the accounts, click Drill All Accounts >. Individual transactions are shown. To return to the previous view click < Payments.

For more information about dashboard functionality, see Using the Dashboards Charts.

Transaction Details

This table displays the transaction information grouped by account.

This table contains the following columns:

  • Account Name
  • Transaction Document Number
  • Transaction Line Name
  • Transaction Date
  • Payment Date - this column shows the due date or the predicted payment date depending on whether you select "Due Date" or "Predicted Date".
  • Age in Days
  • As of Document Value
  • Line Value
  • As of Value

Einstein Recommendations Tab

The Einstein Recommendations tab shows actions suggested by Einstein Discovery that you can perform to improve the outcome for Days to Pay for your overdue and forecast collections and payments.


This table displays improvements for collections. This includes the following sales invoices and sales credit notes:

  • Overdue - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Not yet due - includes all sales invoices and sales credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

This table contains the following columns:

  • Account Name
  • Transaction Name
  • Transaction Line Name
  • Value - this column shows the value of outstanding sales invoices and sales credit notes in the home or dual currency.
  • Predicted Days to Pay
  • Suggested Action to Improve Days to Pay Outcome - this column shows the value that you can select for the displayed actionable field to improve the outcome for Days to Pay.
  • Days to Pay after Improvement - this column shows the new outcome for Days to Pay after performing the action displayed on Suggested Action to Improve Days to Pay Outcome.


This table displays improvements for payments. This includes the following payable invoices and payable credit notes:

  • Overdue - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date earlier than today's date.
  • Not yet due - includes all payable invoices and payable credit notes with a due date equal to or later than today's date.

This table contains the following columns:

  • Account Name
  • Transaction Name
  • Transaction Line Name
  • Value - this column shows the value of outstanding payable invoices and payable credit notes in the home or dual currency. The signage of the value is reversed.
  • Predicted Days to Pay
  • Suggested Action to Improve Days to Pay Outcome - this column shows the value that you can select for the displayed actionable field to improve the outcome for Days to Pay.
  • Days to Pay after Improvement - this column shows the outcome for Days to Pay after performing the action displayed on Suggested Action to Improve Days to Pay Outcome.

Grouping, Sorting, and Ordering the Data

The following tables enables you to customize the data displayed using the following selectors and buttons:

Tab Table Selector Description
Collections Transaction Details Show Less Allow you to shrink the table and return to the default view of six rows.
Show More Allow you to expand the table.
Sort By

Select the column used to sort the data displayed. The following options are available:

  • "Aged in Days"
  • "Payment Date"
  • "Line Value"
  • "Transaction Date"

This selector only displays if you click Show More.

Sort Order

Select whether to order the data ascending or descending.


This selector only displays if you click Show More.

Billing Schedule Details Show Less Allow you to shrink the table and return to the default view of six rows.
Show More Allow you to expand the tables.
Sort By

Select the column used to sort the data displayed. The following options are available:

  • "Account Name"
  • "Billing Contract Line Item Number"
  • "Billing Contract Name"
  • "Billing Contract Number"
  • "Billing Date"
  • "Billing Schedule Value"

This selector only displays if you click Show More.

Sort Order

Select whether to order the data ascending or descending.


This selector only displays if you click Show More.

Payments Transaction Details Sort By

Select the column used to sort the data displayed. The following options are available:

  • "Aged in Days"
  • "Payment Date"
  • "Line Value"
  • "Transaction Date"
Sort Order Select whether to order the data ascending or descending.
Einstein Recommendations Collections Sort by Top 10

Select the column used to sort the data displayed. The following options are available:

  • "Predicted Days to Pay"
  • "Days to Pay after Improvement"
  • "Value"

The records with the ten highest values for the selected column are displayed.


Drilling Through to Records

You can drill through to view details of records displayed in the dashboard. The table below provides more information about the drillable fields.

To view details of a selected record:

  1. Click the field that you want to drill.
  2. Click , then click Open Record.
Drillable Fields in the Cash Flow Forecast - Intelligence Dashboard
Tab Chart Field Object Required License
Collections Transaction Details Transaction Document Number Sales invoice and sales credit note Accounting
Transaction Line Name
Billing Schedule Details Billing Contract Line Item Number Billing Contract Billing Central
Billing Contract Number
Billing Schedule Name
Payments Transaction Details Transaction Document Number Payable invoice and payable credit note Accounting
Transaction Line Name
Einstein Recommendations Collections Account Name Account
Transaction Name Sales invoice and sales credit note
Transaction Line Name
Payments Account Name Account
Transaction Name Payable invoice and payable credit note
Transaction Line Name