Creating Purchase Agreement Lines
To add a new line to a purchase agreement:
- On the purchase agreement record page, click the Line Items tab.
- Click
- In the added row, double-click the Record Type column and enter a record type for the line that you are adding.
- Depending on the type of line that you selected in the previous step, do one of the following:
- If you selected the "Item" or "Capital Equipment" line type, enter an item in the Item column.
- If you selected the "Description" line type, enter a description in the Description column.
- If you selected the "Category" line type, enter a category in the Category column. Only product groups that are marked as categories are displayed in the drop-down list. For more information see, Marking Product Groups as Categories for Indirect Procurement.
- Enter the unit cost in the Unit Cost column.
- [Optional] Complete the rest of the fields as needed. For more information about these fields, see Purchase Agreement Fields.
- Click Save.
Editing Purchase Agreement Lines
To edit an existing line:
- Double-click the cell you want to edit and enter a new value.
- Repeat the previous step for each field that you want to modify.
- Click Save.
Cloning Purchase Agreement Lines
To clone lines:
- Select the lines that you want to clone.
- Click
- Click Save.
Deleting Purchase Agreement Lines
To delete lines:
- Select the lines that you want to delete.
- Click
. A confirmation message displays.
- Click Delete.
- Click Save.
Considerations for Creating Purchase Agreement Lines
Several validations and restrictions have been applied to ensure certain prerequisites for the purchase agreement line are met.

Regarding statuses, you must consider the following:
- You cannot add, edit, or delete agreement lines if their purchase agreement has a status of "Active", "Approved", "Expired", "Complete", "Submitted for Approval", "Superseded", or "Canceled".
- You cannot directly create new purchase agreement lines with a status of "Active", "Canceled", "Complete" or "Expired". In the same way, you cannot update purchase agreement lines if they have any of those statuses.
- Purchase agreement lines are automatically set to a status of "Complete" when:
- The amount in the Amount on Order field reaches the amount specified in the Maximum Amount To Order field of the purchase agreement line.
- The quantity in the Quantity on Order field reaches the quantity specified in the Maximum Quantity to Order field of the purchase agreement line.
- The purchase agreement they belong to has a status of "Complete".

The Item Being Procured lookup field lists only active items. If you don't see the item you wish to specify for your purchase agreement line, check that the item is active. Once an item is associated with a purchase agreement line it cannot be deactivated.

A category is a product group that has been predefined as a category. The Category lookup field lists only product groups that have been marked as categories.

Unit cost values must be equal to or greater than zero. The Unit Cost field has a default value of zero.

The start and end dates you specify for your purchase agreement lines must fall within the date range specified on the purchase agreement header. Purchase agreements lines are automatically set to a status of "Expired" when they reach their end date.

You can specify the maximum amount and quantity that can be ordered for a purchase agreement line. The values you enter for these fields must be positive and equal to or less than the maximum values specified on the purchase agreement header.
We recommend that you do not specify a maximum quantity for the agreement lines if they are reflecting subscriptions for intangible items such as software licenses.

The Ship to Warehouse lookup lists only active warehouses. If you don't see the warehouse you wish to specify for a purchase agreement line, check that the warehouse is active. Once a warehouse is associated with a purchase agreement line it cannot be deactivated.

The Supplier Contact lookup lists only active supplier contacts. If you don't see the supplier contact you wish to specify for your purchase agreement line, check that the supplier contact is active. Once a supplier contact is associated with a purchase agreement line it cannot be deactivated.