Creating Purchase Order Lines
You can manage purchase order lines from the Purchase Order Line Items grid on the Line Items tab of a purchase order. When you create a new purchase order, an empty row is added by default to the grid for you to complete it. Add a line for each of the goods or services that you want to include in the order.
To add a new line to the purchase order:
- Click
- Complete the purchase order line fields as required. For more information, see Purchase Order Fields.
- Repeat the two previous steps for each line that you want to add.
- Click Save.

- A category is a product group that has been predefined as a category. Only product groups that are marked as categories are available for selection in the Category lookup field.
If you use Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector to export AP vouchers to Accounting, ensure an account has been specified in the Purchase Analysis Account for Category field of the product group that you are using as a category, otherwise you will get an export error. Any account that you might define in the General Ledger Account field of a category purchase order line item is ignored and only the account specified in the Purchase Analysis Account for Category field is considered in the export.
- Any value that you specify in the Item Being Procured field of a category purchase order line item is ignored when exporting the corresponding AP voucher to Accounting. This is to ensure that category purchase order line items are always exported to Accounting as payable invoice expense lines.
- You cannot use the following actions on a category purchase order line item:
- Apply
- Associate Inv

Unlike other purchase order line types which can only be received by quantity, purchase order line items of type "Category" and type "Description" can be received either by quantity or amount.
To create a purchase order line item with amount-based receiving
- On the purchase order record page, click New in the Purchase Order Line Items related list. On the Purchase Order Line items Lightning page, click
- Select the "Category" or the "Description" record type depending on the type of line that you want to create. For more information about purchase order line types see, Purchase Order Line Types.
- Click Next.
- For description purchase order line items, enter a description in the Description field. For category purchase order line items, select a category for the Category field.
- Select the Receive by Amount checkbox.
- In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the goods or services that you want to purchase.
- In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost of one unit of the goods of services that you are purchasing.
- In the Supplier Commitment Date field, enter the supplier commitment date.
- In the Supplier Current Promise Date field, enter the supplier current promise date.
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields. For more information, see Purchase Order Fields.
- Click Save.
Editing Purchase Order Lines
To edit an existing line:
- Double-click the cell you want to edit and enter a new value.
- Repeat the previous step for each field that you want to modify.
- Click Save.
Cloning Purchase Order Lines
To clone lines:
- Select the lines that you want to clone.
- Click
- Click Save.
Deleting Purchase Order Lines
To delete lines:
- Select the lines that you want to delete.
- Click
. A confirmation message displays.
- Click Delete.
- Click Save.