Creating a Purchase Order Receipt
When the items on a purchase order are received at a warehouse, you can create a receipt for them to acknowledge that those items have been received.
You can only create receipts for line items on approved internal purchase orders. In addition, the purchase order lines must meet the following criteria:
- The line item type must be: "Blanket Order", "Capital Equipment", "Category", "Description", "Item", or "Service". Additionally, line items of type "Service" must have an outbound part status of "Shipped".
- The purchase order line item must not have a status of "Closed" or "Cancelled".
For more information about receipts, see Receipts.

To create a purchase order receipt from a purchase order's detail page:
On the Purchase Order Line Items grid select the purchase order lines for which you are creating the receipt.
- Click Create Receipt.
- On the Create Receipt window that opens, the purchase order lines that meet the criteria to be received are displayed.
- For lines received by quantity, enter the number of units received for each selected line in the Receiving Quantity column. This column is only editable for lines with quantity-based receiving and shows by default the remaining quantity to receive.
- For lines received by amount, enter the amount received for each selected line in the Receiving Amount column. This column is only editable for lines with amount-based receiving and shows by default the remaining amount to receive.
- For lines with serialized or lot-controlled items, enter the corresponding information in the Serial Numbers and Lot Numbers columns. For more information on how to complete this step, see Adding Serial Numbers and Adding Lot Numbers.
- Click Save.
When you click Create Receipt, a new receipt is created for the purchase order. This receipt contains a receipt line per selected purchase order line. The Amount and Quantity fields for each receipt line are populated as follows:
- If the related purchase order line is received by quantity, the Quantity field on the receipt line is automatically populated with the value entered in the Receiving Quantity field of the Create Receipt window. The Amount field on the receipt line will show a value of zero for purchase order lines that are received by quantity.
- If the related purchase order line is received by amount, both the Amount and Quantity fields on the receipt line are automatically populated. The Amount field is populated with the value entered in the Receiving Amount field of the Create Receipt window. The Quantity field is calculated by dividing the received amount by the unit cost indicated on the purchase order line. For example, if you have a purchase order line with a unit cost of 10 and you are receiving an amount of 150 for this purchase order line, the Quantity field on the receipt line will have a value of 15.
Once the receipt is created, the status of the associated purchase order updates from "Approved" to "Closed" if the amount or quantity is fully received. When partially received, the status remains as "Approved". Similarly, the status of the associated purchase order lines updates from "Open" to "Closed" when fully received, and from "Open" to "Partially Received" when partially received. Additionally, the Amount Received and Quantity Received fields on the purchase order lines are updated as follows:
- If the purchase order line was received by quantity, the Quantity Received field is updated according to the quantity on the related receipt line and the Amount Received field shows a value of zero.
- If the purchase order line was received by amount, the Amount Received and Quantity Received fields are updated according to the amounts and quantities on their related receipt lines.
Adding Serial Numbers
To create a purchase order receipt with serialized items:
- In the Serial Numbers text area field, enter the serial numbers for the received items. Specify each serial number on a separate line. Alternatively, you can separate the serial number values with a delimiter (such as a comma or semicolon) without spaces. You must then indicate the delimiter you are using in the Delimiter field.
- Click Save.
Adding Lot Numbers
To create a purchase order receipt with lot-controlled items:
- In the Lot Quantity text area field, enter the quantity of the purchase order line item that corresponds to a specific lot number.
- In the Lot Number text area field, enter the lot number that corresponds to the item quantity specified in the Lot Quantity field.
- [Optional] If you want to have the receipt's name automatically assigned as the lot number, you can leave the Lot Quantity and Lot Number fields blank.
- [Optional] Click Add Another Lot Number to create an additional line if needed. If you are creating additional lines, ensure that the sum of all the Lot Quantity fields does not exceed the total quantity value specified in the Receiving Quantity field of the purchase order line.
- Click Save.

To create a receipt for purchase order items:
- Click the Receipts tab.
- Click New.
- Ensure "Purchase Order Receipt" is selected from the Receipt Type drop-down list.
- Enter the Purchase Order Number to which the receipt relates.
- Click Create Receipt.
- Select the checkboxes of the purchase order lines for which you are creating a receipt.
- Enter the number of items received for each purchase order line.
- Click Save.