Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals

To schedule batch recalculation of project actuals:
- On the PSA Administration page, click Actuals Verification and Recalculation | Project Actuals Recalculation. The Project Actuals Recalculation page is displayed.
- If you are using scheduled mode, and there are unprocessed transaction deltas and unlocked actuals, click Process Transaction Deltas on the Unprocessed Transaction Deltas page. If you are using continuous mode, the unprocessed transaction deltas are automatically processed. You can check the automatic processing status of the transaction deltas in the Processing Status page. For more information about the configuration option, see Actuals Settings.
- When the processing is complete, you are directed to the Clear Actuals App Logs page. Click Clear Actuals App Logs before starting the process and check the processing status.
- When the processing is complete, you can select projects for which you want to delete and recalculate actuals on the Select Projects page. Select the projects and click Continue.
- [Optional] Click
to open and close the Filters on the Select Projects page. Select the filters and click Apply, projects are filtered depending on the filters applied.
- [Optional] Click Clear to remove the applied filters.
- Click Lock Actuals before starting the process on the Lock Actuals page.
- After clicking Lock Actuals, delete any scheduled jobs that process transaction deltas on the Delete Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page. You must delete these jobs before clicking Continue.
- [Optional] If you want to exit the verification process, click Exit and Unlock Actuals.This unlocks your actuals and opens the Recreate Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page, where you recreate the deleted transaction delta processing jobs.
- Click Continue. The Delete Project Actuals page is displayed.
- Click Delete to delete all the project actuals and project actuals converted for the selected projects and check the processing status.
- When the deletion process is complete, click Calculate on the Calculate Project Actuals page to start the project actuals recalculation for the deleted projects.
- Once the recalculation is completed, the Unlock Actuals page opens.
- Click Unlock Actuals.This unlocks your actuals and opens the Recreate Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page where you recreate the deleted transaction delta processing jobs.
- Click Finish.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.

To schedule batch recalculation of resource actuals.
- On the PSA Administration page, click Actuals Verification and Recalculation | Resource Actuals Recalculation. The Resource Actuals Recalculation page is displayed.
- If you are using scheduled mode, and there are unprocessed transaction deltas and unlocked actuals, click Process Transaction Deltas on the Unprocessed Transaction Deltas page. If you are using continuous mode, the unprocessed transaction deltas are automatically processed. You can check the automatic processing status of the transaction deltas in the Processing Status page. For more information about the configuration option, see Actuals Settings.
- When the processing is complete, you are directed to the Clear Actuals App Logs page if any actuals app logs are created in the system. Click Clear Actuals App Logs before starting the process and check the processing status.
- Else, you can select resources for which you want to delete and recalculate actuals on the Select Resources page. Select the resources and click Continue.
- [Optional] Click
to open and close the Filters on the Select Resources page. Select the filters and click Apply, resources are filtered depending on the filters applied.
- [Optional] Click Clear to remove the applied filters.
- Click Lock Actuals before starting the process on the Lock Actuals page.
- After clicking Lock Actuals, delete any scheduled jobs that process transaction deltas on the Delete Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page. You must delete these jobs before clicking Continue.
- [Optional] To exit the verification process, click Exit and Unlock Actuals. This unlocks your actuals and opens the Recreate Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page, to recreate the deleted transaction delta processing jobs.
- Click Continue. The Delete Resource Actuals page opens.
- Click Delete to delete all the resource actuals for the selected resources and check the processing status.
- Click Calculate to start the resource actuals recalculation for the deleted resources on the Calculate Resource Actuals page. Once the recalculation is completed, the Unlock Actuals page opens.
- Click Unlock Actuals to unlock your actuals and open the Recreate Transaction Delta Processing Jobs page to recreate the deleted transaction delta processing jobs.
- Click Finish.

To recalculate project actuals or resource actuals:
- From Setup, select Scheduled Jobs and ensure that the Apex job ActualsCalculateDeltaBatch has completed.
- In your org, click the Project Actuals Recalc or Resource Actuals Recalc tab.
- To filter the list of projects or resources, select an item from the View drop-down list.
- Select a project
A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. or resource
A contact that works on a project. checkbox.
- Click Done.
- Select the button for the action that you want to carry out on the selected project or resource:
- Click Lock to lock the actuals.
- Click Delete to delete the actuals.
- Click Calculate to recalculate the actuals.
- When the calculation is complete, click Unlock to unlock the selected project or resource.
- Click Cancel to stop the operation.

If your organization uses Shield Platform Encryption, and has encrypted the Contact (Resource) field, your administrator must configure your list views to view the Project Actuals Recalc or Resource Actuals Recalc tabs without errors. An encrypted field added to the first column of the list view causes an error to display and the page to fail to load.
- Create a new list view:
- On Project Actuals Recalc, create a new list view for Project.
- On Resource Actuals Recalc, create a new list view for Contact.
- Name the view a value that will sort first in the picklist of views. We suggest a value such as "AAAAA" or "00000".
- Set the new list view to display a field other than a Resource field as the first column (for example, Account Name). Add other columns as needed. You can add columns with a Resource field in subsequent columns.
- Save your changes.