PSA Administration
The PSA Administration tab, which you open from the App Launcher, enables you to run and schedule PSA actions, such as batch jobs, and configure PSA.
This page contains the following sections under the PSA Administration Actions component:
- Actuals Verification and Recalculation
- PSA Batch Processes
- Configuration Management
- PSA Custom Mappings
- Foundations Administration
- Geocoding Services
- Jira-PSA Integration
- Revenue Forecasting
- PSA Scheduled Actions
- Utilization
PSA Administration Actions
The PSA Administration Actions component contains the following sections.
Actuals Verification and Recalculation

You can use the actuals verifier to check for inconsistencies in the actuals. For more information, see Recalculating Actuals with the Actuals Verifier.

You can calculate project actuals in Visualforce as well as in Lightning Experience. For more information, see Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals.

You can calculate resource actuals in Visualforce as well as in Lightning Experience. For more information, see Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals.

If the actuals are locked from the old Actuals Verifier UI or any batch process, the Actuals Verifier, Project Actuals Recalculation, and Resource Actuals Recalculation tabs display an error message.
Where the actuals are locked due to ongoing calculations or failed jobs, you can refer to the app logs and navigate to the PSA Administration page to unlock the actuals.
To unlock the actuals:
- On the PSA Administration page, in the Actuals Verification and Recalculation section, click Unlock Actuals . The Unlock Actuals window opens.
- Read the warning message and understand the consequences of unlocking actuals, as this might result in inconsistent data. For more details, contact your administrator.
- Click Unlock Actuals. This unlocks actuals without being restricted by the ongoing calculations or failed jobs.
- [Optional] Click Cancel to close the Unlock Actuals window.
PSA Batch Processes
This section contains actions that enable you to run and schedule batch jobs.

Schedule a batch calculation of actuals from transactions.
Depending on the configuration options that are set in the Actuals configuration group, actuals are calculated immediately, or to a schedule that you set. The calculation processes the changes to transactions that have resulted from actions on a business record.
To calculate an actuals delta batch immediately:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Actuals Calculate Delta Batch. Actuals Calculate Delta Batch window opens.
- Click Run. The batch job is submitted for real-time processing.
To schedule an actuals delta batch calculation:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Actuals Calculate Delta Batch. Actuals Calculate Delta Batch window opens.
- Click Schedule.
- Set the schedule day, time, and frequency.
- [Optional] To change your selection, click Back.
- Click Schedule. The batch job is scheduled.

Delete app logs for actuals, billing, or both. See Deleting App Logs.

To initialize the billing queue.
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Billing Queue Management. The Billing Queue Management window opens.
- Search for and select a project from the Project lookup field.
- Click Initialize Billing Queue. The billing queue is initialized for all the records that are eligible for billing in the selected project.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.

You can use this action if you have defined the Timecard Statuses field of the Task Management Settings custom setting. The action recalculates actual hours and timecard actual hours for existing project tasks that don't have the Do Not Auto Update This Task checkbox selected, and are within active projects.
To recalculate actual hours and timecard actual hours on project tasks:
- In the PSA Batch Process section, click Calculate Actual Hours on Project Tasks.
- Click Run.
When the process has completed successfully, the Actual Hours and Timecard Actual Hours fields are updated on valid project tasks. You can review the status of the process on the Apex Jobs page in Setup, or by using the Process Runs app that is available from the App Launcher. To view the process run records in the Process Runs app, you need the FDN AsyncApi - Process permission set assigned to you.

Schedule or run batches of Future Time Schedule calculations. See Calculating Future Scheduled Hours.

Schedule or run batches of Project Variance calculations. See Viewing and Updating Project Variance.

Click Generate EVAs to create estimates versus actuals comparison records (EVAs) for all existing held resource requests without any associated EVA records. EVA records are generated for all held resource requests with a schedule and a linked resource. For more information, see Estimates Versus Actuals.
To generate EVAs for all existing held resource requests.
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Generate EVAs For Held Resource Requests. Generate EVAs For Held Resource Requests window opens.
- Click Generate.

Schedule or run batches of all eligible assignment schedule recalculations.
To run a batch job immediately:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Recalculate Schedules on Assignments. Recalculate Schedules on Assignments window opens.
- Click Run. The batch job is submitted and the Scheduled Hours are recalculated.
To schedule a batch job:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Recalculate Schedules on Assignments. Recalculate Schedules on Assignments window opens.
- Click Schedule.
- Set the schedule day, time, and frequency.
- [Optional] To change your selection, click Back.
- Click Schedule.
For more information on recalculating schedules on Assignments on a Project, see Recalculating Assignment Schedules.

Schedule or run batches of all eligible resource request schedule recalculations.
To run a batch job immediately:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Recalculate Schedules on Resource Requests. Recalculate Schedules on Resource Requests window opens.
- Click Run.
To schedule a batch job:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Recalculate Schedules on Resource Requests. Recalculate Schedules on Resource Requests window opens.
- Click Schedule.
- Set the schedule day, time, and frequency.
- [Optional] To change your selection, click Back.
- Click Schedule.
For more information on recalculating schedules on Resource Requests on a Project, see Rescheduling Resource Requests.

Update the current time period information for regions, practices, groups, projects, and resources. Updating the time period causes the appropriate pages to pull in data for actuals, backlog, and utilization and displays the data in the appropriate details section for each record.
To update the current time period information immediately:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | RPGPR Maintenance Batch. The RPGPR Maintenance Batch window opens.
- Select an object.
- Click Run. The batch job is submitted and the current time period information is updated.
To schedule an update to the current time period information:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | RPGPR Maintenance Batch. The RPGPR Maintenance Batch window opens.
- Select an object.
- Click Schedule.
- Set the schedule day, time, and frequency.
- [Optional] To change your selection, click Back.
- Click Schedule. The batch job is scheduled and the current time period information is updated.

To delete Apex scheduled jobs that have no future scheduled activity in immediate mode:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Scheduled Job Cleanup. The Scheduled Job Cleanup window opens.
- Click Run. The scheduled jobs with no scheduled run are deleted.
To delete Apex scheduled jobs that have no future scheduled activity in scheduled mode.
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Scheduled Job Cleanup. The Scheduled Job Cleanup window opens.
- Click Schedule.
- Set the schedule day, time, and frequency.
- [Optional] To change your selection, click Back.
- Click Schedule. The cleanup job is scheduled and the scheduled jobs that have no future scheduled run are deleted.

Update the Project Currency Exchange Rate field on EVA records and Project Currency Exchange Rate on Milestone records over a particular date range. For more information, see Estimates Versus Actuals and Milestones.
You can process a maximum of 50 million combined EVA and Milestone records in a single batch when the Project Currency Exchange Rate is not currently populated.
To update project currency exchange rates on milestones and EVAs.
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Batch Processes | Update Project Currency Exchange Rates. Update Project Currency Exchange Rates on Milestones and EVAs window opens.
- Complete the To and From fields and click Update Records.
If the specified date range exceeds the limit for the records you want to update, select a shorter date range. If necessary, wait until the batch has finished before submitting another batch of 50 million records.
All records are populated with the value of "1.000" when the Project Currency Exchange Rate is "null" as follows:
- You have a single corporate currency in your org and Use Dated Exchange Rates is "True" or "False".
- Multi-currency is disabled and Use Dated Exchange Rates is set to "False".
When a dated exchange rate does not historically exist for an associated project currency, the value in Project Currency Exchange Rate is not populated with any value. We recommend you create historic dated exchange rates for each currency. For more information, see Creating a PSA Currency.

Schedule utilization calculation jobs using the Utilization Engine. See Utilization Engine.
Configuration Management
Export your existing configuration settings and import the configuration settings included in the PSA packages. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Configurations.
PSA Custom Mappings
You can map fields between objects when you are creating:
- Projects from opportunities.
- Resource requests and held resource requests from project tasks.
- Assignments from project tasks.

Opportunity to Project Mappings enables you to map fields on an opportunity to fields on a project when creating a project from an opportunity so that the required data is transferred from the opportunity to the new project.
Opportunity to Project Mappings uses the FDN Mappings Lightning component. For more information, see Adding Custom Mappings from the FDN Mappings Component.
When creating custom mappings, ensure that the mappings you create are between the same field types, for example:
- Text to Text
- Date to Date
If you create a mapping between different field types, the user receives an error message when trying to create a project from an opportunity.
To create a custom mapping:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Custom Mappings | Create Project Mappings. Alternatively, select Create Project Mappings from the App Launcher.
- Click Add Mapping.
- Use the Source Field Path field to specify the field you want to map from. A valid source field path can contain a maximum of two fields, for example, Account ID > and Account Name.
- Select the field you want to map to from the Target Field picklist.
- Leave Condition Field blank.
- Click Save.
To edit or delete a custom mapping, click the arrow at the end of the row containing the mapping and select Edit or Delete.

Task-Based Resourcing PTA to RR Mappings enables you to map project task assignment fields to resource request fields. These mappings are used when generating resource requests from project tasks and ensure that the data on the project task assignments are reflected in the resource requests. If a field in the grouping criteria has a custom mapping, read-only columns for the corresponding resource request fields are shown in the table of data that is displayed before you create the resource requests. For more information, see Creating Resource Requests from Project Tasks.
The following table shows the managed mappings for this feature.
Key: * – Mandatory field
Resource Request Field | Project Task Assignment Field | |
Resource Role | * | Role |
Suggested Resource |
Resource Name For resource requests. |
Resource | * |
Resource Name For held resource requests. |
Similarly, the Task-Based Resourcing PTA to Assignment Mappings action enables you to map project task assignment fields to assignment fields. These mappings are used when creating assignments from project tasks and ensure that the data on the project task assignments are reflected in the assignments. For more information, see Creating Assignments from Project Tasks.
The following table shows the managed mappings for this feature.
Key: * – Mandatory field
Resource Request Field | Project Task Assignment Field | |
Role | * | Role |
Resource | * | Resource Name |
Task-Based Resourcing Mappings uses the FDN Mappings Lightning component. For more information, see Adding Custom Mappings from the FDN Mappings Component.
When creating custom mappings, ensure that the mappings you create are between the same field types, for example:
- Text to Text
- Date to Date
If you create a mapping between different field types, the user receives an error message when trying to generate resource requests from project tasks.
To create a custom mapping:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Custom Mappings | Task-Based Resourcing Mappings.
- Click Add Mapping.
- Type an identifier for the mapping in the Message Key field.
- Set the source type and target type to Field. The following are not supported:
- Advanced Lookup
- Child Relationship
- Static
- Use the Source Field Path field to specify the field you want to map from. A valid source field path can contain a maximum of two fields, for example, Project Task > and End Date.
- Select the field you want to map to from the Target Field picklist.
- Leave the Data Transformation Table field blank.
- Click Save.
To edit or delete a custom mapping, click the arrow at the end of the row containing the mapping and select Edit or Delete.
Geocoding Services
Provide longitude and latitude coordinates based on an address using the Google Maps service. For example, when locating resources. See Searching for Resources on the Search Resources Page.

To turn on Geocoding Services:
- On the PSA Administration page, click Geocoding Services | Manage Geocoding Services. Manage Geocoding Services window opens.
- Click Activate Google Maps.
To turn off Geocoding Services:
- On the PSA Administration page, click Geocoding Services | Manage Geocoding Services. Manage Geocoding Services window opens.
- Click Deactivate Google Maps.

Turn Geocoding Services on by clicking Activate and then Accept to agree to share address data with Google. Turn off the service by clicking Deactivate.
The read-only MapQuest details present checkbox indicates whether PSA was previously configured for MapQuest. It’s checked if there are values set in deprecated MapQuest Search Resources Settings.
Foundations Administration
Click Manage Foundations Administration to register your Foundations publications and subscriptions, and load or remove all publications or subscriptions.
For more information, see Foundations Integration.
Jira-PSA Integration

Run the process to retry synchronizing the PSA project task to Jira issues that had previously failed.
- On the PSA Administration page, click Jira-PSA Integration| Retry Project Task Sync. Retry Project Task Sync window opens.
- Click Run.
See Viewing Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA Error Messages.
Revenue Forecasting
This section enables you to:
- Preview a revenue forecast to determine what would be included for a selected project if you were to run it now. For more information, see Previewing Revenue Forecasts.
- Schedule a revenue forecast. For more information, see Scheduling Revenue Forecasts.
- Schedule a revenue forecast version. For more information, see Scheduling Revenue Forecast Versions.
PSA Scheduled Actions
This section enables you to schedule actions:
- Schedule Backlog Calculation for a region, practice, or group. For more information, see Backlog Calculations Overview and Scheduling Backlog Calculations.
- Schedule a Missing Timecard calculation for a region, practice, or group. For more information, see Missing Timecards and Calculating Missing Timecards.
- Schedule Time Variance Calculation for a region, practice, or group. For more information, see Time Variance Calculations and Generating a Time Variance Calculation.
- Schedule Utilization Calculation for a resource or an organization.

You can schedule backlog calculations for a resource or an organization to run automatically at a particular time or frequency in the future for a region, practice, or group.
To calculate backlog immediately for a resource or an organization, see Calculating Backlog.
To schedule a backlog calculation:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Scheduled Actions | Schedule Backlog Calculation. The Schedule Backlog Calculation window opens.
- From the lookup, search for and select the region, practice or group that you want to schedule backlog for.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
- Backlog Calculation Name
- Start Date
- Time Period Types
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields as described in Backlog Calculation Fields.
- Click Next.
- Set the Schedule for weekly or monthly calculations. For more information, see Schedule.
- Click Schedule. The scheduled backlog calculation is queued.
- [Optional] Verify the queued scheduled backlog calculation job in Scheduled Jobs.

You can schedule missing timecard calculations for a resource to run automatically at a particular time or frequency in the future for a region, practice, or group.
To calculate missing timecards immediately for a resource or an organization, see Calculating Missing Timecards.
To schedule missing timecard calculations:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Scheduled Actions | Schedule Missing Timecard Calculation.
- In the Schedule Missing Timecard Calculation window, select Region, Practice, or Group from the drop-down.
- Search for and select the record you want to schedule the missing timecard calculation for.
- Click Next.
- [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice, or group’s children.
- Set the Schedule for weekly or monthly calculations. For more information, see Schedule.
- Click Schedule. The scheduled missing timecard calculation is queued.
- [Optional] Verify the queued scheduled missing timecard calculation job in Scheduled Jobs.

You can schedule time variance calculations to run automatically at a particular time or frequency in the future for the resources at the region, practice or group level.
To calculate time variance at the region, practice, and group level between a resource's work calendar hours and the actual logged hours, see Generating a Time Variance Calculation.
To schedule time variance calculation:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Scheduled Actions | Schedule Time Variance Calculation.
- In the Schedule Time Variance Calculation window, select Region, Practice, or Group from the drop-down list.
- Search for and select the RPG record you want to schedule the time variance calculation for from the RPG lookups.
- Click Next.
- Enter a name for the time variance calculation.
- [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice or group's children.
- Set the Schedule for weekly or monthly calculations. For more information, see Generate Time Variance Fields.
- Click Schedule. The scheduled time variance calculation is queued.
- [Optional] Verify the queued scheduled time variance calculation job in Scheduled Jobs.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.

You can schedule utilization calculations for a resource or an organization to run automatically at a particular time or frequency in the future on the following:
- Contact [Resource]
- Region
- Practice
- Group
- Utilization Calculation
To calculate utilization immediately for a resource or an organization, see Calculating Utilization.
To schedule utilization calculation:
- On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Scheduled Actions | Schedule Utilization Calculation (Legacy).
- In the Schedule Utilization Calculation (Legacy) window, select one of the following options in the lookup:
- Region
- Practice
- Group
- Contact (Resource)
- Utilization Calculation
- From the lookup, search for and select the record you want to schedule utilization for.
For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.
Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.
- Click Next.
- Complete the fields described in the following sections and click Next:
- Click Schedule. The scheduled utilization calculation is queued.
- [Optional] Verify the queued scheduled missing timecard calculation job in Scheduled Jobs.
You can use Utilization to:
- Configure utilization setups
- Create a utilization setup record
- Delete utilization results
- Schedule utilization job runs
- View utilization run results
For more information, see: