Calculating Missing Timecards
To calculate missing timecards:
- Navigate to the region, practice, or group that you want to calculate missing timecards for.
- [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice, or group's children.
- Select the end date of the relevant week.
- Click Calculate.

- Display a region
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects., practice
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. or group
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. and click Calculate Missing Timecard.
- [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice or group's children.
- Select the Week Ending date.
- Click Generate.
- Click the Missing Timecards tab.
- Click Go.
A list of missing timecards is displayed.
- Click a Missing Timecard Name to view the details for a resource.
- [Optional] If you want to print a missing timecard, click Printable View in the top-right corner of the page.
- [Optional] If you want to notify resources of missing timecards, set up a Salesforce workflow. For further information see the Salesforce Help.
You can schedule missing timecard calculations from the PSA Administration page, which you open from App Launcher. For more information, see PSA Administration.

To schedule generation of missing timecards, set up an Apex job to run at a regular interval:
- Display a region
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects., practice
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. or group
A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. and click Calculate Missing Timecard.
- [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice or group's children.
- Set the schedule date, time, and frequency.
- Complete the fields in the Schedule section. See Generate Missing Timecard Fields.
- Click Schedule.
- To monitor the newly scheduled job: from Setup, click Monitoring | Scheduled Jobs.
The new job is listed with the name “Missing timecard Scheduled for: date”.
Viewing Missing Timecard Calculation Details
You can view a calculation record of missing timecards in your region, practice, or group pages. To view Missing Timecard Calculation Details, add Missing Timecard Calculations related list to the page layout for the region, practice, or group.
See Generate Missing Timecard Calculation Fields for fields to display in the Missing Timecard Calculation Details page.