Managing Configuration
PSA uses configuration values to process specific data elements, based on individual customer requirements. A basic set of the configuration values is provided with PSA. If you are an administrator user you can edit these values.
PSA configuration is contained in custom settings and configuration options. Configuration options are organized by, groups, options and values to facilitate easier look-ups and searches. For detailed information about configuration options, see Configuration Settings.
Custom Settings
Some PSA configuration is contained in custom settings.
Configuration Groups
The Configuration Groups tab contains groups of configuration options that logically represent areas of PSA. Each configuration group has a name, a key, a description and a version. Each group contains several options, and each option houses one or more values.
Configuration Options

- Name
- Checkbox to allow or disallow multiple values for the option
- Data type, such as Boolean
- Version number
- Help text
- Description
- Editable picklist values appropriate to the option data type
- A related list of editable values, which can be edited; new values can also be added
Configuration Values
Each configuration value has an id, a reference back to its configuration option, a sort option, and the value. Depending on the component and its function, you can set the values to configure the application.