Mapping Default Records for PSA Direct for Concur Expense Fields
Here is a list of the default mappings provided out-of-the-box in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector.

A list of the default mappings for Concur Expense Report to PSA Expense Report.
Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? | Data Transformation Table |
expense_rpt | N/A | ||||||
LastComment | No | string | pse__Description__c | Yes | |||
ApprovalStatusCode | No | string | pse__Status__c | Yes | Concur to PSA Approval Status Mapping | ||
ApprovalStatusCode | No | string | pse__Include_in_financials__c | Yes | Concur to PSA Include In Financials Mapping | ||
ApprovalStatusCode | No | string | pse__Submitted__c | Yes | Concur Approval Status Code to PSA Submitted Mapping | ||
ID | No | string | psac__Concur_Correlation_Id__c | No | |||
Report Name | No | string | Name | No |

Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Field Lv3 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? | Data Transformation Table |
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Resource__c | Yes | ||||
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Assignment__c | Yes | ||||
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Project__c | Yes |

A list of the default mappings for Concur Expense Line to PSA Expense Line.
Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Field Lv3 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? | Data Transformation Table |
Items | N/A | |||||||
TransactionAmount | value | No | number | pse__Amount__c | Yes | |||
Approved | No | string | pse__Approved__c | Yes | ||||
IsBillable | No | string | pse__Billable__c | Yes | ||||
Description | No | string | pse__Description__c | Yes | ||||
includeInFinancials | No | string | pse__Include_In_Financials__c | Yes | ||||
IsPersonal | No | boolean | pse__Non_Reimbursible__c | Yes | ||||
ReportName | No | number | pse__Expense_Report__c | Yes | ||||
ApprovalStatusCode | No | string | pse__Status__c | Yes | ||||
submitted | No | boolean | pse__Submitted__c | Yes | ||||
TransactionDate | No | Date | pse__Expense_Date__c | Yes | ||||
Expense Type Code | No | string | pse__Type__c | Yes | Concur to PSA Expense Type Mapping |

Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Field Lv3 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? | Data Transformation Table |
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Resource__c | Yes | ||||
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Assignment__c | Yes | ||||
Custom [N] > Code | No | string | pse__Project__c | Yes |

Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Field Lv3 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping |
Items | N/A | |||||
Expense Report Currency Code | No | string | CurrencyIsoCode | Yes | ||
PostAmount | No | number | pse__Amount |

Field Lv1(Reports v3) | Field Lv2 | Field Lv3 | Shipped Field ID | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Field Lv1(Reports v3) |
Static | |||||||
TRUE | No | Override Rate (Incurred Currency) | |||||
Items | N/A | ||||||
Inverted Exchange Rate | No | number | Exchange Rate (Incurred Currency) |

A list of the default mappings for PSA Project to Concur.
Source Field | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? |
Project Name | No | String | Name | Yes |

A list of the default mappings for PSA Resource to Concur.
Source Field | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? |
Full Name | No | String | Name | Yes |

A list of the default mappings for PSA Assignment to Concur.
Source Field | Metadata Visible? | Concur Type | Managed Mapping | Mapping Can be Overridden? |
Assignment Name | No | String | Name | Yes |