Mapping PSA Direct for Concur Expense Fields
This custom metadata type is used for defining the mappings between objects and fields in PSA and Concur in PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector.
You can only perform these steps in Lightning if the latest packages of Foundations, PSA, and PSA Direct for Concur Expense extension packages are installed.

Here is a description of the fields available on Mappings PSA to Concur records.
Field |
Description |
Label | Name of the mapping. |
PSA to Concur Field | Unique API name of the PSA to Concur Field Name. |

Here is a description of the fields available on Mappings PSA to Concur Field details.
Field |
Description |
Concur Field ID | ID of the field on the specified Concur object for which the mapping is created in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense. For example, Custom9. |
Concur Field Name | Name of the field on the specified Concur object for which the mapping is created in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense. This field might be empty if a PSA field is mapped to an intermediary field in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense that does not exist on the Concur object. For example, the Sync with Concur field. |
Owning Type | The type of the field. For example, fields. |
Concur Datatype | The Concur Datatype for this field. For example, String. |

Here is a description of the fields available on Mappings PSA to Concur Field details.
Field |
Description |
Is Available for Mapping | The checkbox that determines whether the field is available for use in mappings. |
Mapping Can Be Overridden | The checkbox that determines whether a managed mapping that targets the field can be overridden. |

The following fields and columns are displayed in the Project Task to Issue Field Mappings section of the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Mappings Lightning page.
Field |
Description |
Source Object | The source object for the selected Project Task. |
Target Object | The target object for the selected Concur Fields. |
Source | The data source. |
Target | The target for the data. |

The following buttons are displayed in PSA Direct for Concur Expense Mappings Lightning page.
Button |
Description |
Add Mapping | Create a new mapping for the PSA Direct for Concur Expense. |

The following fields are available when you click Add Mapping. Depending on your selections, different combinations of fields are visible.
Key: F – Field; CR – Child relationship; S – Static source; L – Lookup; CM – Child mapping; AL – Advanced lookup.
Field | Description | |
Source Type | The type of data being sent, such as a value from a field, a static value, or a child relationship. | |
Source Field Path | F | The field on the source object or a related object that contains the source data. |
Source Description | S | The description of the fixed data to send in the mapping. |
Source Data | S | The exact value to send in the mapping. |
Source Child Relationship | CR | The related object that provides child source data. |
Target Type | The type of target, such as a field, child record, or a lookup that contains a non-unique name. | |
Target Field | The field in which to store the data from the source. | |
Target Child Relationship | CR | The related target object for which you want to create records. |
Child Filter Field | CR | The checkbox or formula field that determines whether to create or update child records. If specified, records are created or updated when the field equals true. |
Record Creation Method | CR | The way you want to create and maintain linked records:Always AddAlways ReplaceUpdate MatchingUpdate Matching and Delete |
Target Lookup | AL | The field that stores the data from the advanced lookup. |
Data Transformation Table | The data transformation table to apply to the target field. |