About Column Filters in Summarization

Column filters can be defined on the Field Mappings tab of the summarization template. They allow you to be more selective about what information is summarized in columns. For example, if the selection rule on your summarization template retrieves sales invoice data you could apply column filters to display invoice totals in different columns depending on the invoice's due date.

For example, assume that these are your source transactions and today's date is January 18, 2016.

Account Invoice Due Date Invoice Total
HOWARD LTD January 25 2016 175.00
HOWARD LTD February 10 2016 60.00
HOWARD LTD February 22 2016 50.00
HOWARD LTD March 3 2016 600.00
HOWARD LTD March 12 2016 1400.00
MANNING INC January 31 2016 450.00
MANNING INC February 28 2016 260.00
MANNING INC March 25 2016 120.00
MANNING INC April 12 2016 60.00

Within your summarization template, add mappings on the Field Mappings tab to filter for invoices due within 30 days, invoices due within 31-60 days, and invoices due in over 60 days. Your field mappings will look something like this:

From To Summarization Method Filter
Account Account Group By  
Invoice Total Age Band 01 SUM Invoice Due Date <= Next 30 Days
Invoice Total Age Band 02 SUM Invoice Due Date IN RANGE Next 31 Days to Next 60 Days
Invoice Total Age Band 03 SUM Invoice Due Date => Next 61 Days

Age Band fields are available on the Summarization object for use with column filtering. A corresponding Count field exists so that you can display a count of documents summarized by each filter.

When you run an action view template to view this summarized data, the results look something like this:

Account Age Band 01
(Due within 30 days)
Age Band 01 Count Age Band 02
(Due within 31-60 days)
Age Band 02 Count Age Band 03
(Due 61+ days)
Age Band 03 Count
HOWARD LTD 235.00 2 2050.00 3    
MANNING INC 450.00 1 260.00 1 180.00 2

Notes about using Column Filters in Summarization

  • Filters can only be applied on rows where the summarization method is SUM
  • Only fields that have the Presentable checkbox enabled on the source dataview can be used in column filters. Therefore, in the example above, the Invoice Due Date field must be Presentable on the source dataview.
  • The Age Band Count fields display whole numbers by default but, if you rename the fields when adding them to the dataview over the Summarization object, they display decimal numbers.