Summarization Template Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Summarization Template page.

Button Bar

Buttons on the Summarization Template page
Button Description
Back to List Returns you to the most recently displayed list view.
Clone Creates a new summarization template from the current template's settings. You will be prompted to supply a name for the new template. Any unsaved changes are saved to the new template, but are not saved back to the original template.
Save Saves the current summarization template.
Save and Build Saves the template and submits a batch job to populate the summarization table according to the mappings in this template. You are notified by email when the batch job has completed.
Open Help Opens the related Certinia Help topic.
Maximize Minimize Maximizes/Restores the page in your browser window.


Key: * – Mandatory field; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Fields on the Summarization Template page
Field     Description
Name * 80 A unique name for the summarization template.
Dataview *   The dataview used by this summarization template. When a dataview is in use, there are restrictions on what you can edit in the dataview. See Editing Dataviews for details. If you want the summarization template to use a different dataview, you must clear all fields from the template before the dataview can be changed.
Destination *   The destination object that will store the summarized data.