Currency Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Currency object.

Key: * – Mandatory; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Currency Code *   Three character currency code abbreviation.
Currency Name *   Name of the currency.
Is Corporate Currency     Indicates whether the currency is the corporate currency to which all other currencies are compared for exchange rate purposes.
Is Test     Indicates whether the currency and its exchange rates are only to be used in test mode and not for real conversions.
Is Void     Indicates whether this currency record and its exchange rates are invalid and are not to be used.
Owner   R Owner of the currency. You can change this on the currencies search results page.

Currency Exchange Rate Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Currency Exchange Rate page.

Field     Description
Created By   R User who created the currency exchange rate.
Currency   R The name of the currency to which the exchange rate applies.
Currency Code   R The three digit currency code for the currency to which the exchange rate applies.
Currency Exchange Rate Number   R Unique ID applied to the exchange rate.
Effective Date *   The date from which the exchange rate applies for the referenced currency.
Expiration Date     The date on which the exchange rate expires. The last day that this exchange rate is used is the day before the date that you specify. If you do not specify a value, the exchange rate never expires.
Is Test     Indicates whether the current exchange rate is used in test mode and is not to be used for real exchange rate conversions.
Is Void     Indicates whether the exchange rate is invalid and is not to be used for exchange rate conversions.
Last Modified By   R The user who made the last modification to the exchange rate.
Next Effective Date   R Effective date of the subsequent exchange rate for the currency if there is one. This field is automatically set by PSA.
Rate *   The numeric value of the exchange rate of the referenced currency and the corporate currency defined for the org.


Here is a description of the buttons on the Currency and Exchange Rate pages.

Button Description
Edit Makes editable fields available for editing.
Delete Deletes the currency or exchange rate.
Clone Creates a copy of the currency or exchange rate.

Concept Information


Related Tasks

Creating a PSA Currency

Editing a Custom PSA Currency

Setting up Currencies

Reference Materials

Currency Settings

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