Recent Choice | Description | |
Recently Viewed | The last 10 or 25 records you viewed, with the most recently viewed item listed first. This list is derived from your recent items and includes records owned by you and other users. | |
Recently Created | The last 10 or 25 records you created, with the most recently created item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you. | |
Recently Modified | The last 10 or 25 records you updated, with the most recently updated item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you. |
FinancialForce PSA handles currency and exchange rates in different ways depending on the way in which you have configured it. PSA can use Salesforce's advanced currency management feature or it can use its own custom currency rate tables for multi-currency conversions.
If you have permissions to do so you can:
If you have configured PSA to use the advanced Salesforce multi-currency feature, you manage the exchange rates and currencies using the Manage Currencies section of the Company Profile. See the Salesforce Help for more information on currency management on the Salesforce platform.
When the Salesforce Advanced Multi Currency setting is set to false, the PSA Currencies tab is used in multi-currency conversions instead of the advanced Salesforce multi-currency feature.
Concept Information
Setting up Accounts and Opportunities
Managing Profiles, Security and Sharing
About Time Periods, Work Calendars and Holidays
Related Tasks
Customizing Billing Event Items
Setting up Services Forecasting
Configuring Bottom Up Planning
Reference Materials