Expense Limits and Rates

If you have administrator permissions you can:

What is an Expense Limit?

An expense limit is the maximum amount for an expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. type on an expense line. An expense limit only applies to an expense line. For instance, with an expense limit of 500 USD, users can still create an expense reportA mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment. with two separate expense lines of 500 USD for the same expense type. When entering an expense, if an expense amount on an expense line exceeds the expense limit, an error message is displayed to the user and the expense line is not saved.

What is an Expense Rate?

An expense rate is used on expense type such as mileages where expense rates are used to multiply by a unit of measurement to calculate the expense amount. You can apply different expense rates for different expense types and resource roles. When completing an expense line for an expense type that uses an expense rate if a user chooses a unit of measurement for which there is no expense rate, they must then override the expense amount. Users can still enter their own expense amount even if an expense amount is calculated using an expense rate.

When entering expenses, the expense limits and rates that will be applied are displayed in the project currency.

How are Expense Limits and Rates Applied?

Expense limits and rates are applied:

If you set the cascading option on an expense limit or rate, that expense limit or rate is applied to all projects in the specified RPG and those below it in the hierarchy.

There are also a number of configuration options in the Expenses configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. that control the way in which expense limits and rates are applied. See "Expense Settings" for further information.


When entering an expense, users can choose any currency defined in your organization. This represents the currency that the expense was incurred in. For instance, a UK resource working on a US project might incur a Canadian dollar expense. Expense limits and rates are usually in the same currency as the project that they are applied to, but can be in a different currency than the incurred currency. In this situation, the amount of the expense limit or rate is converted. PSA uses dated exchange rates and the Currency Effective Date field on the expense limit or rate to do this. In addition:

Related Tasks

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates

Setting the Default Expense Type

Setting up Expense Report Web Pages

Setting up Exchange Rates

Reference Materials

Expense Limits and Rates Fields

Expense Settings

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