Expense Settings

You can control the expense and expense report settings using the Expense configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..

The custom settings Expense UI Global and Expenses UI Personal are reserved for future use and are not currently used.
Field Key Description
expense-report-approval-process-all-or-none   When using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page to automatically submit expenses for approval, indicates whether all selected expense reports are only submitted for approval if none of them report errors during submission. See "Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes".
additional-er-fields   Comma separated list of API names of expense report fields to be displayed on the Edit Expense page as additional fields. The fields you specify only appear when they exist and the user has write permissions on them. If you specify fields that are already displayed, they are ignored. For instance, you can specify the following fields:
  • Milestone__c
  • First_Expense_Date__c
  • Last_Expense_Date__c
  • Reimbursement_Currency__c
Do not specify checkboxes such as Billed, Admin Global Edit Action Check Include In Financials, Include In Financials, Submitted or Approved. If these checkboxes are specified and users edit any of them and then click save, the expense report becomes read-only. For a full list of fields that must not be included in this configuration option, see "Fields to Exclude from additional-er-fields".
additional-expense-fields   Comma separated list of API names of expense fields to be displayed on the Edit Expense page as additional fields in the Notes Detail section. The fields you specify only appear when they exist and the user has write permissions on them. If you specify fields that are already displayed, they are ignored. You can specify the following fields:
  • Approved_for_Billing__c
  • Approved_for_Vendor_Payment__c
  • Audit_Notes__c
  • Billing_Hold__c
  • Exclude_from_Billing__c
  • Milestone__c
  • Split_Notes__c.
Do not specify checkboxes such as Billed, Admin Global Edit Action Check Include In Financials, Include In Financials, Submitted or Approved. If these checkboxes are specified and users edit any of them and then click save, the expense record becomes read-only. For a full list of fields that must not be included in this configuration option, see "Fields to Exclude from additional-expense-fields".
allow mixed billable and billable expense reports   Indicates whether an expense report can contain billable and non-billable expenses.
allow-billable-expense-fees   Indicates whether users can add Billable Expense Fees to Expense Billable amounts.
allow-delegated-expense-report-entry   Indicates whether the expense report page loads resources that the user has permission to create expense reports for.
allow-deletion-of-submitted-expenses   Determines if submitted expenses can be deleted. If set to true (the default value), submitted expenses can be deleted.
allow-post-submit-edits-after-close   Indicates whether the Closed for Expense Entry checkboxes on parent records such as projects, assignments and milestones only stops entry of new or unsubmitted expenses. When the option is enabled, users cannot enter a new expense report or submit a new expense report that was not previously submitted.
always-use-project-expense-limit-amount   Indicates whether limits and rates assigned directly to a project are used regardless of other limits. When this configuration option is set and an expense limit or rate exists with the project set, that expense limit or rate is used for the project regardless of whether an equivalent expense limit or rate exists for the RPG.
assignment-lookup-columns   List of API names of assignment fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the Expense Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Nick_Name__c.
assignment-tooltip-fields   List of assignment fields to be shown as tooltips on the Expense Entry page.
auto-share-with-project-manager-user   Defines the level of sharing with the project manager for newly created expenses. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is None.
auto-share-with-project-resources   Defines the level of sharing with assigned project resources for newly created expenses. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is None.
custom-edit-expense-header-row-editable-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable fields on the header lines on the Edit Expense page.
custom-expense-header-row-read-only-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as read only fields on the header lines on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages.
custom-expense-notes-editable-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be shown as editable fields in the expense line notes section on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages.
custom-expense-notes-read-only-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be shown as read only fields in the expense line notes section on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages.
custom-expense-report-editable-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense Report object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable in the additional expense report fields section on the Edit Expense page.
custom-expense-report-read-only-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense Report object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as read only fields in the additional expense report fields section on the Edit Expense page.
custom-multi-expense-header-row-editable-fieldset-name   Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable fields on the header lines on the Expense Entry UI page.
default-incurred-tax-non-billable   Indicates the default value of the Non-Billable Tax checkbox in the details of each expense line.
default-milestone-to-assignment-milestone   Indicates whether the milestone from the assignment is used when a user does not enter a milestone for an expense report.
delete-expenses-on-er-delete   Indicates whether expenses that belong to an expense report are deleted when that expense report is deleted. The default value is false.
disable-milestone-copy-from-er-to-expense   Indicates whether the trigger that automatically copies the expense report milestone to expenses in the same expense report is disabled. The default value is false.
display billable checkbox for expenses   Indicates whether the Billable checkbox appears on each expense line.
When the display-billable-checkbox-for-expenses configuration option is false, the Billable checkbox is hidden and its value is now inherited from the related assignment or project.
display-account-on-resource-lookup   Indicates whether Resource Account is shown as a column for search results in the Resource lookup pop-up.
display-billable-amount   Indicates whether the Billable Amount Field is shown in the details of an expense line.
display-incurred-tax-non-billable   Indicates whether the Non-Billable Tax checkbox appears in the details for each expense line.
display-methodology-field   Indicates whether the Methodology field is displayed on the Expense Entry page and when creating and editing expense reports. The default value is true.
display-milestone-field   Indicates whether the Milestone field appears on the expense report.
display-non-billable-incurred-amount   Indicates whether the Non Billable Amount field appears on the expense report. When the option is set to false, the Exchange Rate field only appears when the resource has a different currency to that set on the project.
display-non-reimbursable-amount   Indicates whether the Non-Reimbursable checkbox appears on the details of an expense line.
display-phase-field   Indicates whether the Phase field is displayed on the Expense Entry page and when creating and editing expense reports. The default value is true.
empty-expense-lines-to-append-by-default   The minimum number of blank expense lines to be available for new expense entry on the Expense Entry page.
empty-expense-lines-to-append-on-add-lines   The minimum number of expense lines to add when a user clicks Add New Rows on the Expense Entry page.
er-auto-submit-for-approval   Indicates whether a newly created or updated expense report is submitted for approval when Submitted is selected and Approved is not selected. This uses the expense approval process if one has been set up on the organization. For information about setting up an approval process, see "Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes".
expense-attachment-batch-size   Maximum number of expenses to process in a single batch when creating expense reports using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page. When creating expense reports using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page, PSA processes the expenses in batches to avoid reaching a platform limit. The default value is 5.
expense-line-updates-synchronous-only   Indicates whether expense lines in an expense report are always updated when the expense report changes. When the value is set to false PSA updates the expense lines when the record count is greater than the value in the max synchronous expense lines configuration option.
expense-only-users-default-status   The value that the Status field is set to when saving an expense report.
expense-only-users-set-submitted-on-save   Indicates whether the Submitted checkbox is automatically selected when users with expense only permissions save an expense report.
expense-report-name-required   Indicates whether users must enter an expense report name when creating an expense report.
group-by-methodology   Indicates whether expenses are to be grouped into expense reports based on the selected methodology when creating expense reports from the Expense Entry page. The default value is false.
group-by-phase   Indicates whether expenses are to be grouped into expense reports based on the selected phase when creating expense reports from the Expense Entry page. The default value is false.
max-synchronous-expense-lines   Maximum number of Expenses lines for which cascading updates from Expense Reports are to be handled synchronously.
minimum-expense-amount-limit-for-attachment   Determines the limit above which a receipt attachment is required to submit an expense. The default value is 0, no receipt attachments are required.
When users enter expenses in non-corporate currencies, PSA converts the expense amounts entered to the corporate currency and then determines if receipt attachments are required
When a value greater than zero is set, users can still submit expenses without receipt attachments by selecting the Lost Receipt option. See "Lost Receipt" for more information.
If you want PSA to require receipt attachments do not configure it to move attachments from expense records to the expense report. Refer to the following configuration options:
move-non-image-attachments-to-ER Indicates whether receipt attachments that are not saved as image files will be copied from the expense to the expense report when you combine expense attachments using the Combine Attachments button on the expense report. The default value is False.
multi-expense-auto-move-attachments-to-er   Indicates whether expense attachment files on the selected expense lines are moved to the expense report when creating an expense report using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page. The default value is False.
multi-expense-er-name-date-time-suffix   Indicates whether expense reports created using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page are created with a name that contains the date time suffix YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS. When true, expenses are created with the suffix. When false, the expenses are created without the suffix. The default value is false.
multi-expense-er-submit-status   The value to set in the Status field of an expense report when created using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page. The default value is Submitted.
multi-expense-recent-ers-to-show   Number of expense reports to display per page of results on the Expense Entry page when the multi-expense-show-most-recently-created-ers configuration option is true.
multi-expense-show-most-recently-created-ers   Indicates whether an additional section is displayed at the bottom of the Expense Entry page that shows the most recent expense reports for a resource. The number of expense reports that are listed is determined by the multi-expense-recent-ers-to-show configuration option. Expense reports are ordered by their creation date. The default value is true.
non-Reimbursable-field-position-is-popup   Indicates whether the reimbursement checkbox appears in the details of the expense line or on the expense line next to the Billable checkbox.
proj-assig-dropdown-account-custom-field   The name of the field to add as a prefix to the Project/Assignment lookup on the Expense Entry page.
project-lookup-columns   List of API names of project fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the Expense Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Account__r.Name.
project-tooltip-fields   List of project fields to be shown as tooltips on Expense Entry page.
records-per-page-count   Determines the amount of expense lines displayed per page.
remove-exchange-rate-overrides-on-resource-defined-rate-removal   Removes all incurred and reimbursement currency overrides when resource-defined exchange rates change to zero. If the billing currency matches the incurred or reimbursement currency, removes billing currency overrides. The default is True.
resource-load-limit   Number of Resources to be loaded for the expense resource drop down.
resource-lookup-columns   A list of columns to display on the Resource lookup for the Expense Report Admin Edit page.
retain-attachments-on-expense Indicates whether receipt photos that have been combined to PDF on the expense report will remain on the expense line. The default value is True.
set-owner-to-resource-salesforce-owner   Indicates whether PSA sets the owner of expenses to the assigned resource. When set to true and an expense is entered for a resource whose Salesforce user is inactive, the owner field of that expense report remains unchanged. This allows users to enter expenses for an inactive user without an error occurring because that user is inactive.
show-assignmentNumber-assignment-dropdown   Indicates whether the assignment number appears in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup.
show-methodology-as-field   The field to use as the methodology name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Methodology Name for all the methodologies shown in the list. Lookup __r references are not allowed.
show-methodology-on-popup   Indicates whether the Methodology field on the Expense Entry page is displayed in the Additional Fields section that appears when you click Edit Details on an expense line. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. The default value is false
show-milestone-as-field   The field to use as the milestone name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Milestone Name for all the milestones shown in the lookup list.
show-milestone-on-popup   Indicates whether the Milestone field is show in the Additional fields section or the expense line on the Expense Entry page. When true, the Milestone field is shown at the top of the Additional Fields section of the Expense Entry page. When false, the Milestone field is displayed on the main Expense Entry page in the expense line.
show-phase-as-field   The field to use as the phase name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Phase Name for all the phases shown in the list. Lookup __r references are not allowed.
show-phase-on-popup   Indicates whether the Phase field on the Expense Entry page is displayed in the Additional Fields section that appears when you click Edit Details on an expense line. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. The default value is false

Indicates whether the project name appears in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup.

show-tax-type-on-popup   Indicates whether the Tax Type field is displayed in the Detail section of the Expense Entry and Edit Expense pages. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. The default value is True.
top-assignments-to-show-count   Number of recent assignments to be listed in the Project/Assignment lookup.
top-projects-to-show-count   Number of recent projects to be listed in the Project/Assignment lookup.
ui-ajax-timeout-ms   The maximum number of milliseconds to wait on the Expense Entry page before enabling the input fields. The default value is 1000.
undelete-expenses-on-er-undelete   Indicates whether expenses that belong to an expense report are undeleted when that expense report is undeleted. The default value is false.
Expenses in the recycle bin that belong to the expense report are also undeleted when the expense report is undeleted. This includes expenses that were deleted before the expense report was deleted.
update-approver-on-edit   Indicates whether the Approver field on an expense report is updated when a user edits it. This configuration option is dependent on the AssignProjectManagerToExpenseReportApprover configuration option in the Triggers configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..
update-asn-milestone-from-exp-in-separate-threads   Indicates whether updates from expenses to assignments and milestones are forced to occur in separate future methods.
update-er-from-exp-sync   Indicates whether changes made on expenses are carried out on the related expense report at the time the change is made on the expense record.
update-expense-exchange-rate-amounts-post-submit   If set to true, it is possible to update expense amounts post-submit based on updated currency exchange rates for expense dates. If set to false, the exchange rates on expenses remain as-is post-submit.
use-expense-date-to-convert-rates-limits   Indicates whether the date on an expense line is used to convert the expense limits and rates to the target currency. When true, the date on an expense line is used. When false, the effective date on the expense limits and rates is used. This is the default behavior.
use-fieldset-for-expense-ui   Allows you to switch your preferred method of managing visible fields on the Expense Entry and Edit Expense pages. If False, PSA will use configuration options to configure the user interface. If True, PSA will use field sets to configure the user interface.
use-highest-expense-limit-amount   Where expense limits/rates have values for Start Date and End Date, indicates whether the highest or lowest expense limit/rate is used when there are expense limits/rates for the same expense type with overlapping date ranges. Enter true for highest and false for lowest.
width-px-for-currency   Width of the Currency column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 120.
width-px-for-date   Width of the Date column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 70.
width-px-for-description   Width of the Description column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 120.
width-px-for-methodology-drop-down   The width of the Phase drop-down list on the Expense Entry page in pixels when "show-methodology-on-popup" is false.
width-px-for-milestone-drop-down   Width of the Milestone drop-down list on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value.
width-px-for-phase-drop-down   The width of the Phase drop-down list on the Expense Entry page in pixels when "show-phase-on-popup" is false.
width-px-for-project-assig-lookup   Width of the Project/Assignment column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 230.
width-px-for-status   Width of the Status column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 50.
width-px-for-total-amount   Width of the Total Amount column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 80.
width-px-for-type   Width of the Type column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 170.

Fields to Exclude From Additional ER and Expense Fields Settings

Fields to Exclude from additional-er-fields

You must not include any of these fields in the comma delimited list of API names for field names in the additional-er-fields configuration option:

API Name Field Label
Action_Check_Include_In_Financials__c Action: Update Include In Financials
Approved__c Approved
Assignment__c Assignment
Audit_Notes__c Audit Notes
Billable__c Billable
Description__c Description
Exclude_from_Billing__c Exclude from Billing
Include_in_Financials__c Include in Financials
Billed__c Lines Billed
Invoiced__c Lines Invoiced
Milestone__c Milestone
Override_Group__c Override Group
Override_Practice__c Override Practice
Override_Region__c Override Region
Project__c Project
Project_Expense_Notes__c Project Expense Notes
Resource__c Resource
Status__c Status
Submitted__c Submitted
Total_Billable_Amount__c Total Billable Amount
Total_Non_Billable_Amount__c Total Non-Billable Amount
Total_Reimbursement_Amount__c Total Reimbursement Amount

Fields to Exclude from additional-expense-fields

You must not include any of these fields in the comma delimited list of API names for field names in the additional-expense-fields configuration option:

API Name Field Label
Admin_Global_Edit__c Admin Global Edit
Amount__c Amount
Amount_To_Bill__c Amount to Bill
Amount_To_Reimburse__c Amount To Reimburse
Approved__c Approved
Assignment__c Assignment
Billable__c Billable
Billable_Amount__c Billable Amount
Billable_Fee_Flat__c Billable Fee Flat
Billable_Fee_Percentage__c Billable Fee Percentage
Bill_Date__c Bill Date
Billed__c Billed
Billing_Amount__c Billing Amount
Billing_Amount_Pre_Fee_Subtotal__c Billing Amount (Pre-Fee Subtotal)
Billing_Currency__c Billing Currency
Billing_Event__c Billing Event
Billing_Event_Invoiced__C Billing Event Invoiced
Billing_Event_Item__c Billing Event Item
Billing_Event_Released__c Billing Event Released
Billing_Event_Status__c Billing Event Status
Bill_Transaction__c Bill Transaction
Cost_Transaction__c Cost Transaction
Description__c Description
Distance__c Distance
Eligible_for_Billing Eligible for Billing
Exchange_Rate_Billing_Currency__c Exchange Rate (Billing Currency)
Exchange_Rate_Incurred_Currency__c Exchange Rate (Incurred Currency)
Exchange_Rate_Reimbursement_Currency__c Exchange Rate (Reimbursement Currency)
Exchange_Rate_Resource_Defined__c Exchange Rate (Resource-Defined)
Expense_Date__c Expense Date
Expense_Report__c Expense Report
Expense_Split_Parent__c Expense Split Parent
Include_In_Financials__c Include in Financials
Incurred_Tax__c Incurred Tax
Incurred_Tax_Non_Billable__c Incurred Tax Non-Billable
Invoiced__c Invoiced
Invoice_Date__c Invoice Date
Invoice_Number__c Invoice Number
Invoice_Transaction__c Invoice Transaction
Non_Billable_Amount__c Non-Billable Amount
Non_Billable_Incurred_Amount__c Non-Billable Incurred Amount
Non_Billable_Incurred_Subtotal__C Non-Billable Incurred Subtotal
Non_Reimbursible__c Non-Reimbursible
Notes__C Notes
Override_Group__c Override Group
Override_Group_Currency_Code__C Override Group Currency Code
Override_Practice__c Override Practice
Override_Practice_Currency_Code__C Override Practice Currency Code
Override_Rate_Billing_Currency__c Override Rate (Billing Currency)
Override_Rate_Incurred_Currency__c Override Rate (Incurred Currency)
Override_Rate_Reimbursement_Currency__c Override Rate (Reimbursement Currency)
Override_Region__c Override Region
Override_Region_Currency_Code__C Override Region Currency Code
Project__c Project
Rate_Unit__c Rate Unit
Reimbursement_Amount__c Reimbursement Amount
Reimbursement_Currency__c Reimbursement Currency
Resource__C Resource
Revenue_Transaction__c Revenue Transaction.
Split_Expense__c Split Expense
Status__c Status
Submitted__c Submitted
Synchronous_Update_Required__c Synchronous Update Required
Tax_Type__c Tax Type
Type__c Type
Vendor_Invoice_Item__c Vendor Invoice Item

Expense Approval UI Configuration Settings

The Expense Approval UI custom setting controls the behavior of the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.

Key: D – This setting is no longer used and has been replaced by the Expense Report Approval Columns field set. See "Expense Report Field Sets".

Setting   Description
Number of Expenses Shown Per Page   Number of expenses to display per page on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Assignment Name D Indicates whether the Assignment Name field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Billable Field D Indicates whether the Billable field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show First Expense Date D Indicates whether the first expense date is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Last Expense Date D Indicates whether the last expense date is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Milestone Name D Indicates whether the Milestone Name field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Project Name D Indicates whether the Project Name field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Resource Name D Indicates whether the Resource Name field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Total Billable Amount D Indicates whether the Total Billable Amount field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Show Total Non-Billable Amount D Indicates whether the Total Non-Billable Amount field is displayed on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.
Tooltip Fields   Comma delimited list of API names of expense fields to display on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page when hovering over the tooltip icon.
If you have permissions to do so, you can change the columns that appear on the Manage Expense Reports To Approve page by editing the field sets in the Expense Report object. See "Expense Report Field Sets". Field sets are a Salesforce platform feature. For further information about editing field sets, see the Salesforce help.

Concept Information

Expense Limits and Rates

Setting up Expenses

Rate Card Sets

Expense Reports

About Expense Currencies

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

Related Tasks

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates

Setting the Default Expense Type

Setting up Expense Report Web Pages

Setting up Exchange Rates

Approving and Rejecting Expense Reports

Cloning an Expense Report

Correcting Expense Reports

Creating and Submitting an Expense Report

Editing Expenses and Attaching and Combining Receipts

Entering Multiple Expenses

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This document contains proprietary information of FinancialForce.com, inc and its licensors, and is subject to change without notice.