Expense and Expense Report Fields

An expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. is incurred by a resourceA contact that works on a project. working on a projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets.. Expenses are grouped into an expense reportA mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment.. Each expense must be associated with an expense report. The fields described in this section are available to users with administrator privileges. For information about the fields that appear when entering expenses, see "Expense Report Page Fields" and "Expense Entry Page Fields".

Expense Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Expense object.

Key: * – Mandatory; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Rate Unit     Unit of measurement used in expense calculations.
Billing Amount (Pre-Fee Subtotal)     Amount to bill the customer minus the billable fee.
Incurred Tax Non-Billable     Indicates whether the portion of the expense amount specified in the Incurred Tax field is on-billable.
Invoice Transaction     Transaction ID for the invoice related to the expense.
Milestone     The project milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. to which the expense relates. If the Closed for Expense Entry checkbox is selected on a milestone, that milestone is not available for selection.
Non-Billable Incurred Amount     Amount which is to be subtracted from the expense amount in the calculation for the Non-Billable Amount.
Non-Billable Incurred Subtotal     Non-Billable Incurred Amount plus non-billable tax.
Notes     Notes for the expense.
Submitted     Indicates whether the expense has been submitted for approval.
Admin Global Edit     Indicates whether global changes will be made to the expense
Amount *   Amount for the expense.
Amount to Bill     Expense amount to bill the customer.
Amount to Reimburse     Expense amount to reimburse the resource.
Approved     Indicates whether the expense is approved.
Approved for Billing     Indicates whether the expense is approved for billing.
Approved for Vendor Payment     Indicates whether the expense is approved for payment.
Assignment     The assignment to which the expense relates.
Audit Notes     Audit notes for the expense.
Bill Date     The date on which the expense was charged to the project or customer.
Bill Transaction     Transaction ID for the billing event related to the timecard splitA whole timecard or part of a timecard..
Billable     Indicates whether the expense is to be charged to the customer.
When the display-billable-checkbox-for-expenses configuration option is false, the Billable checkbox is hidden and its value is now inherited from the related assignment or project.
Billable Amount     Expense amount to bill the customer.
Billable Fee Flat     Flat fee in project currency by which to increase the billable amount of the expense, defaulted from project along with project currency.
Billable Fee Flat Amount     Flat fee in by which to increase the billable amount of the expense, defaulted from the project.
Billable Fee Percentage     Fee percentage by which to increase the billable amount of the expense, defaulted from the project.
Billed     Indicates whether the expense has been charged to the project or customer.
Billing Amount     Amount to bill the customer.
Billing Currency     Currency that the expense is to be billed in.
Billing Event     Billing event to which the expense relates.
Billing Event Invoiced     Indicates whether the billing eventA means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system has been invoiced.
Billing Event Item     Billing event item to which the expense relates.
Billing Event Released     Indicates whether the billing event to which the expense relates has been released.
Billing Event Status     Status of the billing event associated with the expense.
Billing Hold     Indicates whether billing for the expense is on hold. When selected, the expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. cannot be billed and is not included when generating billing events.
Cost Transaction     Transaction ID for the cost associated with the timecard split.
Description     Description of the expense.
Distance     Distance traveled for auto mileage reimbursement.
Eligible For Billing     Indicates whether the expense is in a state that is eligible for billing event generation. In addition to this, Approved for Billing may need to be selected depending on the global configuration that your administrator has set.
Exclude from Billing     Indicates whether the expense is ineligible for billing generation. Selecting the checkbox has the same effect as billing hold, but is a permanent exclusion from billing generation.
Expense Date     Date of the expense.
Expense Report     Expense report to which the expense relates
Include In Financials     Indicates whether the expense is to be included in the financial roll-upTerm used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation. to the projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. and RPGs.
Incurred Tax     Portion of the expense which is tax. If the amount is Non-Billable, it is in addition to any Non-Billable Amount specified. The combined Non-Billable total cannot be greater than the Total Amount of the expense.
Invoice Date     Date the invoice was created.
Invoice Number     Invoice number for the invoice associated with the timecard splitA whole timecard or part of a timecard..
Invoiced     Indicates whether the customer has been invoiced.
Lost Receipt    

Enables users to submit expenses without receipt attachments even if receipt attachments are required. This field is only visible on the Multiple Expense Entry UI if the value of "minimum-expense-amount-limit-for-attachment " is greater than zero.

Currently, to be able to know how many lost receipts users are declaring, a separate expense line must be created for each lost receipt.
Non-Billable Amount     Portion of the expense which is not to be charged to the customer. This amount is subtracted from the billable amount.
Non-Reimbursable     Indicates whether the expense is non-reimbursable for future processing in downstream financial systems. When selected, the Reimbursable Amount field shows zero.
Override Region/Practice/Group     Overrides the regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the transactions on the expense roll-upTerm used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation. to for region/practice/group actualsTotals for a given time period..
Override Region/Practice/Group Currency Code     Currency code of the currency selected on the Override region/practice/group.
Project     The projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. to which an expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. relates.
Reimbursement Amount     Amount to reimburse the resource.
Reimbursement Amount in Project Currency     Numeric value for the Reimbursement Amount that has been converted to the project currency in which the project is billed using system rates. This field is used for vendor invoicing.
Reimbursement Currency     Currency to reimburse the resource in.
Resource *   Resource to which the expense relates.
Revenue Transaction     Transaction ID for the revenue associated with the expense.
Status     Approval status of the expense.
Synchronous Update Required     For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
Tax Type     The type of tax incurred. Your administrator can configure the options that appear in the drop-down list.
Type     The type of expense incurred. Expense limits may be set on these types.
If you want more than one auto mileage expense rate, you must add additional picklist values to the Type field in the Expense Limit / Rate and Expense objects. The picklist values that you enter must be exactly the same in both objects.
Vendor Invoice Item     Vendor invoice item to which the expense applies.
Milestone     The project milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. to which the expense relates. If the Closed for Expense Entry checkbox is selected on a milestone, that milestone is not available for selection.
Phase     The phase in the project to which the expense refers. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the phases listed are generated from the project phase records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Phase field on the project.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project phases, only those phases are shown in the Phase drop-down list when entering an expense.
Methodology     The current step in the Project Methodology. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the methodologies listed are generated from the project methodology records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Methodology field on the timecard object.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project methodologies, only those methodologies are shown in the Methodology drop-down list when entering an expense.
An expense must be associated with an expense report. Normally, you should create expense records using the Multiple Expense UI or New Expense Report buttons on the Expenses or Expense Report related lists.

Expense Report Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Expense Report object.

Field     Description
Action: Update Include in Financials     Indicates whether to update the Include in Financials checkbox asynchronously during a mass data load to avoid governor limits associated with native updates. This field is not intended for display, it is designed to support field updates in the approval process.
Admin Global Edit     Indicates whether an administrator can make global changes to an expense reportA mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment. when Include In Financials is selected. To use this option, the actuals calculation mode must be set to Scheduled. With this option selected, global changes will be made to the expenses in the expense report when you click Save.
Approved     Indicates whether the expense report is approved.
Approver     The current approver for the expense report.
Assignment     Assignment to which the expense report relates.
Audit Notes     Audit notes for the expense report.
Billable     Indicates whether the expenses in the expense report are to be charged to the customer.
Currency *   Currency that the report is generated in.
Description     Description of the expense report.
Disable Approval Auto Submit     Indicates whether submission for approval is skipped when the Submitted checkbox is selected. Depending on the approval process your administrator has chosen, this checkbox might be selected when you submit an expense report for approval. This prevents re-submission to the approval process when the expense report is already submitted for approval.
Exclude from Billing     Indicates whether the Exclude from Billing checkbox on child expenses is to be selected. This has the same effect as billing hold, but is a permanent exclusion from billing generation.
First Expense Date     The date on which the first expense was incurred.
Include in Financials     Indicates whether the expense report is to be included in the financial roll-ups to the project and RPGs.
Last Expense Date     The date on which the last expense was incurred.
Lines Billed     Indicates whether the lines in the expense report have been billed.
Lines Invoiced     Indicates whether the lines in the expense report have been invoiced.
Methodology     The current step in the Project Methodology. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the methodologies listed are generated from the project methodology records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Methodology field on the timecard object.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project methodologies, only those methodologies are shown in the Methodology drop-down list when entering an expense.
Milestone     The projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. to which the expense reportA mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment. relates. If the Closed for Expense Entry checkbox is selected on a milestone, that milestone is not available for selection.
If no milestones are listed and milestones exist in your project, it might be that the Show Assignment Milestones Only checkbox is selected on the assignment and no assignment milestone records exist for the assignment. See "Show Assignment Milestones Only".
Override Group     The groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which child expense transactions roll-upTerm used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation. for group actualsTotals for a given time period. even when the project is in a different group. Typically an expense's transactions roll-up to its project's or resource's group based on 'follows' rules.
Override Practice     The practice to which child expense transactions roll-up for practice actuals even when the project is in a different practice. Typically an expense's transactions roll-up to its project's or resource's practice based on 'follows' rules.
Override Region     The region to which child expense transactions roll-up for regional actuals even when the project is in a different region. Typically an expense's transactions roll-up to its project's or resource's region based on 'follows' rules.
Phase     The phase in the project to which the expense refers. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the phases listed are generated from the project phase records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Phase field on the project.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project phases, only those phases are shown in the Phase drop-down list when entering an expense.
Project     Project to which the expense report relates.
Project Expense Notes   R Expense notes entered on the project record.
Reimbursement Currency     The three character currency code representing the currency that the resource will be reimbursed in.
Resource     Resource to which the expense report relates.
Status     The current status of the expense report.
Submitted     Indicates whether the expense report has been submitted for approval.
Total Billable Amount     The total amount to include for future processing in downstream financial systems.
Total Non-Billable Amount     The total amount to exclude from future processing in downstream financial systems.
Total Reimbursement Amount     The total reimbursement amount in the resource's default currency.

Concept Information

Expense Reports

About Expense Currencies

Related Tasks

Approving and Rejecting Expense Reports

Cloning an Expense Report

Correcting Expense Reports

Creating and Submitting an Expense Report

Editing Expenses and Attaching and Combining Receipts

Entering Multiple Expenses

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates

Reference Materials

Expense Entry Page Fields

Combine Expense Attachments Page Fields

Expense Report Page Fields

Expense Settings

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