Expense Entry Page Fields


Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the Expense Entry page. This page is displayed when you click Multiple Expense Entry UI on the Expenses or Expense Reports related list, or on the Home page sidebar if configured in your organization.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Billable     Indicates whether the expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. is to be charged to the customer.
When the display-billable-checkbox-for-expenses configuration option is false, the Billable checkbox is hidden and its value is now inherited from the related assignment or project.
Checkbox     Indicates whether the expense line is selected. To carry out a task on an expense line such as deleting or submitting it, select the checkbox on that expense line first.
Currency *   The currency the expense was incurred in.
Date *   Date on which the expense was incurred.
Description     Description of the expense.
Project/Assignment *   The projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. or assignmentConnection between a resource and a project. to which the expense line relates.
Resource *   The resource that incurred the expense.
Status   R Status of the expense.
Tax Type     The type of tax incurred. Your administrator can configure the options that appear in the drop-down list.
When the show-tax-type-on-popup configuration option is true, the Tax Type field is hidden. In this case, click Edit Details to show the drop-down pane and enter a value for Tax Type.
Total Amount *   Total amount of the expense.
Type *   The type of expense incurred. Expense limits may be set on these types.
Milestone     The project milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. to which the expense relates. If the Closed for Expense Entry checkbox is selected on a milestone, that milestone is not available for selection.
Phase     The phase in the project to which the expense refers. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the phases listed are generated from the project phase records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Phase field on the project.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project phases, only those phases are shown in the Phase drop-down list when entering an expense.
Methodology     The current step in the Project Methodology. Depending on the configuration your administrator has set, the methodologies listed are generated from the project methodology records associated with the project or the default drop-down list associated with the Project Methodology field on the timecard object.If an assignment is linked to a subset of project methodologies, only those methodologies are shown in the Methodology drop-down list when entering an expense.

Expense Details

Here is a description of the fields that appear when you click Edit Details on an expense line.

Key: * – Mandatory field; H – Hidden until you change the currency on the expense line; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Notes     Notes for the expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. line.
Non-Billable Amount     Portion of the expense which is not to be charged to the customer. This amount is subtracted from the billable amount.
Incurred tax amount     Portion of the expense which is tax. If the amount is Non-Billable, it is in addition to any Non-Billable Amount specified. The combined Non-Billable total cannot be greater than the Total Amount of the Expense.
Tax type     The type of tax incurred. Your administrator can configure the options that appear in the drop-down list.
When the show-tax-type-on-popup configuration option is false, the Tax Type field is hidden. In this case, you can enter a value for Tax Type on the expense line.
Non-Billable Tax     Indicates whether the tax amount is not chargeable to the customer.
Billable Amount   R The expense amount to be charged to the customer. The Billable amount updates in real time, so you can change the amounts as needed until they reflect your expense.
Exchange Rate   H The exchange rate to be used to calculate the Reimbursable Amount for the expense line.
Reimbursable Amount   H The reimbursable amount in your currency, calculated using the Exchange Rate for the expense line.
Non-Reimbursable     Indicates whether the expense is non-reimbursable for future processing in downstream financial systems. When selected, the Reimbursable Amount field shows zero.

Additional Fields

Additional fields that your administrator has configured PSA to display are shown in the Additional Fields section of View/Edit Details.

Recent Expense Reports

Displays a list of recently created expense reports depending on the multi-expense-recent-ers-to-show and multi-expense-show-most-recently-created-ers configuration options set in the Expense configuration group.

For information on the columns you can define to appear in the Recent Expense Reports section, see "Expense Report Grid ".


Button/Icon Description
Add New Rows Adds new blank expense lines. The number of lines added depends on the configuration your administrator has set.
Delete Lines Deletes the selected expense lines.
Save All Saves all changes to the expense lines.
Submit Submits all selected expense lines for approval and updates their status.
Cancel Closes the Expense Entry page and discards unsaved changes.
View/Edit Details Depending on the state of the expense line, allows you to display and edit additional expense fields.
The paperclip icon displays the Attach File popup where you can attach files such as receipts to saved expense lines. The paperclip icon only appears on saved expense lines.

Concept Information

Expense Reports

About Expense Currencies

Related Tasks

Approving and Rejecting Expense Reports

Cloning an Expense Report

Correcting Expense Reports

Creating and Submitting an Expense Report

Editing Expenses and Attaching and Combining Receipts

Entering Multiple Expenses

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates

Reference Materials

Combine Expense Attachments Page Fields

Expense Report Page Fields

Expense and Expense Report Fields

Expense Settings

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