You can control forecasting using these settings in the Forecasts configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..
Key: O = Obsolete. This configuration option is no longer in use.
Configuration Option | Description | |
UseSummary PeriodForProjectForecastActuals |
O | This configuration option is no longer in use. The Show Project section can no longer display backlog time and milestones based on the forecast entry period, only the summary period. |
use-summary-period-for-ws-data | O | This configuration option is no longer in use. The Forecasts Worksheets can no longer display actuals for the forecast entry period, only the summary period. |
SumUpButtonVisible | O | This configuration option is no longer in use. |
Defines the default selection on the entry mode drop-down list. | |
EntryTimePeriodType | The time periodA period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong. applied to forecasts entered by users. | |
ExcludePassThroughBillings | Indicates whether pass-through billings are excluded from the Actuals column of the Forecasts Worksheets. | |
GroupsEnabled | Indicates whether the Groups category is visible on the Services Forecasting page. | |
NumberOfCutoffDays | Defines the cut-off, in days prior to the final day, during which users are unable to enter forecasts for the current entry period. Enter a negative value to define the number of prior days and a positive value to define the number of following days. For example, +3 would allow users to enter forecasts for the previous entry period three days into the subsequent entry period. | |
NumberOfEntryPeriods | Defines the number of time periods containing forecasts that are editable to users, starting from today and moving into the future. | |
NumberOfSummaryPeriods | Defines the number of summary periods, of various types if applicable, that display on the Summary Period drop-down list. Enter a comma separated list of integer values. | |
NumberOfVisiblePeriods | Defines the number of prior entry periods that are visible to users on the Entry Period (Period) drop-down list. Prior entry periods are read-only and based on today's date. Enter a single integer value. | |
PercentOfPlanField | Defines the numerator of the Percent of Plan calculation. You can enter a value of:
PlanSource | The source field from the RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. to use as the plan amount. You can set the value to Billings or Revenue. | |
PracticesEnabled | Indicates whether the Practices category is visible on the Services Forecasting page. | |
ProjectsEnabled | Indicates whether the Projects category is visible on the Services Forecasting page. | |
RegionsEnabled | Indicates whether the Regions category is visible on the Services Forecasting page. | |
RequireValues | Indicates whether fields for all visible forecast categories must contain a value before users are allowed to save their forecast. | |
SummaryTimePeriodType | Defines which types of time period to use for the summary period. Enter one or more comma-delimited values: Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. If your organization forecasts for multiple time periods—for example, by quarter and financial year—you can define multiple values for this configuration option. | |
UseServicesAttachedFromProducts | Indicates whether the Show Services Attached from Products amount is displayed instead of the opportunity amount in the Sales area of the forecast. | |
ViewModeRowsDirectSublevel | Defines which forecast rows are visible on immediate sub-RPGs when viewing forecasts. Four possible, space delimited values: Total This Sublevels Overrides. | |
ViewModeRowsGeneral | Defines which forecast rows are visible to users with the "Forecast View" permission only. Four possible, space delimited values: Total This Sublevels Overrides. | |
ViewModeRowsOwner | Defines which forecast rows are visible to the RPG owner when viewing forecasts. Five possible, space delimited values: Total This Sublevels Overrides Previous. | |
VisibleFields | Defines which forecast category fields are displayed on the Services Forecasts page across RPGs and Projects. Enter at least one of the following picklist values: Worst Case; Downside; Commit; Forecast; Most Likely; Upside; or Best Case. Category labels are not currently editable. | |
WorksheetExpenseActualsVisble | Indicates whether expense related fields are displayed in the Actuals section of a Forecast worksheet. | |
WorksheetExpenseSubmittedVisible | Indicates whether the Expenses (Submitted) fields are visible in the Actuals column of the Forecasts Worksheets. | |
WorksheetExpensesVisible | Indicates whether expense related calculation fields are displayed on the forecast worksheet. | |
WorksheetSalesProbHigh | When the configuration option WorksheetSalesUseForecastCategories is False, the value is used for the upper boundary for sales opportunities placed in the high category. | |
WorksheetSalesProbLow | When the configuration option WorksheetSalesUseForecastCategories is False, the value is used for the upper boundary for sales opportunities placed in the low category. | |
WorksheetSalesProbMedium | When the configuration option WorksheetSalesUseForecastCategories is False, the value is used for the upper boundary for sales opportunities placed in the medium category. | |
WorksheetSalesForecastCategories | If your organization customizes the default Salesforce forecast categories, use this configuration option to match the forecast category labels on the Sales section of the Forecasts Worksheets (Pipeline, Best Case, and Commit) to the corresponding forecast category name on the Opportunity object. Define three, comma-delimited values to use as alternative labels for the three forecast categories: Pipeline,Best Case,Commit. You must set WorksheetSalesUseForecastCategories to True in order to use this configuration option. |
WorksheetSalesUseForecastCategories | Indicates whether sales opportunities in the forecast worksheet are categorized by the value of their Forecast Category field on the Opportunity object. | |
WorksheetShowActuals | Indicates whether the Actuals section of the Forecasts Worksheets is visible. | |
WorksheetShowBacklog | Indicates whether the Backlog section of the Forecasts Worksheets is visible. | |
WorksheetShowCalculations | Indicates whether the Calculations section of the Forecasts Worksheets is visible. | |
WorksheetShowSales | Indicates whether the Sales section of the Forecasts Worksheets is visible. | |
WorksheetTimecardActualsVisible | Indicates whether the Timecard fields are visible in the Actuals column of the Forecasts Worksheets. | |
WorksheetTimecardSubmittedVisible | Indicates whether the Timecard (Submitted) fields are visible in the Actuals column of the Forecasts Worksheets. |
Use these settings to calculate suggested forecast amounts to appear on the Projects category.
Configuration Option | Default Value | Description |
ProjectBestCaseCalculation | 1,1,1,1,1.1 |
In the case of project forecasts entered in the Projects category, these configuration options are used to populate the different forecast categories (for example, Best Case) with suggested values on the contributing project forecast row ("This Project"). Defines five comma-delimited numbers used as multipliers of the following actuals and backlog records, in this order:
The suggested values appear when no value (null) exists on a forecast category field on the contributing forecast row, or if no project forecast exists. To improve accuracy, you should ensure that actuals and backlog records are up to date through processing transaction deltas and scheduling backlog nightly for the relevant projects. |
ProjectCommitCalculation | 1,1,1,1,0 | |
ProjectDownsideCalculation | 1,1,0,0,0 | |
ProjectForecastCalculation | 1,1,1,1,0 | |
ProjectMostLikelyCalculation | 1,1,1,0,1.1 | |
ProjectUpsideCalculation | 1,1,1,0,1.1 | |
ProjectWorstCaseCalculation | 1,1,0,0,0 |