Version 13X, 13X SP 1, 13X SP 2, 13X SP3, and 13X SP4

This topic provides a high-level description of the new features and enhancements that were introduced in the Version13X, Version 13X SP 1, Version 13X SP2, and Version 13X SP3 releases of FinancialForce PSA.

Version 13X


No Actuals Message

The Actuals section on the region, practice, group or project detail page now displays a message if no actuals exist for the selected time period.


Account-Level Billing

You now have the flexibility of generating billing events for some or all projects on a specific account, as well as on an individual project. The new Account Billing page complements the existing Project Billing page and is similar in appearance and functionality. If you choose to generate billing events in bulk on the Billing Event Generation tab, this process is unchanged.

The Account Billing button is available to add to the Account page layout.

Customizing Columns and Filters on Project Billing and Account Billing

You can now choose the business record filters that you want to appear on the Project Billing and Account Billing pages. These configuration options have been added to the Billing configuration group to allow you to do this:

In addition to this, you can create fieldsets to determine the columns to be displayed in the business recordTimecard Split, Expense, Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment or Budget sections of the Project Billing and Account Billing pages. These configuration options have been added to the Billing configuration group so you can specify the fieldset you want to use for each business record:

For the Account Billing and Project Billing functionality, we have added custom fields so you can customize which fields display for each of the relevant business records:  Timecards, Expense Reports, Milestones, Miscellaneous Adjustments, and Budgets.  For each of these business records, there are fields that always appear by default and so should not be included in any custom field set that you create:

Business Record Fields
Expense Reports Name
Miscellaneous Adjustments
Timecards Name

If these fields are added to the custom field sets, the following error will display:

"duplicate field selected : <field name>"

Additionally, the following fields also display by default for the indicated business records:

Business Record Fields
Effective Date
Pre-Billed Amount
Expense Reports Type
Expense Date
Billing Currency
Billing Amount
Actual date
Milestone Amount
Miscellaneous Adjustments
Effective Date
Timecards Total Billable Amount
Total Hours
Total Days Worked
Bill Rate
Bill Rate is Daily
Start Date
End Date

Adding these fields to custom field sets does not generate a "duplicate field selected" error.

Support for Rounded Currency Amounts on Billing Event Items

You can now display rounded currency amounts in billing event items and summaries of rounded currency amounts in billing events.

To display the new billing fields, edit the layout of the Billing Event and Billing Event Item views.

New Billing Fields

Custom Columns

Custom Columns on Project Task Gantt

You can now edit a standard field set to define the columns available to users, or groups of users, on the tasks pane of Project Task Gantt. Once configured, individual users can create their own preferred view into their data by customizing the appearance and visibility of available columns directly on the user interface. Preferences are saved to the Columns Preferences custom setting, which was introduced in FinancialForce PSA Version 12X and also stores information on custom columns in the Resource and Project Planners.

The following settings have been added to the Project Task Gantt Settings custom setting:

The following field set has been created on the project task object:

For more information, see "Custom Columns Overview" and "Configuring Custom Columns".

Enhancements to Bottom-Up Planning

Divide Resource Requests by Gap

Gaps may exist in the task schedule for a project from which you want to generate task-driven resource requestsDescribes a resource request that has been generated based on information on project tasks and their associated project task assignments. If you use a bottom-up approach to manage your projects, you can generate task-driven resource requests on the Generate Resource Requests From Project Task Assignments page (accessed from Project Task Gantt or the Project detail record).. You can now set a maximum number of days to allow between consecutive project task assignments before FinancialForce PSA divides a single resource request into two. Weekends can be ignored or considered. This offers you more control over defining resource requests when using a bottom up approach to project planning.

The Longest Gap Allowed (Days), Ignore Saturdays, and Ignore Sundays fields have been added to the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments page.

Divide Resource Requests by Custom Attributes

You can now choose to split resource requests by additional attributes, including user-defined fields, on the project task and project task assignment objects. If configured, you can select these additional attributes on the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments page.

The following new setting has been added to the Resource Requests configuration group:

"pta_fieldset_to_split _resource_request".

Generate Assignments and Held Resource Requests

You can now generate assignments and held resource requests from project tasks. The Generate Assignments and Generate Held Resource Requests buttons have been added the Project Tasks related list on the Project page layout. For more information, see "Generating Assignments From Tasks" and "Generating Resource Requests from Tasks".


Multiple Expense Entry UI

The first row is now populated with your assignment or project if only one is available. This applies when you create an expense report by clicking Create Expense Report or Multiple Expense Entry UI in the PSA Links sidebar.

Expense Report Status

To make the user interface more understandable, the Status field has been removed from the Expense Report fields. For more information on the fields available, see "Expense Report Page Fields".

New Field Sets and Configuration Options for Expenses and Expense Reports

New field sets and configuration options enable the control of which fields are included in the different sections on expense and expense report pages.

New Expense Field Sets
New Expense Report Field Sets
New Expense Configuration Options


Use field sets to show, hide, and re-order fields on Visualforce pages across the application, as well as add custom fields. For example, using field sets introduced in this release, you can manage the field layout of the Timecard Entry (enhanced) page. For more information, see "Field Sets". To learn how to edit field sets, see the "Creating and Editing Field Sets" topic in the Salesforce Help.

New Field Sets for Existing Visualforce Pages

Field sets have been added that affect the following processes. (Other field sets added in this release are noted on this page under the summary of the new product feature.)

Entering Time on the Timecard Entry (enhanced) Page

Customize the time entry process with these new field sets on the Timecard (Timecard_Header__c) object:

The following new setting has been added to the "Timecard Entry UI - Personal" custom setting to allow you to switch between managing the field layout using field sets or configuration settings:

"Use Field Sets For Timecard UI".

For more information, see "Timecard Field Sets" and "Timecard Settings".


Discounts on Rate Cards

You can now apply percentage discounts and discount limits to rate cards in opportunities. For more information, see:


Creating a Project from a Template

Related resource requests and assignments are now copied when you create a project from a template containing project task assignments.

A new field set, Create Project from Template Copy PTA Fields, with the default fields: Resource, Resource Role and External Resource, has been added to the Project Task Assignment object. The default fields contained in this field set will be copied to new project task assignments when creating a project from a template and copying tasks. For more information, see "Create Project from Template Copy PTA Fields".

The limits that apply to child objects on project templates have been increased as follows:

When creating a project by using a template, there are limits to the number of objects the template can contain.

Object Number in the template
Assignments 400

Resource Requests




Project Phases


Project Locations


Project Methodologies


Project Tasks


Resource Requests & Assignments

200 & 200 respectively

Resource Requests & Assignments & Milestones

200 & 200 & 400 respectively

Resource Requests & Assignments & Milestones & Project Phases

200 & 200 & 300 & 300 respectively

Resource Requests & Assignments & Milestones & Project Phases & Project Methodologies

200 & 200 & 200 & 300 & 300 respectively

Resource Requests & Assignments & Milestones & Project Phases & Project Methodologies & Project Tasks

200 & 200 & 200 & 200 & 200 & 200 respectively

Discounts on Rate Cards

You can now apply percentage discounts and discount limits to rate cards in projects. For more information, see:

Recalculating Project Actuals

Original and new parent projects are now marked as requiring recalculation of actuals (with the Actuals: Need Recalc checkbox) if you change the designated parent projects in a project hierarchy. Previously, only changes to the master project in a project hierarchy determined whether the newly-assigned master project was marked as requiring recalculation of actuals.

For more information, see "Actuals: Need Recalc".

Project Task Assignments

Linking Multiple Project Task Assignments

PSA can now enable you to link multiple project task assignments to a resource request or an assignment or both. The Mass Link Project Task Assignments button is available to add to the Project Detail page layout.

Customize the page with these new field sets on the assignment and resource request objects:

The following settings have been added to the new "Mass Link PTA UI Settings" custom setting. You can override the default field sets or create different field sets for different users or groups of users.

For more information, see "Mass Linking Project Task Assignments".

Project Task Gantt

Add Translations

Administrators can now use the Translation Workbench (available in multi-language Salesforce organizations) to override the labels used throughout Project Task Gantt with translated versions. This lets you localize the user interface based on your users' personal language settings. For more information, see "Adding Custom Translations".

Adding a Task

When you add a task, the task name is now editable straight away. You no longer have to click the name of a newly-added task in the Schedule pane to edit it.

Assigning Resources to a Task

When assigning resources to a project task, resources marked as External in the Contact record or don't match a resource record in your organizationA deployment of the Salesforce/FinancialForce applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other organizations. are labeled as External.

Creating Resource Demands

The new button, Create Resource Demand, enables you to create resource requests, held resource requests and assignments. See "Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt" for more information.

Performance Enhancements

We’ve made significant improvements to the performance and page rendering of Project Task Gantt. On first load, the page now retrieves your data in chunks and doesn’t block subsequent actions—allowing you to keep working while project tasks and associated data are returned in the background.

Saving is also faster and more robust. Any save failures are now cached and listed in the Save popup along with the specific process—such as inserting tasks, updating dependencies, or deleting assignments—that caused the save to fail. Administrators can use this information to fix the records and re-save.

You should also notice faster performance when working with deep project task hierarchies.

Enhancements to Project Edit Locking

Project Tasks Locked in Salesforce

Previously, editing rights were only "locked" to a user who was editing a project's tasks in Project Task Gantt. We've expanded the scope of the edit lock to include the relevant native Salesforce records, namely project tasks, project task assignments and project task dependencies. Therefore editing rights are now "locked" to a user editing project tasks using the standard Salesforce interface; for example, on the Project Tasks tab or the Project Tasks related list on the project.

This means that you can't edit project tasks using the standard Salesforce interface if the parent project is locked by another user in Project Task Gantt and vice versa.

The "Require Lock For Editing" field set—for internal use only—has been added to the project task, project task assignment and project task dependency objects to define the fields included in an edit lock by default. For more information, see "Project Task Field Sets and Project Task Assignment Field Sets".

For internal use only. Do not add or remove fields in the "Require Lock For Editing" field sets.

Support for User-Added Fields

You can define additional custom fields to include in an edit lock through field sets. These could be user-created fields or PSA fields that are not locked for editing by default. For more information, see "Configuring Project Edit Locking".

The following settings have been added to the Task Management Settings custom setting to facilitate this:

For more information, see "PT/PTA/PTD Require Lock Fieldset".

Taskbar Notification

A notification now appears in the taskbar of Project Task Gantt if you cannot edit the selected project because it's locked by another user.

Learn More

For more information, see the following topics:

Customizing Task Selection

You can set the Task Selector to select using single-clicks or double-clicks. The following Project Gantt Setting has been added to facilitate this:

Enhancements to Project Task Details

You can now edit the Points Complete, Points Remaining, and Hours Remaining fields in the Tasks pane.

You can restrict editing of Project Task fields. The following Project Task Gantt Setting has been added to facilitate this:

Mass Assign

You can now assign resources and roles to multiple project tasks at once. See "Assigning Resources or Roles to a Project Task" for more information.

Save Dialog

A new Save dialog box allows you to confirm or cancel proposed changes to project tasks, project task assignments and project task dependencies before saving. For more information, see "Saving Changes".

The "Hide Preview and Confirmation on Save" preference has been added to the new Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting to facilitate this.

Applying Dependency Rules

We've added an Apply Rules button to Project Task Gantt. The button becomes available when the dependency rules need to be re-applied based on the configuration options set by your administrator. For example, the predecessor task in a Finish to Start (FS) relationship should only start once the successor task has been completed. If you edit the end date of the successor task, the start date of the predecessor task should move out to preserve the dependency relationship.

Image: A Finish-to-Start (FS) Dependency

Image: A Finish-to-Start dependency between two tasks on the Schedule pane.

Dependency rules may need to be re-applied when you, or other users:

You can't apply project task dependencies using the standard Salesforce interface, on either the Project or Project Task Detail pages. The Requires Dependency Sync field has been added to the Project Detail page layout to determine whether dependency rules should be re-applied to project tasks that have been edited outside Task Manager.

See the following topics for more information:

Rate Cards

Effective Dates for Rate Cards

You can now apply effective dates to rate cards, see "Rate Card Fields" for more information.

In Resource Requests, you can configure PSA rate cards to use the highest margin between the suggested bill rate and the average cost rate. See "use-highest-bill-rate-cost-rate-margin" for more information.

Introduction of Rate Card Sets

You can now create a rate card set for the various resource roles that might work on a project. You can create a rate card set on an opportunity or project to determine the bill rates and cost rates used to request and assign resources. You can include a default rate card that applies to any resource roles not contained in the rate card set.

See "Managing Rate Card Sets" for more information.

Rate Card Sets Can Be Copied

Rate card sets can be copied when creating projects from templates or copying from a template to an existing project.

The Rate Card Set field is now listed in the Available for the Field Set list for the Create Project From Opp And Template Project Columns and Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Fields field sets.

Resource and Project Planners

Holiday Schedule Exceptions

If configured, schedule exception records are now created if you adjust assignment dates so that all or part of the assignment duration falls within a holiday. The "Add Holidays On Assignment Adjust" setting has been added to the "Planners - Resource" custom setting to allow you to enable or disable this behavior. For more information, see "Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences".


Information is now shown in customizable tooltips that display when you hover over a resource, project, assignment or held resource request. You can customize the default information on each tooltip by adding fields to the relevant tooltip field sets listed below.

These field sets have been added:

New custom fields have been added to the "Planners - Project" and "Planners - Resource" custom settings to allow you to specify which field set to use for tooltips on the project and resource planners.

See "Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences".

To learn more, see "Customizing Tooltips in the Resource and Project Planners".

Viewing Resources in Planners

The new View In Planners button enables you to view resources in the Resource Planner directly from the Search Resources page. For more information, see "Searching for Resources".

Filtering the List of Resources in Planners

Filtered lists of resources in planners now display only active resources in results.

Decimal Cutoff

You can now set the maximum number of hours that the project and resource planners display in the timeline without rounding the values to the nearest whole number. To do this, the Display Decimal Precision Cutoff custom field has been added to the Planners Preferences - Resource and Planners Preferences - Project custom settings. See "Display Decimal Precision Cutoff".

Editing Past Dates on the Project and Resource Planners

You can now allow users the ability to edit past dates in the Resource and Project Planners. A new setting to control this option has been added to the "Planners - Resource" and "Planners - Project" custom settings.



Group Timecards to Approve

We've enhanced the Manage Timecards to Approve page on which Resource Managers approve or reject multiple timecards. You can now group timecard approval requests into primary and secondary categories, like project and milestone, and view group roll-ups of timecard hours and financials on the approval page. You can sort grouped timecards to view different sub-totals within a group.

The following new settings have been added to the Timecard Approval UI custom setting to store grouping information:

These settings populate automatically based on the user’s selections on the Manage Timecards to Approve page.

See "Approving and Rejecting Multiple Timecards" for more information.

Limiting to Tasks with Matching Milestones in Select Project Tasks

You can offer a filter to Limit to tasks with matching milestone on the Select Project Tasks popup. If enabled, this filter displays when logging a timecard with task time. Administrators can enable this filter with the "Restrict Task Based On Milestone" custom setting.

Enhancements to Select Project Tasks

You can specify Custom Label overrides and internationalize text in the Timecard Select Project Tasks popup.

You can select or deselect all tasks in the Select Project Tasks popup with the top-level checkbox next to the Project Task Name column header.

Column headers are "frozen" to display at the top of the Select Project Tasks popup.

Maximum and Minimum Hours

You can now configure the maximum and minimum number of hours that resources must enter into their timecards in a week. For more information, see "Maximum Resource Hours Per Week" and "Minimum Resource Hours Per Week".


Time Period Type Year

You can now calculate utilization for a resource, region, practice or group for the year on the Utilization Calculator page.

If upgrading, you must add the Year picklist value to the Time Period Types picklist field on the Utilization Detail object. For more information, see Getting Started with FinancialForce PSA: Version 13X SP4.

Resource Role Changes

The Resource Change object now reflects changes to the Resource role with the following fields:


Manage Post-Installation Processes

Following installation or upgrade, you can manage post-installation processes, such as loading configuration, on the PSA Config tab. You can view whether processes have been run and the status of each process.

The new options available on the PSA Config tab do not automate administrator setup tasks, like opting into new configuration and changing page layouts, that you should carry out when upgrading your version. For more information, see Getting Started with FinancialForce PSAVersion 13X SP4: stages 5b, 5d and Conditional or Optional Setup Tasks.

Version 13X Service Pack 1

Keeping Project Task Assignments, Assignments and Resources Synchronized

PSA now contains a new resource request configuration option: auto-update-rr-with-assigned-resource. Setting this option to True keeps project task assignments and assignments updated when an assigned resource is changed. See "Configuring Bottom Up Planning" for more information.

Improvements to Creating Projects from Templates and Opportunities

We have added a new custom setting, Create Project Personal, containing field sets related to creating a project from an opportunity or template. Predominately, these settings affect the Create Project and Create Project from Template UI screens that combine information from multiple objects. See "Create Project Personal Custom Setting" for more information.

Field Sets for Logging Time against Tasks

You can now use the following Timecard object field sets on the Log a Timecard with Task Time page: TimeCard Header Row Editable,TimeCard Header Row Readonly, TimeCard Notes Field Editable and TimeCard Notes Field Readonly.

Improved Timecard Entry

When entering time, long task names are now shown in full in a tooltip.

Create Custom Timecard Entry Field Sets

It is now possible to create custom field sets and use them to determine editable and read-only fields for use when entering time in timecards. The following types of field sets can be created: TC Header Row Editable Fieldset, TC Header Row Readonly Fieldset, TC Notes Field Readonly Fieldset and TC Notes Field Editable Fieldset. See "Timecard Settings" for more information.

Custom Positioning of Fields in the Timecard Entry UI

We have added new custom fields to the Timecard Entry UI Personal custom setting. These custom fields enable you to determine where Milestone, Methodology, Phase, Primary Location and Billable are displayed relative to Hours.

For more information, see:

Version 13X Service Pack 2

Custom Picklists and Lookup Fields in Project Task Gantt

It is now possible to include picklist, picklist (multi-select), or lookup custom columns in the Schedule pane for Project Task Gantt. See "Columns Field Set" field in the Project Task Gantt Settings custom setting for more information.

Search Resources Settings

We have added a new custom field to the Search Resources Global custom setting for validating against Salesforce remote site settings:

Version 13X Service Pack 3

We have implemented fixes for a Salesforce platform issue. We recommend you upgrade to PSA Version 13X Service Pack 3 before implementing the following Salesforce critical update:

Version 13X Service Pack 4

We have implemented fixes for a Salesforce platform issue. We recommend you upgrade to PSA Version 13X Service Pack 4 before implementing the following Salesforce critical update:

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