Project Task Gantt Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons in Project Task Gantt.

When editing fields, a red border is displayed around the field if you have entered invalid data. For instance, if you set the End date earlier than the Start date. When this occurs, hover over the field to display the error message.

Key: R – Read-only; E – If the task points are zero, you cannot change the value of this field.

Field   Description
% Points Complete E Percentage of the task points that have been completed to date.
If the points field is set to zero, you cannot enter a value in this field.
% Hours Complete R Calculated from the Estimated Hours and Actual Hours fields. When you update this field, the Hours Remaining field is updated. Editing this field does not cause the daily hours fields to be recalculated. Displayed to two decimal places.
Actual Hours R Hours spent on the task rolled-up from the task time entry on the related timecard. Hours from child tasks are rolled-up to this field.
Assigned Resources   The resources or roles that have been assigned to the project task. Resources can be internal or external. Roles can be stand-alone, e.g. Architect, or specified for a resource, e.g. John As Architect.
Blocked   Indicates whether there is something preventing this task from being completed.
Duration   Duration of the task in whole days. If a Start Date has been entered, but not an End Date, the End Date is calculated when you enter the Duration.
End Date   The date on which work for this task is projected to end.
Estimated Hours   Original estimated hours for the task.
You can only edit the estimated hours for sub-tasks rather than for parent tasks. New values are rolled up to the original estimated hours for the parent task.
Hours Remaining   Estimated number of hours remaining to complete the task. This is estimated hours – actual hours.
Milestone   Lookup to the milestones on the project task.
Points Complete   Indicates the number of project task points that are completed. Displayed to two decimal places.
Points Remaining   Indicates the number of project task points that are yet to be completed. Displayed to two decimal places.
Points   The burn-down points. For instance, you can assign a complex task a higher number of points than a simpler one. Points roll up to parent tasks. You must ensure that the Points field contains a number greater than or equal to zero. If you use planning pokerA consensus based technique commonly used in Agile software development for estimating the size or relative effort of a task or story. to estimate effort or the relative size of a task, we recommend entering a number in the Fibonacci sequenceA sequence of whole numbers where the first numbers in the sequence are 0, 1, 2 and every subsequent number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 or 89.
Predecessors   When relationships between this task and another task exist, contains the names of tasks that are predecessors of this task.
Project Task Dependency Type   The type of dependency relationship to be applied. You can select from:
Start Date   The date on which work for this task is projected to start.
Tasks   Name of the task.
The maximum length of a project task name is 80 characters. If you enter a project name that contains more than 80 characters, the change will not be saved.
WBSWork Breakdown Structure   An identifier which you can use to link the task to an external task management system.

Task and Schedule Pane

Control   Description
  Indicates today's date.
  Task contains unsaved changes.
  Field contains unsaved changes. When displayed, you can undo the changes to the field since the last save.
  Relationship handle. Allows you to create a dependency relationship with another task by dragging the handle to the task that you want to create the relationship with.

  Summary project task. The downward arrow at the start and end of the block indicates the start and end dates of the project task, which is based on the earliest start date of the child tasks and the latest end date of the child tasks.

  Summary project task that is partially complete. The colored bar provides a visual representation of the % Points Complete field.
  Project task that is partially complete. The colored bar provides a visual representation of the % Points Complete field.

  Expands the Tasks or Schedule pane depending on the pane that you select.

  Project task.

A checkpointZero day task record, which is used to represent an event in the project such as a key decision, completion of a work package, completion of a deliverable or end of a phase. Checkpoint tasks have no relationship with PSA milestones.. This is a zero day task that represents an event in the project.

checkpoint tasks are not related to milestones.
  Collapses the Tasks or Schedule pane depending on the pane that you select.
  Indicates that a dependency relationship exists between the tasks to which it is connected. Project Task Gantt reflects the lagWhen a depenency relationship between project tasks exists, this term refers to the time gap added at the end of a task before the succeeding task can start. The default lag is 0. time and dependency types selected in the project task dependency object. See "Project Task Dependency Fields".
  Dependency relationship that is part of the critical pathThe longest path of planned activities to the end of the project. This shows the earliest and latest each task can start and finish without making the project longer. This is the shortest time in which the project can be completed. of the project.
  When viewing the critical path, indicates a project task forming part of the critical path of the project. When not viewing the critical path, indicates that the task is selected.
  Indicates that you can create a dependency with the task that the cursor is pointing to.when dragging the circular icon at the start or end of a task block to one of the circular icons on task that you are creating the relationship with.
  Indicates that you cannot create a dependency with the task that the cursor is pointing to.when dragging the circular icon at the start or end of a task block to one of the circular icons on task that you are creating the relationship with.


Key: E – Only available in edit mode. If you are not the project manager of the selected project, the option is not displayed.

Button or Control   Description
Apply Rules   Applies dependency rules for tasks that have been created or edited using the standard Salesforce interface. You can also use this button to re-apply dependency rules when the date of a dependent task is changed in task manager.
Return   Closes Project Task Gantt and opens the project detail page of the selected project.
Delete   Deletes the selected project tasks.
Expand /Collapse   Expands or collapses the task hierarchy shown.
Fit Gantt   Changes the view of the Schedule pane so that all the project tasks fit into the current view of the Schedule pane.
  Expands Project Task Gantt to fill the browser or minimizes Project Task Gantt so that it fits within Salesforce.
If you want Project Task Gantt to fill the screen completely, press F11 to toggle browser menus on or off.
Help   Displays the help page for Project Task Gantt.
Indent / Outdent E Changes the parent of the selected task. When you make changes to the hierarchy, the Start and End dates of related tasks such as parent tasks are updated to reflect the changes.
Locate   Brings the selected task into view.
New E Creates a new project task
Assign Resources     Enables you to assign a resource to a task and specify the resource role.
Create Resource Demand   Enables you to select to create resource requests, held resource requests and assignments based on the duration, assigned resources and associated roles and milestones of the project tasksA unit of work or collection of work associated with a project. and project task assignments.
View Detail   Opens the Project Task Detail page for the selected project tasks.
Print   Prints the project plan.
Redo E Redoes changes that were undone using the Undo button. If the button is not available for selection, there are no changes to redo.
Reload   Reloads the tasks and undoes all of the changes that you made since the last save. Any unsaved changes are discarded.
Resolve Dependencies     Applies dependency rules for tasks that have been created or edited using the standard Salesforce interface. You can also use this button to re-apply dependency rules when the date of a dependent task is changed in task manager.
Save E

Saves the current changes to the PSA project task records and indicates the last time you saved changes.

This is only displayed if you are the project manager of the selected project. If you are not the project manager, the save button is not displayed and a message appears in its place indicating that only the project manager can make changes.
Search Tasks   Narrows the displayed project tasks based on the text that you enter.
If you enter a small number of characters in this field, no search results may be returned. We recommend using meaningful names for project tasks and searching for several characters or whole words.
To search for project tasks assigned to a particular resource, type the name of that resource.
Select Project   Allows you to select a project. If you are the project manager and/or have been granted a valid Project Task Gantt Edit permission control, the project is opened in edit mode and you can make changes. If you are not the project manager, but have been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control, the project is opened in read-only mode and you cannot make changes to project tasks. If you are not the project manager of the project and have not been granted the the Project Task Gantt View permission control for that project, the project is not listed.
Show/Hide Critical Path   Displays or hides the critical pathThe longest path of planned activities to the end of the project. This shows the earliest and latest each task can start and finish without making the project longer. This is the shortest time in which the project can be completed. of the project.
Today   Changes the date range shown in the schedule pane so that today's date is in view.
Undo E Allows you to undo changes that you have made in Project Task Gantt for the selected project up to the last save. If the button is not available for selection, there are no changes to undo.
Up / Down Navigation Buttons E Allows you to move tasks up or down within the displayed view.
Zoom Day   Changes the time frame in the schedule pane to days. When fully expanded, the schedule pane shows a time period of twelve weeks.
Week   Changes the time frame in the schedule pane to weeks. When fully expanded, the schedule pane shows a time period of six weeks.
Month   Changes the time frame in the schedule pane to months. When fully expanded, the schedule pane shows a time period of one year.
Qtr   Changes the time frame in the schedule pane to quarters. When fully expanded, the schedule pane shows a time period of one quarter.

Concept Information

Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)

About Tasks

About Task Dependency Relationships

Related Tasks

Managing Projects

Viewing Tasks

Viewing Task Details

Changing Start and End Dates

Adding a Task

Adding a Task Dependency Relationship

Deleting a Task Dependency Relationship

Editing a Task Dependency Relationship

Assigning Resources or Roles to a Project Task

Closing Gantt Task Management

Deleting Tasks

Editing Project Task Details

Moving Tasks

Printing the Project Plan

Saving Changes


Undoing and Redoing Changes

Viewing the Critical Path


Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt

Associating Project Tasks with Milestones

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