Viewing Tasks

Viewing Tasks in the Tasks Pane

By default tasks are sorted by their Start Date.

To sort the tasks by column, click the column that you want to sort the tasks on.

To change whether the tasks are displayed in ascending or descending order do one of the following:

When you sort the tasks by column, the tasks are marked as changed. Sorting tasks by column does not change the data in project tasks, it changes the order in which they are displayed within the current context.

To change the columns shown:

  1. Click a context menu button in a column heading.
  2. Hover over Columns.
  3. Select the columns that you want to display and deselect the columns that you want to hide.

To display all project tasks, click Expand all.

To hide all tasks except top-level tasks, click Collapse all.

Project Task Gantt remembers any changes that you have made to the column layout or sort order, even if you switch to managing a different project. Because this works by saving a cookie to your machine, the default column layout will display again if you access Project Task Gantt using a different browser.

Viewing Tasks in the Schedule Pane

In the Schedule pane project tasksA unit of work or collection of work associated with a project. are shown as a solid bar and checkpointZero day task record, which is used to represent an event in the project such as a key decision, completion of a work package, completion of a deliverable or end of a phase. Checkpoint tasks have no relationship with PSA milestones. tasks are shown as a diamond.

To view the details of a task in the Schedule pane, hover over the task bar of the task that you want to view the details of.

If the Schedule pane disappears after clicking Minimize, click Fullscreen, maximize the Schedule pane and then click Minimize.

Viewing and Editing Task Details in the Task Editor popup

To view and edit task details in the Task Editor popup, double-click the task that you want to view the details of in the Schedule pane.

Concept Information

Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)

About Tasks

About Task Dependency Relationships

Related Tasks

Managing Projects

Viewing Task Details

Changing Start and End Dates

Adding a Task

Adding a Task Dependency Relationship

Deleting a Task Dependency Relationship

Editing a Task Dependency Relationship

Assigning Resources or Roles to a Project Task

Closing Gantt Task Management

Deleting Tasks

Editing Project Task Details

Moving Tasks

Printing the Project Plan

Saving Changes


Undoing and Redoing Changes

Viewing the Critical Path


Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt

Associating Project Tasks with Milestones

Reference Materials

Project Task Gantt Fields

Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences

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