Project Task Dependency Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a project taskA unit of work or collection of work associated with a project. dependency.


Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Cross Project   Indicates whether the link between two tasks spans projects.
Dependent Task Start/End Date/Time   Start/End Date/Time of the dependent task.
Preceding Task   The lookup to the project task which is to be the preceding task.
Preceding Task Start/End Date/Time   Start/End Date/Time of the preceding task.
Currency * The currency applied to the object.
Dependent Task * The project task which is to be the dependent task in the relationship. You can choose whether this dependency is for a project task on the same project (default) or on a different project. The dependent task

Dependency Info

Field Description
Type The type of dependency relationship to be applied. You can select from:
Lag Time (Hours) LagWhen a depenency relationship between project tasks exists, this term refers to the time gap added at the end of a task before the succeeding task can start. The default lag is 0. for the dependency.
When creating or editing a project task dependency in Project Task Gantt, enter the lag time you want in days. When creating or editing a project task dependency record in Salesforce, enter the lag time you want in multiples of 24 hours. For instance, if you want a lag time of two days and you are editing the project task dependency in Salesforce, enter 48 in the Lag Time (Hours) field. If you are editing the record in Project Task Gantt, enter 2 days in the Lag field.

Concept Information

Project Tasks

Related Tasks

Starting, Updating and Completing a Project Task

Creating a Project Task Hierarchy

Creating a Project Task on the New Project Task Page

Creating Preceding and Dependent Tasks

Assigning Resources to a Project Task

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