Bottom-Up Planning Examples

Generating Task-Driven Resource Requests

The following tables illustrate two scenarios where a set of project tasks is used to generate resource requests: firstly by Role and secondly by both Milestone and Role.

Table: Set of Project Tasks
Project Task Project Milestone Internal Resource External Resource Resource Role
Task 1 Milestone A     Developer
Task 1 Milestone A     Java Developer
Task 2 Milestone A     Consultant
Task 3 Milestone B Robert    
Task 4 Milestone D Daniel   Developer
Task 5 Milestone B Daniel    


Table: Scenario One—Resource Requests generated based on Role
Target Resource Request Resource Role Project Milestone Project Tasks
RR1 Developer Milestone A, Milestone D Task 1,
Task 4
RR2 Java Developer Milestone A Task 1
RR3 Consultant Milestone A Task 2
RR4 Robert's role on Contact record Milestone B Task 3
RR5 Daniel's role on Contact record Milestone B Task 5


Table: Scenario Two—Resource Requests generated based on Milestone and Role
Target Resource Request Resource Role Project Milestone Project Tasks
RR1 Developer Milestone A Task 1
RR2 Developer Milestone D Task 4
RR3 Java Developer Milestone A Task 1
RR4 Consultant Milestone A Task 2
RR5 Robert's role on Contact record Milestone B Task 3
RR6 Daniel's role on Contact record Milestone B Task 5

Setting Longest Gap Allowed

You can set how long to allow between consecutive project task assignments before FinancialForce PSA generates separate resource requests or assignments based on your selected attributes. The following tables illustrate a scenario.

You created two project tasks on a project and assigned two Architect roles to the tasks.

Table: Consecutive Project Task Assignments
Project Task Assignment Project Task Resource Role Project Task Start Date Project Task End Date
PTA-652 Planning Architect 04/28/2014 04/30/2014
PTA-677 Implementation Architect 06/28/2014 06/30/2014

On the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments page, you preview resource requests based on Role but do not specify a value for Longest Gap Allowed (Days). One resource request is shown:

Table: Task-Driven Resource Requests; No Gap
Resource Role Start Date End Date
Architect 04/28/2014 06/30/2014

Architects are not required to work on the project from May through end of June 2014. Therefore:

  1. You click Reset to discard the previewed resource requests.
  2. You select Role and enter 10 for Longest Gap Allowed (Days), but do not select Ignore Saturdays or Ignore Sundays.
    The resource request for an Architect is split into two:
Table: Task-Driven Resource Requests; 10 Day Gap
Resource Role Start Date End Date
Architect 04/28/2014 04/30/2014
Architect 06/28/2014 06/30/2014

Field Mappings

The following tables summarizes the mappings used to generate task-driven resource requestsDescribes a resource request that has been generated based on information on project tasks and their associated project task assignments. If you use a bottom-up approach to manage your projects, you can generate task-driven resource requests on the Generate Resource Requests From Project Task Assignments page (accessed from Project Task Gantt or the Project detail record). .

Key: * – Mandatory field

Resource Request Field   Project Task Field Project Task Assignment Field Resource Field
Start Date   - Project Task Start Date lookup -
End Date   - Project Task End Date lookup -
Notes   - Resource (if attribute(s) other than Resource are selected on generation page) -
Requested Hours   Sum of Duration (Hours) field on all project tasks. - -
Role * - Resource Role (first choice mapping) Resource Role (second choice mapping if role unspecified on project task assignment)
Suggested Resource * - Resource -

Related Tasks

Generating Assignments From Tasks

Generating Resource Requests from Tasks

Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt

Viewing Summary Information

Reference Materials

Generate Resource Requests from Project Tasks Fields

Unfilled Resource Requests Fields

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