Milestone Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. record..

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Actual Date   Actual date of completion. Must be completed before you can include the milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. in financials.
Admin Global Edit   Indicates whether the changes are to be made globally. This includes changes to the milestone's projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets., resourceA contact that works on a project., currency, and date regardless of whether Include in Financials is selected. To use this option, set Actuals Calculation Mode to Scheduled.
Apply Default Bill Rate to Timecard   Indicates whether the value in the Default Bill Rate field is copied to child timecards when the Default Timecard Bill Rate from Milestone configuration option is set to true.
Approved   Indicates approval. Used in conjunction with Status field.
Approved for Billing   Indicates whether the milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. is approved for billing.
Approved for Vendor Payment   Indicates whether it's OK to send an invoice to a vendor when invoicing costs for external resources.
Approver   Lookup to approval authority contact, usually a customer or partner.
Audit Notes   Audit notes for the business transaction.
We recommend that you include audit notes for every business transaction.
Bill Date   Bill date for the milestone.
Bill Transaction   Transaction ID for the billing eventA means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system related to the milestone
Billed   Indicates this milestone has been included in a billing eventA means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system.
Billing Event Item   Lookup to the related billing event.
Billing Hold   Indicates whether billing for the milestone is on hold. When selected, the milestone cannot be billed and is not included when generating billing events.
Closed for Expense Entry   Indicates whether expenses can no longer be entered for the milestone.
Closed for Time Entry   Indicates whether timecards can no longer be entered for the milestone.
Cost Transaction   Transaction ID for the cost associated with the milestone.
Default Bill Rate   The Bill Rate to be copied to child timecards when PSA is configured to do so.
Default Bill Rate is Daily Rate   Indicates whether the Default Bill Rate is a daily rate rather than an hourly rate.
Description   Description of the milestone.
Estimated Time To Completion   Estimated number of resource hours to complete the milestone.
Exclude from Billing   Indicates whether the business record is to be excluded from billing. You can override this setting on child objects such as timecard splits and expenses.
Include In Financials   Indicates whether the milestone is to be included in project and RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. actuals.
Invoice Date   Invoice date for the milestone.
Invoice Number   Number of the related invoice.
Invoice Transaction   The transaction ID of the invoice associated with the milestone.
Invoiced   Indicates this milestone has been invoiced.
Log Milestone Cost As External   Indicates whether the costs should be logged as external, such as for external resources working on the milestone.
Milestone Amount * Amount you will bill for achievement of this milestone.
The currency of this field is the currency of the parent project.
Milestone Cost   Estimated cost of the milestone, based on resource cost.
FinancialForce PSA does not roll up the cost amount unless Log Milestone Cost as External is selected.
Milestone Name * Name of this milestone, such as Requirements Document Draft 1. Must be unique.
Override Project Region/Practice/Group   Overrides the regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the transactions on a miscellaneous adjustmentA catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions. roll-upTerm used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation. to for region/practice/group actualsTotals for a given time period..
Override Project Region/Practice/Group Currency Code   Currency code of the currency selected on the Override projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets./regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects..
Planned Hours   Total number of planned hours from all resources for this milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it.. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes.
Project * Lookup to the related project.
Requires Customer Sign-off   Indicates whether this milestone requires customer sign-off.
Status   The status of the milestone. You can set this to Planned, Open, Approved or Canceled. The Milestone must be set to Approved to be able to invoice.
Target Date * Target date for completion of the milestone.
Transaction   Transaction ID for the Milestone
The Milestone Bill Rates and Assignment Bill Rates are always in the project currency. 

Milestone Totals

All read-only.

Key: Number preceding the comma represents the length of the field. Number after the comma represents the number of decimal places.

Field   Description
Billable Hours Submitted 12,2 Number of billable hours logged against the milestone.
Billable Days Submitted 10,0 Number of billable days logged against the milestone.
Non-Billable Hours Submitted 12,2 Number of non-billable hours logged against the milestone.
Non-Billable Days Submitted 10,0 Number of non-billable days logged against the milestone.
Billable Amount Submitted   Currency value of billable hours logged against the milestone.
Billable Expenses Submitted   Pass-through billable expenses logged against the milestone.
Non-Billable Expenses Submitted   Non-billable expenses logged against the milestone.
Billable Hours In Financials 12,2 Number of billable hours logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. actuals.
Billable Days In Financials 10,0 Number of billable days logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Hours In Financials 12,2 Number of non-billable hours logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Days In Financials 10,0 Number of non-billable days logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Billable Amount In Financials   Currency value of billable hours logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Billable Expenses In Financials   Pass-through billable expenses logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Expenses In Financials   Non-billable expenses logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Timecard External Costs In Financials   External timecard costs logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Timecard External Costs Submitted   External timecard costs logged against the milestone.
Timecard Internal Costs In Financials   Internal timecard costs logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals.
Timecard Internal Costs Submitted   Internal timecard costs logged against the milestone.
Total Points from Tasks 14,2 Total of points on all project tasks rolled-up from the project.
Total Completed Points from Tasks 14,2 Total of points on completed project tasks rolled-up from the project.
Total Number of Tasks 12,0 Total number of project tasks rolled-up from the project.
Total Number of Completed Tasks 12,0 Total number of completed project tasks rolled-up from the project.

Concept Information



Project Planner

Project Hierarchies

Related Tasks

Creating a Milestone

Approving a Milestone

Entering Time and Expenses Against a Milestone

Creating a Project

Deleting a Project

Creating a Project from a Template

Creating a Change Request

Sharing a Project

Creating a Child Project

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