Access to a Salesforce organization with FinancialForcePSAWinter '13 or later installed, licensed and fully configured.
An iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running iOS 4 or above, or an Android phone with Android version 4.x.
Users with an iPhone must download the app from iTunes. Users with an Android phone must download the app from Google play.
Several PSA settings determine whether certain fields appear in PSA Mobile Timecards and the behavior of those fields. Depending on the value set in the "Timecard Entry UI Switch" custom setting, you can use the settings in the Timecards configuration group or the Timecard Entry UI Personal and Timecard Entry UI Global Settings custom settings to determine whether certain fields appear and how they behave.
Billable Timecards
The billable field behaves in the same way as in PSA. You can configure the behavior of the billable field. For further information, see the Timecard Settings topic in the PSA Help see "Timecard Settings".
Displaying Timecard Fields
Depending on the value set in the "Timecard Entry UI Switch" custom setting, you can use these settings in the Timecards configuration group or Timecard Entry UI Personal custom setting to control the fields that appear in PSA Mobile Timecards:
Depending on the value set in the "Timecard Entry UI Switch" custom setting, you can use these settings in the Timecards configuration group or Timecard Entry UI Global Settings custom setting to control where the items come from in the Project, Methodology and Location drop-down lists:
You can use the Aditional Fields setting to display additional timecard fields in the PSA Mobile Timecards app interface. You can also display custom fields that you have created on the Timecard object. PSA Mobile Timecards can display custom fields of the following Salesforce data types:
Depending on the value set in the Timecard Entry UI Switch custom setting, you must use the Additional Fields setting in the Timecards configuration group or Timecard Entry UI Personal custom setting to display additional fields. The behavior of additional fields in PSA Mobile Timecards depends on the field-level security that is set on the field:
Field-level Security
Behavior of Field in PSA Mobile Timecards
Field is read-only in an existing timecard.
The value is editable.
Read / Visible
Field is not shown in the new timecard details and existing timecard record details regardless of whether field-level security Edit or Create is applied.
Field is visible, but the value is only editable if Edit field-level security is applied.
Field is hidden when entering a new timecard.
Field is editable when entering a new timecard. If Edit field-level security is not applied, the value is only editable when entering a new timecard. The value is not editable after saving the timecard.
Customizing the App using Custom Labels
You can customize some of the labels used for the fields that appear in PSA Mobile Timecards by adding a Local Translation / Override to these custom labels:
For information about adding Local Translation / Overrides to custom labels, see the Salesforce Help.
Zero Hour Timecards
Depending on the value set in the Timecard Entry UI Switch custom setting, you can use the Save Timecard with Zero Hours setting in the Timecard configuration group or Timecard Entry UI Global Settings custom setting to control whether PSA Mobile Timecards allows users to save timecards with zero hours.