Resource Fields

Custom Fields

Here is a description of the PSA fields that you can add to the standard Salesforce Contact page layouts. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Contact Information

Here is a description of the fields in the Contact Information section.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Account Name     Lookup to the accountAccounts in the context of FinancialForce PSA are the same as accounts in Salesforce. Users can create and view certain FinancialForce PSA data related to the account on the related lists. to which the contact is to be associated with.
Contact Currency *   The currency that the resourceA contact that works on a project. is to claim expenses in.
Contact Owner R   User to which the contact belongs.
Last Date     The last day of employment for the resource.
Licensed Features     Licensed features to that the contact is to use.
Reports To     The project manager or contact to which the contact reports to.
Start Date     The date that the resource commenced employment.

Resource Information

Field   Description
Allow Timecards Without Assignment   Indicates whether the resource is to be treated as a global resource and as such can enter time on any projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. even when the project normally requires assignments for time entry.
Default Cost Rate   Default cost of this resource, used in cost calculations on projects.
Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate   Indicates the default cost rate is a daily rate. If deselected, the default cost rate is an hourly rate.
Exclude From Missing Timecards   Indicates whether the resource is to be excluded from missing timecardA record that indicates a resource has not entered a timecard. Missing timecards are calculated based on criteria defined by your administrator. generation.
Exclude from Resource Planner   Indicates whether the resource is to be excluded from the resource plannerA graphical tool that gives you an organized, comprehensive view of resources and the projects to which they are assigned..
Exclude From Time Calculations   Indicates whether the resource is to be excluded from timecardA mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment. calculations.
External Resource   Indicates whether this is a PSA external resource.
Is Resource   Indicates whether this contact is a PSA resource.
Is Resource Active   Indicates whether this is an active resource that can be assigned to projects.
Licensed Features   Enables additional licensed features where implemented.
Region/Practice/Group   Lookups to the related regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects., practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. or groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects..
Resource Role   Role for this resource, used when creating resource requests to identify needs. This picklist on the Contact object must match the corresponding picklist on the Resource Request object.

Salesforce User

  Salesforce user for this resource used to associate this contact with the resource's Salesforce login name. You must enter this if the resource will enter their own timecards and expenses. You can leave it blank for external resources that enter timecards and expenses via a proxy.
Only one resource can be associated with a Salesforce user. When you enter a value for this field, you must ensure that no other resource has the same value set in this field.
Work Calendar   Work calendar for this resource.

Selected Time Period

Actual values at a given point in time, based on selected time period, for the resource.

Field   Description
Action: Update Current Time Period   Indicates whether the system is to update the time period when the resource contact record is saved.
Current Time Period * Lookup to related time periodA period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong..
Current Time Period End Date   Last day of the selected time period for which actualsTotals for a given time period. are calculated.

Resource Actuals

These fields are automatically calculated by FinancialForce Professional Services Automation.

Revenue Actuals

Field   Description
Billed R Sum of Billed amounts. Timecards; expenses, if billable, contribute to billed revenue after they are billed/invoiced; milestones contribute to billed and invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced.
Billings R Sum of ready-to-bill revenue from timecards and milestones.
Bookings R Booked revenue for the resource. Budgets of type Customer PO and Customer PO Change Order contribute to Bookings.
Expense Budget R Sum of expense budgets for the resource. The Expense Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Customer PO, Customer PO Change Order, Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request.
Internal Budget R Sum of internal budgets for the resource. The Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request.
Invoiced R Sum of invoiced amounts. Expenses, if billable, contribute to Invoiced after they are billed/invoiced; milestones contribute to Invoiced after they are billed/invoiced.
Pass-Through Billings R Sum of pass-through billings. Expenses, if billable, contribute to pass-through billings when they are billable.
Pre-Billed   Amount billed earlier.
Revenue R Revenue is not calculated or rolled up. You can enter a miscellaneous adjustmentA catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions. of type "ready to bill revenue" to show revenue on the resourceA contact that works on a project. actualsTotals for a given time period..

Cost Actuals

Field   Description
Expense Costs R Sum of expenses. Expenses always contribute to expense costs, whether they are billable or not.
External Costs R The sum of external costs for the resource if external. The external resource cost is multiplied by timecardA mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment. hours, whether billable or not. Milestones may contribute to a flat external cost if the External Cost field is filled in on the milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. and the Log Cost as External checkbox is selected. For instance, when you count subcontractor fees as a flat cost amount that helped you reach the milestone and achieve the billings.
Internal Costs R Internal costs for the resource. Internal resource cost multiplied by timecard hours, whether billable or not.
Other Costs R Any other RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. costs from projects. From miscellaneous adjustments of transaction category "Other Cost," e.g., material costs. The Amount field of a budget also contributes to this field if the budget is of type Work Order or Work Order Change Request.
Total Costs R The total costs from for the resource. This includes internal costs, external costs, expenses and other costs from all projects in the RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. hierarchy.


Field   Description
Margin R The RPG margin. This is the billings minus total costs including internal costs, external costs, expenses and other costs from all projects in the RPG hierarchy.

Change Record

These fields record the user who last made changes to the actuals fields and when the change was made.

Field   Description
Actuals: Last Update Date   Date on which the Actuals fields were last updated.
Actuals: Last Updated By   Name of the user who made the last change to the Actuals fields.

Resource Time Actuals

Key: * – Mandatory; R – Read-only

Field     Description
Action: Calculate Utilization   R Indicates whether the resource's utilization figures are to be re-calculated when you click Save.
Billable Hours (External)   R Hours from timecards marked billable for external resources (e.g., contractor doing billable customer work); not included in utilization calculation.
Billable Hours (Internal)   R Hours from timecards marked billable for internal resources; counted towards numerator of utilization calculation.
Credited Hours   R Hours taken from timecards for the resource where the project has Time Credited checkbox selected. This value counts towards the numerator of the utilization calculation.
Excluded Hours   R Hours taken from timecards for the resource where the projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. has Time Excluded checkbox selected.
Non-Billable Hours (External)   R Hours from project timecards marked non-billable for external resources, e.g., contractor working on internal budget project; not included in utilization calculation.
Non-Billable Hours (Internal)   R Hours from project timecards marked non-billable for internal resources; not included in utilization calculation.

Resource Utilization

Key: O = Obsolete. This field is no longer in use.

Field Key   Description
Hist Sch Utilization Billable Hours     Number of billable hours calculated from resource schedules before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Hist Sch Utilization Excluded Hours     Scheduled hours before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date from RPG timecards where the Time Excluded checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for the project are subtracted from denominator of utilization calculation.
Hist Sch Utilization Non Billable Hrs     Number of non-billable hours calculated from resource schedules before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Historical Scheduled Held Hours     Number of hours from held resource requests where the Resource lookup field contains a value and the Resource Held checkbox is selected.
Historical Utilization     Historical utilization calculated from the resource timecards and assignment schedule information. The formula for this field is: (Billable Historical Timecard Hours + Credited Historical Timecard Hours) / (Historical Calendar Hours - Excluded Historical Timecard Hours).
Historical Utilization Billable Hours     Billable hours calculated from the resource's timecards.
Historical Utilization Calendar Hours     The number of working hours for the resource for the historical utilization period calculated. For instance, if you calculate the historical utilization for the month of December on 2nd December, the Historical Utilization Calendar Hours will be 24 if the time period starts on the last day of November and the working calendar for the resource is 8 hours per day.
Historical Utilization Credited Hours     Historical hours from RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. timecards where the Time Credited checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for the project count towards numerator of the utilization calculation. These are hours that occur before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Historical Utilization Excluded Hours     Hours from RPG timecards where the Time Excluded checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for this project are subtracted from denominator of utilization calculation. These are hours that occur before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Historical Utilization Non Billable Hrs     Number of non billable hours calculated from timecards before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Historical Utilization Target     Percentage utilization target for the resource during the selected time period. The formula for this field is: Historical Utilization Target Hours / Historical Utilization Calendar Hours * 100.
Historical Utilization Target Attainment     Percentage indicating how much of their historical utilization target, the resource actually achieved during the time period selected. The formula for this field is: Historical Utilization / Historical Utilization Target.
Historical Utilization Target Hours     Target hours to be worked by the resource during the time period. This does not include hours in the future.
Hits Sch Utilization Credited Hours     Scheduled hours before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date from RPG timecards where the Time Credited checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for the project count towards numerator of the utilization calculation.
Scheduled Held Hours     Number of hours from held resource requests where the Resource lookup field contains a value and the Resource Held checkbox is selected.
Scheduled Utilization     The scheduled utilization percentage for the current time period. The formula for this field is: (Scheduled Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours) / (Scheduled Calendar Hours - Scheduled Excluded Hours).
Scheduled Utilization Billable Hours     The scheduled utilization billable hours total for the current time periodA period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong..
Scheduled Utilization Calendar Hours     The scheduled utilization calendar hours total for the current time period.
Scheduled Utilization Credited Hours     Scheduled hours after the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date from RPG timecards where the Time Credited checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for the project count towards numerator of the utilization calculation.
Scheduled Utilization Excluded Hours     Scheduled hours after the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date from RPG timecards where the Time Excluded checkbox is selected on the project, indicating hours for this project (optionally via configuration) are subtracted from denominator of utilization calculation.
Scheduled Utilization Non Billable Hrs     Number of non-billable hours calculated from resource schedules after the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date.
Scheduled Utilization Target     Percentage scheduled utilization target for the resource during the selected time period. The formula for this field is: Scheduled Utilization Target Hours / Scheduled Utilization Calendar Hours.
Scheduled Utilization Target Attainment     Percentage indicating how much of their scheduled utilization target, the resource will achieve during the time period selected. The formula for this field is: Scheduled Utilization / Scheduled Utilization Target.
Scheduled Utilization Target Hours     Target hours to be worked by the resource during the time period. This does not include hours in the past.
Total Time Period Hours O   This field is now obsolete.
Utilization     Percentage indicating the overall utilization including scheduled and historical utilization. The formula for this field is: (Scheduled Billable Hours + Historical Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours + Historical Credited Hours) / (Scheduled Calendar Hours + Historical Calendar Hours - Scheduled Excluded Hours - Historical Excluded Hours).
This field must have the API name pse__Total_Utilization__c.
Utilization Target     A target percentage of utilization for this resource. The formula for this field is: Utilization Target Hours / ( Historical Calendar Hours + Scheduled Calendar Hours.
Utilization Target Attainment     Overall historical and scheduled utilization percentage for the current time period divided by Utilization Target. The formula for this field is:
Utilization / Utilization Target Average.
Utilization Target Average     Percentage Utilization Target Average. The formula for this field is: Utilization Target Hours / ( Historical Utilization Calendar Hours + Scheduled Utilization Calendar Hours)
Utilization Target Hours     The scheduled and historical target utilization hours.
Utilization: Elapsed Hours O   This field is now obsolete.
Utilization: Last Calculation Date     Date when last Utilization calculation was run.
Utilization: Last Update Date     Date on which the Utilization fields were last updated.
Utilization: Last Updated By     Name of the user who made the last change to the Utilization fields.
Utilization: Over Full Time Period O   This field is now obsolete.

Custom Buttons

You can add the following custom buttons to the standard Salesforce contact page layout.

Button Description
Resource Planner Displays the Resource Planner.
Calculate Utilization Opens the Utilization Calculator page for the resource.

Concept Information

Contacts and Resources

About Scheduling Strategies

About Contacts and Resources

Resource Requests

Resource Planner

About Staffer

Assignments and Schedules

Related Tasks

Adding a Resource

Setting up PSA Resources

Managing Resource Replacement

Creating Resource Requests

Using the Resource Planner

Using the Staffer

Assigning Resources

Searching for Resources

Holding Resources

Reference Materials

Resource Change Fields

Managing Resource Replacement Fields

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