Indicates whether a user can update a field in Expense Field White List Post Submit, when a record has been submitted, but before it has been approved. You can use this option when managers are to approve records but not have permission to a resource's records.
Allow Limited Expense Entry Post Submit
Indicates whether a user can update a field in Expense Field White List Post Submit, when a record has been submitted, but before it has been approved. You can use this option when managers are to approve records but not have permission to a resource's records.
Allow Limited TC Header Edit Post Submit
Indicates whether a user can update a field in TC Header Field White List Post Submit and TC Header pse__ Field White List Post Submit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved. This is useful in cases where managers need to approve records but shouldn't have entry permission for resources.
Default Record Limit
Maximum number of records to evaluate permission controls against. This limits the number of queries against contact records during evaluation of permission controls. If your organization contains a large number of active resources you may have to increase this value. The default value is 1000.
Exp Report Field White List Post Submit
A comma delimited list of custom expense report fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.
Exp Rpt PSA Field White List Post Smt
A comma delimited list of API names for PSA expense report fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.
Expense Field White List Post Submit
A comma delimited list of custom expense fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.
Expense PSAField White List Post Submit
A comma delimited list of API names for PSA expense fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.
TC Header Field White List Post Submit
A comma delimited list of custom timecard fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.
TC Header PSA Field White List Post Smt
A comma delimited list of API names for PSA timecard fields that you can edit when a record has been submitted but before it has been approved.