ERP PSA Messaging Settings

You can control the PSA ERP integration behavior using the ERP PSA Messaging Settings custom setting.

PSA Assignment from HCM Absence Request Settings

Key: * – Mandatory field.

PSA Assignment from HCM Absence Request Settings
Field   Description
Absence Filter Field Key  

The field that filters HCM Absence Request messages used to create PSA Assignments, Schedules, Schedule Exceptions, and Timecards.

If your organization uses a Worker Filter, this value must be a formula that includes the Worker Filter logic defined in the field used in the Worker Filter Field Key setting.

If the key value is a field on a related object (via a lookup), add a lookup node to the message and include the field from the lookup. Set this field value as lookup:key. For example, if you have an absenceType Lookup containing an absenceTypeName key, the value is: absenceType:absenceTypeName.

Absence Filter Values   The message key values used to filter HCM Absence Request messages. If the value contains multiple text or picklist fields, separate the list with semicolons.
Absence Request Project * The project ID to use when creating Assignments from Absence Requests through ERP. Declarative mappings override this field setting.

PSA Resource from HCM Worker Settings

PSA Resource from HCM Worker Settings
Field   Description
Worker Filter Field Key  

The fields that filter designated HCM Workers that are used in ERP to create PSA Resources. Separate the list with semicolons when the key uses multiple values, such as multiple picklists, separate the list with semicolons. ERP applies an "OR" condition to each value (for example, picklist1 or picklist2).

If the key value is a field on a related object (via a lookup), add lookup node to the message as a Map field and include the field from the lookup as a field within the Map. Set this field value as lookup:key.

For example, if you have a position Lookup containing a name key, the value is position:name.

Worker Account Filter Field Key  

The fields that filter designated HCM Workers that are used in ERP to create PSA Resources based off of Accounts (Salesforce Person Accounts). Separate the list with semicolons when the key uses multiple values, such as multiple picklists, separate the list with semicolons. ERP applies an "OR" condition to each value (for example, picklist1 or picklist2).

If the key value is a field on a related object (via a lookup), add lookup field to the message as a Map field and include the field from the lookup as a field within the Map. Set this field value as lookup:key.

For example, if you have a position Lookup containing a name key, the value is position:name.

Worker Filter Values   The message key values used to filter HCM Worker messages. If the value contains multiple text or picklist fields, separate the list with semicolons.
Worker Account Filter Values   The message key values used to filter HCM Worker messages for PSA Resources based off of Accounts. If the value contains multiple text or picklist fields, separate the list with semicolons.

Resource API Settings

You can use the following settings to control how you want PSA to manage records that third-parties create and update via the Resource API.


For these settings to be effective, the API Resource Correlation ID field on the resource record must be populated. This field is always populated when details are entered via the API, however, it can be populated manually. These settings also apply to records that have been created manually, providing the API Resource Correlation ID field is populated.

PSA Resource API Settings
Field Description

Default Value

Create Records as Active Resources

Indicates that you want PSA to create active resource records for contacts or person accounts when the API Resource Correlation ID field is populated. When a record is created, PSA selects the following fields automatically:

  • Is Resource
  • Is Resource Active
Update Resource Employment Dates

Indicates that you want PSA to update start date or last date when a resource's employment status becomes active or terminated.

If the status becomes active for new hires or rehires, PSA updates the following fields:

  • Start Date with the Employment Status Effective Date
  • Last Date with a blank value

If the status becomes terminated, PSA updates Last Date with the Employment  Status Effective Date.


Related Concepts

ERP Integration

Third-Party to FinancialForce Application Integrations

Data Transformation Tables

Feature Console

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

Related Tasks

Setting up HCM to PSA Integration

Setting up Third-Party HCM to PSA Integration

Scheduling Message Delivery

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