Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes

You must create appropriate approval processes on objects in your organization to enable users to approve or reject records. For example, approving or rejecting timecards and expenses. See the Salesforce Help for further information about setting up workflow and approval processes.

To create a basic timecard approval process on the Timecard object:

  1. From Setup, click Create | Workflow & Approvals | Approval Processes.
  2. From the Manage Approval Processes For: picklist, select the object that you want to create an approval process for.
  3. If an approval process does not exist, create one by deciding:
    1. The criteria that determines when a timecard enters the approval process.
    2. The fields used to determine the approver.
    3. Whether approvers can edit records during the approval process.
    4. [Optional] The email template that you want to use for notification email sent to approvers.
    5. The fields that you want to appear on the approval page layout.
    6. Whether approvers are allowed to access the approval page from a mobile device.
    7. The types of user that you want to be able to submit a timecard for approval.
    8. Whether you want the person that submitted the timecard to be able to recall it.
    9. The Submission, Approval, Recall and Rejection actions for the approval process.
  4. Activate the approval process.

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Optional Setup Tasks

Quick-Start Guide

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