Calculating Future Scheduled Hours

To calculate Future Scheduled Hours for assignments:

Note: Note
Calculating Future Scheduled Hours requires fields to be added to the Schedule page layout. For more information, see Customizing Page Layouts.

For an individual schedule:

  1. On the Schedule Detail page, check Action: Update Future Scheduled Hours.
  2. Click Save.

Updated hours display in Future Scheduled Hours on the Schedule Detail page.

For submitting a batch of Future Scheduled Hours:

  1. Click the PSA Administration tab.
  2. In the Calculate Future Time on Schedules option, click Submit Batch to immediately calculate all Future Scheduled Hours.

For scheduling a batch of Future Scheduled Hours to run at a specific date and time:

  1. Click the PSA Administration tab.
  2. In the Schedule option, specify the interval to schedule and the time of day to start the batch job.
  3. In the Calculate Future Time on Schedules option, click Schedule Batch to schedule the batch calculation of Future Scheduled Hours.
Note: Note
If your organization has more than 100,000 schedules, your administrator should create new indexes for the End Date and Future Scheduled Hours fields on the Schedule object. The new indexes must be separate, not a compound index.


Schedule Fields

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