Combine Expense Attachments Page Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Combine Expense Attachments (All Expenses with Attachments) page.


Key: R – Read-only.

Field Key Description
Expense Number R The number of the expense record to which the group of receipt attachments belong.
Type R The type of expense incurred.
Project Name R The project to which the parent expense report belongs.
Full Name R The name of the resource to which the expense report relates.
Assignment Name R The assignment to which the expense report relates.
Amount R Amount for the expense.
Name R The file name of the receipt attachment.
File size (in bytes) R The size of the receipt attachment file.
Content Type R The file type and extension of the receipt attachment. You can only select images with a file extension of either.jpg or .png.
Description R Description of the expense.
Total size of selected
attachments: 0 bytes (~0 MB)
R The combined total size of selected receipt photo attachments.


Button Description
Combine Combines the selected receipt photo attachments (with a combined total size of under 25 MB) to a PDF on the expense report.
Combine and Separate Combines the selected receipt photo attachments (with a combined total size exceeding 25 MB) to multiple PDFs on the expense report.
Cancel Closes the Combine Expense Attachments (All Expenses with Attachments) page and shows the parent expense report detail page.
Note: Note
Depending on how your administrator has configured this page, some fields may not be visible.

Related Concepts

Expense Reports

About Expense Currencies

Related Tasks

Approving and Rejecting Expense Reports

Cloning an Expense Report

Correcting Expense Reports

Creating and Submitting an Expense Report

Editing Expenses and Attaching and Combining Receipts

Entering Multiple Expenses

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates


Expense Entry Page Fields

Expense Report Page Fields

Expense and Expense Report Fields

Expense Settings

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