Creating and Submitting an Expense Report

Tip: Tips
If you want to enter many expenses for different projects on a single page, see Entering Multiple Expenses.
You can also clone an existing expense report. This also clones the expenses in the expense report.

To create an expense reportA mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment. for a single projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets., assignmentConnection between a resource and a project. or milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it.:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Complete the fields as described in Expense Report Page Fields.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Add an expense line for each expenseA record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity. as described in Expense Report Page Fields.
    Note: Notes
    When your expenses are calculated, the expense rate or limit applied may depend on the date you incurred the expense.
  5. Click Save.

If your administrator has configured approval processes on your organization, you can submit expense reports for approval. The approver can then approve or reject them depending on the approval process.

Cloning an Expense Report

To clone an existing expense report:

  1. Click Clone on the expense report that you want to clone.
  2. [Optional] Edit the fields in the Clone Expense report page.
  3. If you want to clone the expenses, ensure that the Also clone expenses checkbox is selected.
  4. Click Save.

Submitting an Expense Report for Approval

To submit an expense report for approval:

  1. Display the Expense Report tab.
  2. Click the Expense Report Name for the expense report you want to submit.
  3. Scroll to the Approval History.
  4. Click Submit for Approval and then OK.

Related Concepts

Expense Reports

About Expense Currencies


Expense Entry Page Fields

Combine Expense Attachments Page Fields

Expense Report Page Fields

Expense and Expense Report Fields

Expense Settings

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